
Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

His life changes when he discovers a unique magic and suddenly becomes a direct subordinate of a false god in a popular VRMMO. He becomes one of the few who can sell warlock spells and abilities to other players and NPCs. With a territory to rule he has to constantly get stronger and develop his own strength if he wants to stay on top. This is a VRMMO story about a warlock who makes a place for himself in a virtual world by becoming an "arms dealer". He sells shadow magic, mental magic, and his own unique ethereal magic to earn more power from his patron. There is some action, a bit of comedy, a pinch of world building, and a splash of romance. Join Lucan on his rise to power as he develops while adventuring through the many realms inside the game "Evolution". discord: https://discord.gg/qyyysTsSx8 **************************************************************** The cover work was created by freshtyan57

Dao_Of_Fiction · Games
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295 Chs

Lucan's Skillset (up to chapter 120)

Lucan Quildrake


Intimidate- Immobilize a single target through eye contacts. Range 200 feet

Shadow Bolt- Fire a projectile of shadow energy 200 feet

Shadow Illusion- Make illusions from shadows that can be manipulated in real time.

Upgraded Shadow Illusions- Illusions make minor sounds. (Ex. Foot steps, clothes rustling, etc.) and can be spoken through.

Telekinetic Slash- Unleash a slash of telekinetic energy that appears at the point of impact. Range 100 feet

Telekinetic Slam- Push target at the point of impact. Does low damage but moves the target. Range 100

Telekinetic Shape- Creates invisible object out of telekinetic energy. Shape cannot withstand attacks or damage.

Telekinetic Cling- Able to cling onto surfaces. While in use, a portion of mental mana is unable to regenerate.

Telekinetic Wall- Makes an invisible wall that blocks physical objects.

Telekinetic Hand- can summon an invisible hand within 100 feet that is capable of picking up a small weight.

Delusion- Affects an area. The creatures inside take mental damage from the perceived threats.

Life Drain- Can siphon health from a target below half health that is bleeding from multiple wounds.

Sleep- Causes a target withing 150 feet to fall asleep. If the target is alert there is a certain chance of failure.

Ethereal Step- Can take a single step into the ethereal realm.

Shadow Tunnel- Casting creates a shadow gate. When a second is created, a tunnel connects the two gates.

Shadow Muffle- Uses shadows to dampen sound.

Shadow Domain- Creates a domain of shadows that increases the effectiveness of shadow magic. Chance to claim a shadow servant that is active in the domain. 3 hour cooldown.

Spells from spell books:

Flash Bang- Creates a bright flash capable of temporary blinding, create a bang capable of temporary deafening. Doesn't effect user or allies.

Soulfire- Emits a beam that damages and slows a single target. When the beam is disengaged, an explosion is fired that does 10% of the damage that the beam did.

Variant spells

Phantom Rogue- An illusion that contains five uses of telekinetic slashes that unleash on touch.

Phantom Fighter- An illusion that contains five uses of telekinetic slam that unleash on touch.

Phantom Caster- An illusion that contains five uses of shadow blot.

Phantom Champion- An illusion that contains five telekinetic slams, 10 shadow bolts, and 15 uses of telekinetic slash.


Shadow Form- Can transform into a shadow for ten seconds every hour. Increase speed, stealth, and become immune to physical damage. Light magic does double damage.

Night Vision- Can see in the dark.

Summon Familiar- Summons a soul that can take the form of small animals.

Summon Unique Familiar- Summons a miniature shadow drake.

Health Conversion- Converts health into mana.

Soulstone- Can resurrect from death. 1 hour cooldown.

Self Destruct- BOOM!

Summon Shadow Mount- Summons ground mount

Night's Whisper- Transform a want into a dagger

Sword of Corruption- Transforms rod into a shortsword that does additional corruption damage over time. As the corruption stacks up and reaches maximum it can be unleashed in an explosion of corruption energy.


[Nilan the Great���s ring]

[Epic Heirloom item]

[Once equipped the item can never be traded, dropped, or sold. The items level will always match your level.]

[Nilan the Great is the best thief you have never heard about. But you have defiantly heard of Amber Shawl, a thief every great merchant is warry of. This ring allows its user to maintain two identities.]

[Nilan's ring attributes]

>Increase agility by 5%

>Increase intelligence by 5%

>Allows a new identity. Once activated user will have a new name. They will also reveal different character information if they are investigated with objects or by magical means.

>User is given one additional class slot. The new class can be anything, even if the user's original class restricts the options.

>User can alter their facial appearance, hair, eyes, and voice with this ring. Each identity is able to store 1 face for a quick change. Nilan the Great's ring requires 5 minutes to change your appearance using 'Quick Change'.

>User can activate Advanced disguise once per day for an hour. Advance Disguise can alter your race, height, gender and physical features. This feature is limited to bipedal races (including monster races that walk on 2 legs and have 2 arms). User is limited to a maximum height of 10 feet and minimum height of 2.5 feet. User is able to take advantage of passive racial abilities such as water breathing, night vision, heat resistance, etc. User is able to gain the function of a tail, but not wings.

>Every time the user gains 50 levels while wearing this ring a new effect will be added.

[Scepter of Raze]

[Level 100 Epic item]

[Scepter of Raze's attributes]

> +150 mana

> Shadow spells cost 10% less

> 5% chance to cause temporary confusion when hitting a sentient creature in the head.

>User can use the ability Summon Shadow Creature once per day. The shadow creature will have half the stats of the user and last until unsummoned or it dies. Only one Shadow Creature can be summoned at a time.

>User can use this item to cast Mass Confusion oncer per week. The spell has a range of 200 feet and a target area with the radius of 25 feet.

>This items level can be raised by infusing it with the proper materials. (Materials required: Unknown)

[Eye of Mentas]

[Unique Item]

[Has the ability to see the base magic at work. The eye of Mentas is not affected by psychic or mental magic illusions or manipulations.]

[Standard vision is enhanced by a degree of 10.]

[Night vision is enhanced by a degree of 5.]

[Thermal vision has been gained.]

[+100 perception]

This was made on the fly, I will work on cleaning it up and adding in his thief abilities.

If i missed something leave a comment and let me know

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