
Evolution of the Demon Prince

The path of Arcane Advancement is a never-ending journey, for the secrets of the arcane are boundless and ever waiting to be uncovered. But what happens when you are the runt of the litter? Years ago, the sky split apart like a shattered mirror and Demons and monsters came pouring into Earth. They brought mana and Arcana with them. Changing the life of humans forever. Thus began a war between humans and the Demons that lasted for years before an agreement was reached and each built their own Cities, but humans never forgot the terror the Demons represented. Belialthorn, the weakest of the Demon Princes had just been cast out from the Demon City because of a glitch in his system that made him weaker from other Demons. At first he wanted to enjoy his forced retirement but now he was dragged to an ancient castle then forced to compete in a series of trials that will change his life. And set him forever on the road of power. .............. Updating daily! Don't forget to add and vote because you'll enjoy this!

DukeWriter · Fantasy
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305 Chs

His "Rescuers"

Belialthorn's eyes weree still leaking salty water where he sat on the floor when the Hunters made their way inside. Unlike the other Hunter's team, they were made up of two Casters, one healer, a scout.

A quick scan told Belialthorn that they were a little more powerful than the other groups and with the addition of two casters they meant business, but it wasn't like he hadn't faced their same type of team before.

The short Caster leading the team stopped, his eyes widening. "See! Look at Jaxon's team!"

He looked around in horror and the Hunter's team became alert, their eyes shifting through the near darkness of the chamber. They didn't see any threat or Demonic aura so they relaxed a little.

"That's their fault, overconfidence fool." The other Caster, a tall woman with light blonde hair said, on her hand is a short wand covered in glyphs.

"Still an awful way to die disemboweled like animals." The healer's eyes shifted through the different body parts thrown around. She didn't think they could even be put together again.

"They should have listened to us and worked with us then! But no they wanted the bounty all to themselves. Did they think they could take on a Demon just like that? Even a weak Demon is still a Demon!" The scouts hissed furiously, he was a tall man with a slender figure.

The healer who had been checking for signs of life with her senses stopped suddenly and pointed. "Is that....a survivor?"

The others followed her fingers and stared at the naked teenager whimpering on the cold floor. The aura around them changed suddenly, they became alert at once and Belialthorn went still.

This was the first time he was using his [Form Changing] and he didn't want to let anything slip. Especially in front of Hunters. He hated how he felt sitting there naked, for some reason the idea of not covering up made him felt weak and small.

Whatever happens next would determine the next course of his life, would the Hunters discover him and he would then be forced to fight? Or will his disguise pass?

Belialthorn didn't know what he wished for, he had never lived as a human before, and the idea of living amid his enemies terrified and.... excited him.

"Are you alright boy?" The short Caster asked, his voice soft as he looked down at the pathetic boy covered in blood and gore.

"He doesn't look alright to me." The healer said, her eyes doing a quick scan of Belialthorn before her eyes trailed down his body. She yanked her eyes away as she caught herself, flushing deeply.

The woman caster laughed. "Watch yourself, Freya."

Freya shuttered and rested her eyes awkwardly on Belialthorn's head. "Well.... you have eyes, Serena!"

"Sure, I do!" Serena laughed again.

"Oh! Stop and just find a way to help the boy!" The Scout snapped, pointing at Belialthorn.

Freya moved closer to Belialthorn and her eyes flashed, whatever skills she was using washed over Belialthorn like a cool mist. She gave a nod to the group and they visibly relaxed.

"A scan then?" Belialthorn thought. "To confirm if I'm human? My skill is solid though."

Belialthorn tried to stand but his legs were trembling from sitting for so long on the floor, he stumbled and fell but something caught him. A skill that let him hung in the air with nothing holding him up.

The male Caster was the one using the skill. "Poor boy. Freya."

The healer stepped forward and her eyes flashed again, Belialthorn felt her skill took hold of him like a soothing blanket. He tried to fight it but he was already unconscious.

Belialthorn woke with the full moon above his head and covered with a blanket. He stretched and yawned, and looked around. He was inside a small tent.

"They must be camping out for the night after that healer knocked me off with her skill." Belialthorn thought. He drew the blanket tightly around himself and stood moving towards the cracking fire outside.

The night was a bit chilly, a strange sensation to Belialthorn because his Demonic body would have blocked any cold for him but now he had human skin and he sought the warmth of the blanket. At least he was glad that he had recovered from almost all his wounds and was already gaining back his strength.

The Hunters gathered around burning wood where a large roasted boar was cooking, they sat on fallen logs and talked among themselves, they stopped as they saw the boy covered by the blanket come out.

"You should eat." The male Caster cut a large piece of the meat and handed it to the boy with a sympathetic look on his face.

Belialthorn snatched the meat and sat on his own log, his stomach growled. He had forgotten how hungry he was and if not for this current Hunters he would have at least eaten the human meat he just killed in his chamber.

"Still, this roasted boar is quite good and hot besides." Belialthorn thought as he tore through it, ripping out huge chunks and seeming to be swallowing it.

Whispered words reached him as he ate.

"Is he that hungry?" Freya whispered, her eyes glued to his form where the blanket had slipped out.

"Maybe you are the one hungry, Freya." Serena teased and Freya flushed angrily, glaring at her. "But seriously, why is a Demon keeping a human, aren't we food?"

Belialthorn ignored them. It was true that Demon considered most humans as civilized food but still! It's not like they go around looking for humans to eat.

The scout spoke. "Maybe the Demon is a female? We've heard rumors about how they sometimes breed."

"We all know that wretched Demon is a male, maybe he's probably just keeping him for quick food. Poor boy." The male Caster said.

The male Caster turned to face Belialthorn and spoke loudly. "Hi there. What is your name?"

Belialthorn swallowed his last piece of meat before answering, he opened his mouth and closed it. He was about to say 'Belialthorn'. He said instead. "My name is Thorn."

"Well, Thorn. My name is Griffin, this woman here is Serena and there's our healer, Freya. Also, we have Kieran here." He pointed at each of them.

"Can you tell us how you happen to be in the Demon's chamber?" Griffin made his voice gentle and stern at the same time. He would have his answer.

Belialthorn had been preparing for this. "He...he kidnapped me! After killing my family in front of me and eating them, he took me to his temple and forced me to prepare his food for him. Not that he ate cooked food but he made me remove the clothes of every human he killed!"

As if on cue his body shuddered and water started coming from his eyes. For a moment Belialthorn thought they wouldn't believe but when he looked at their expression it ranged from horror to anger and Freya looked sick.

She came forward and warped her hand around her while a soft blue glow covered them.

"I've healed almost all your wounds. This should help." Her voice was tender.

"Thank you," Belialthorn mumbled. So it was this easy to fool this foolish human!

"You are safe now and I promise to avenge you and kill that Demon who doesn't know his place!" Griffin swore.

"I'm happy to hear that," Belialthorn said weakly while inside he ranged. How dare he! This punty human daring to challenge the great Belialthorn! He would have him for food, Belialthorn promised himself.

Griffin continued. "You can follow us to town tomorrow and we will get you settled. Don't worry about anything, you'll be safe from monsters and Demon."

"Thank you so much, Griffin. And everyone else too." Belialthorn noticed that the scout, Kieran was narrowing his eyes in his direction. Had he not bought his lie?

Belialthorn didn't care, his plan was working enough. They all crowded around him and murmured about how sorry and unfortunate his situation is and promising to help.

And before they retired for the night a bundle of clothes too big for him was given to Belialthorn to put on.

When Belialthorn returned to his tent, it was with growing satisfaction that his plan was going smoothly.