
- Infiltration 4

'10 more. I just need to hold on to my stamina even if that means sacrificing a bit of Hp.' Another group of 3 charged at me as I waited for their approach. The one in the middle ordered the other two to attack me simultaneously from the sides while he fights from upfront. At least that's what I think he said as I can't understand him, I just looked at his body movements. 'Desperate times cause for desperate measures.'



Name: Sphar

Species: Nyre (1st evolution)

Level: 7 (263/1,276)

Hp: 123/155 (+20)

Stamina: 9/24

Mana: 45/45

Strength- 16[+] (+5)

Agility- 21[+] (+5)

Dexterity- 11[+]

Intelligence- 16[+]

Vitality- 11[+]

Attribute Points: 10

Condition: Exhausted/worried

'I didn't even realize I leveled up. That helps a lot, time to allocate some stat points.' The goblins started punching, kicking, and clawing their anger at me as I swiftly jumped around and dodged until I had a good chance to fly in the air for a couple of seconds to raise my stats. 'Currently, I have 10 attribute points and 4 skill points to use. I'll put 2 attribute points into every stat and I'll put 2 skill points into poison claws, leaving me with only 2 more skill points left. That should work for now. I may change my stat build in the future.'

With these thoughts, I was ready to take on the rest of the goblins. I swooped down from the air and attacked with my claws as the goblins ducked and rolled out of the way, effectively ruining their formation. I landed by the one furthest away and feinted a right hook and kneed it in the stomach. While it was in the air I stabbed my claws into its stomach and slammed it into the ground, knocking all the wind out of its lungs and seriously injuring it.

[Hp -22]

A goblin kicked me from behind while I was distracted. I got up and swung my sword at it and I managed to hit its leg, severing it pretty deep. The third goblin tried to hit me from behind but I leaned forward out of the way and spun around with my sword held out, slicing its stomach open and letting lots of organs fall out. I got up and quickly finished them all off with the dagger to their cranium and faced the rest. '7 more.' However, now the goblins were once again letting the fear dwell deep within them. They watched as I slaughtered nearly their entire clan. 'Maybe they understand that their chances of winning are next to none. I would've been done for if it weren't for these weapons.'

I walked over to the group of goblins huddled together, crying into each other, and pointed my sword at the ground, making them all obediently sit. 'Time to finish this.' I walked over next to two goblins as they stared at me with faces full of horror. Some towards the back had seemed to have lost all hope as they were just blankly staring at the ground. I stabbed one in the head with the dagger and pierced my sword through the other's neck, killing them both. '5 more.'

The rest could only cry and pray to whatever higher beings they believed in. I unequipped the dagger but left the sword out. I swung my sword and cleanly decapitated another goblin. The last four were all blankly staring at the ground, accepting their fate. I didn't let them wait any longer as I chopped their heads off one after another with the sword. 'Why hasn't the quest been completed? Did I forget some? Once I complete the quest I should level up, putting me even closer to my goal of level 10.' I got up and checked everybody and sure enough, one goblin was still desperately clinging to life despite his heavy injuries. I unequipped the sword and dug my claws into its neck.



You've completed [Kill the leader and every subordinate within the goblin village.] You've received 750 exp, 3 attribute points, and 1 skill point.


All stats have been increased by one. You've received 2 attribute points. You've received 1 skill point.

'Finally, It's over. That took a lot of effort. I'm gonna go search the goblins camp more thoroughly now that I don't have to worry about being attacked.' I searched every nook and cranny of that village but I only found a few smaller bags filled with bronze coins under some goblins beds and a strange-looking hooded cloak. No stats came up when I examined it so it must be just an ordinary cloak with no benefits for combat. 'I'll keep it in my inventory though just in case it does come in handy.'

The sun was beginning to rise and I was starting to feel slight symptoms of hunger and sleepiness. 'I guess it has been several days since I've slept, and it's been almost a week since my last meal. Let's see what's around. I'd rather not drink the blood from a goblin that's been dead for several hours.' I left the village and quietly flew around the forest until I spotted a little den of wombats snuggled up to each other. 'Sorry little guy.' I snatched one up and knocked it unconscious with a hard chop on the neck. I bit into its neck and drank every ounce of blood the little guy had. The rest of the wombats retreated into the deepest part of their den in fear.

[You've received 24 exp for killing wild Wombat]

'I could kill the rest for some easy exp, but even I have my morals even if they are twisted and inconsistent.' I walked back to the area where all the dead goblins lay and stared at the mess I made. I debated whether I should drag their bodies back to their village and hide any traces of combat that took place here but I couldn't think of a logical reason to do that. 'Alright then, time to head off. But do I go left or right? hm.' This question stomped me as I couldn't decide. 'Maybe I should wait on a merchant to appear? But I could be waiting here for weeks. And even if I do find a human city I'm still a monster in their eyes.

I'll need to evolve before I go so I can at least look partly human. I'm sure demi's exist in this world because it was something I heard the warrior mumbling about when they were leaving the dungeon. He has a thing for Neko's which are half human half cat demi's. 'Alright, I'll travel to the right and look for any decent dungeons along the way. Hopefully, I can find another F+ dungeon or if I'm lucky, an E- one. I'm assuming those goblins I fought earlier would be considered E- as both the F tier dungeons I've been in have been helpless monsters, ones that either didn't like or couldn't fight back. I would think E rank dungeons are when the weakest monsters start fighting back.'

I started my journey in the woods a couple of hundred feet from the road just in case if any humans were traveling they wouldn't see me. 'I'll fly around at night and look for dungeons when I'm less likely to be spotted.' I walked. And walked... And walked. Nothing changed, the environment was still scattered mountains with light woods spread out everywhere, and every once and awhile there would be open fields. I passed an E+ Dungeon called [Wolves Den] but I didn't mess with it as I was sure even if I equipped both my weapons I'd get killed in no time.

It was finally night time of the first day. I flew up in the air and saw a bunch of boars roaming around a valley with a lot of trees. 'Surely that has to be a dungeon. I haven't seen a single boar and all of a sudden there's what looks like hundreds all within a little valley. I flew over and landed on the ground just beside a tree and started walking forward and the familiar message greeted me.

[Entering Boar Valley Dungeon (E) Recommended Level: 10]

'It's not E- but I think if I'm careful I can handle any 1v1. I'll flee as soon as I spot the boss. I struggled with an F+ Boss not too long ago, I'm not trying my luck here.' With these thoughts of caution, I walked in.

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