
Evolution of the Demon Prince

The path of Arcane Advancement is a never-ending journey, for the secrets of the arcane are boundless and ever waiting to be uncovered. But what happens when you are the runt of the litter? Years ago, the sky split apart like a shattered mirror and Demons and monsters came pouring into Earth. They brought mana and Arcana with them. Changing the life of humans forever. Thus began a war between humans and the Demons that lasted for years before an agreement was reached and each built their own Cities, but humans never forgot the terror the Demons represented. Belialthorn, the weakest of the Demon Princes had just been cast out from the Demon City because of a glitch in his system that made him weaker from other Demons. At first he wanted to enjoy his forced retirement but now he was dragged to an ancient castle then forced to compete in a series of trials that will change his life. And set him forever on the road of power. .............. Updating daily! Don't forget to add and vote because you'll enjoy this!

DukeWriter · Fantasy
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305 Chs


The moon was partially hidden behind the cloud as Belialthorn sneaked out the window. Griffin had sent clothes up to his room earlier and he was now dressed in black fitted tunic and trousers.

Night in Havenbrook was a little bit cold and the town was now cast in darkness with splashes of light here and there from inside the houses. He could hear loud voices breaking the silence once in a while with drunk laughter.

Belialthorn made quick use of his time as he swung up, climbed fast, and was soon on the roof. He listened well, he heard no sound from the inn.

With light feet, he ran on the brick roof and was soon onto the next building then the next. Jumping from roof to roof as he made his way towards the center of the town.

It would have been foolish to walk on the road in the open, not that he was afraid, he simply didn't want anything traced back to him.

"Seems I'm not the only one doing nightly runs on the roof," Belialthorn whispered as he saw a group of people dressed in black running on the roof too.

Before long he reached the middle of the town and he climbed down so he could walk on the street. Before him stood the huge building of the Holy Church.

Belialthorn twisted his mouth and his eyes flashed like a beast's. "This was where I last saw the bastard."

Belialthorn sniffled the air and breathed deeply. He regretted it instantly, the air was full of chemicals and blood mixed with rot. The Holy Church wasn't here to play, he thought as he fought back a gag.

"I've already got him though." Belialthorn tilted his head as he tasted the air again. "Yes, that Cana's smell right there."

He began following Cana's scent through the darkness, his nose leading him through the different streets and alleyways that Cana had passed earlier.

Belialthorn stopped suddenly as he sensed another scent, this one smelled of anger and death. He turned to face the human that was now coming from the open alley.

"Good evening to you, my joy." The man was tall and heavily muscled, and a small knife flashed in his right hand. He swaggered towards Belialthorn.

"That is not my name." Belialthorn wasn't sure why this human was calling him a name he wasn't answering to. It's not like they had met before.

"Of course not. But you might give me joy tonight don't you think?" The man said.

Belialthorn was a little confused. "What joy?"

"You don't have to bother yourself with that. All you have to do is make me happy tonight." The man moved closer to Belialthorn.

"How?" Belialthorn asked. He didn't know what this man was playing at but he doubted it was up to any good. From what he knew, humans are like that, always up to no good

He looked at the man's status and was a little shocked, what's a man as weak as him doing here? Maybe he thought Belialthorn was unclassified! He did look like an unclassified.

"I'm just going to use your blood that's all, and maybe if you add a scream or two?" His eyes shone with light in the darkness and he shuddered. Thinking about how this boy before him would scream and how his blood would feel between his fingers.

Belialthorn narrowed his eyes, he was getting this. "Are you robbing me now?"

"What?" The man asked, stunned as he looked at Belialthorn who nodded his head as if he had figured something out.

"You know, the part where you tell me to put all I have into the floor and step back. I read it in one of my books! You might even kill the person you are robbing. Isn't that right?" Belialthorn's voice was low and threatening.

The man was shocked. Since all the years he had been stalking and going after unclassified to satisfy his craving for killing he hadn't met anyone as the boy standing before him. Didn't he see the knife he was holding? And how big he was?

"I want to kill you." The man said with a furious whisper.

Belialthorn sighed, so this was no robbing but killing instead. This is good, he was already tired of human food anyway. He wanted something hot and raw.

Belialthorn started forming his spell in his mind, putting together words and formation to produce a simple telekinesis light blast.

"You can't kill me but you would serve a purpose," Belialthorn said, his mouth already watering.

"What are you even talking about? It seems I have been too gentle with you! Get down into the floor!" The man flashed his knife which was now covered in yellow light. This was his best spell, it makes the knife hot and sharp. He usually uses it on stubborn victims... his joygivers.

It was one of the first spells he learned in the Demon City. It was light mixed with telekinesis. Superheated light that burns without fire. He called it a light beam.

The man swiped Belialthorn with his knife and he moved gracefully away. He wanted to know something. "Why do you target me tonight?"

The man looked at him, what ridiculous question was this boy asking? Didn't he know he was unclassified? "You are unclassified, not a Hunter. You are weaker than me."

Belialthorn nodded, it was true everywhere. The strong prey on the weak. Even here between the humans, this man had been wrong about something. "You shouldn't have picked a big opponent then."

The man didn't fully feel his confusion as Belialthorn released his spell straight at the man's head. White light flashed and the man's head exploded down to his chest, bones crunching.

[Congratulations on killing a level 15 fighter, EP awarded]

[You class is at Max level, climb a rank to claim EP]

Belialthorn smiled and his fangs extended. "Time to feast before continuing the hunt."

It didn't take much time to reduce the man to nothing more than little bones stripped of flesh. Belialthorn looked at himself after and was proud.

"I ate without getting any blood on me." He thought. He yawned, his stomach full and warm. Now this is food! He enjoyed human food well enough but not compared to this.

He raised his nose, time to continue the hunt.