
Breathtaking appearance

Sima Kai:Maybe she lied to me so I would scared?It must be the reason.You Lin,let's go home.

You Lin:Young Master,she didn't lie.She will come to manor in a few days.Master asked ker to come.Is Young Master didn't notice the jade pendant at her belt?

Sima Kai:What jade pendant?

You Lin:The jade pendant with snow pattern.This kind of that jade pendant only belongs to Evil Snow.Master,she is Evil Snow.

Sima Kai:What??*coughs*Don't mention anything about today to father.Let's go and ask grandfather's help to appease father's anger when she complain about me.

You Lin nodded and they use qinggong to went home at a fast pace.


A few hours passed away,Yun Xie had walked non-stop for a long time.She was exhausted and drenched in sweat.Her face looked pale and showed tiredness.Her special stainless steel equipment that used to support her leg to walk made her felt pain and the injuries had worsen.Actually it only took six to eight weeks to treat her leg but now it would require minimum ten weeks to recover.

However,the desire to go home that burned fiercer in her heart made her continued her journey until she reached the outskirts of Yan Forest.The moment she stepped out of the forest,she had smile sweetly and felt the pain she felt through the journey was worth it.She took out a jade pendant with Yun character and stared at it to motivate herself.All her strength had depleted but yet she still want to continue her journey.


She had fainted straight away.An old man with a few middle aged men watched her.They felt surprised to see such a hard headed child who didn't want to give up.They slowly approached her and saw her hand was holding jade pendant with Yun character.Their face expressions turned ugly and they became suspicious of her identity.

[A/T:In chapter 3,I think I had mentioned about Yun Xiao's family had separated from main branch of Yun family.About them,there will be more info in upcoming chapters.Yuns in this chapter are from main branch.]

Yun Qi Lian:Who is this young man?Why he is holding Yun family jade pendant?Dad,do you know him?

Yun Xian:I don't know who he is and the reason he was having the jade pendant.He looked pale.Just bring him manor first.We will deal with him after he woke up.Qi Tian,go investigate about his identity and family background.

Yun Qi Tian:Yes,father.

Yun Xian:Qi Lian,let's go home and have a physician to treat him.

Yun Qi Lian:Yes,father.

Don't know why the old man felt excited when he saw her in his heart.He also personally carry her and brought her to Yun Manor.There he had them prepared her to stay at his courtyard.

Yun Xie was lying on a soft bed and they invited an imperial physician to treat her.The imperial physician is the most capable physician and it showed their concern towards her.

The imperial physician who entered the bedroom was stunned when he saw the young man.First,he was excited and he became anxious.He immediately took his pulse and examined him so he could be alive.Then,he turned to look at the old man and wanted to ask a lot of questions.

Imperial Physician Jun:Prime Minister Yun,where do you find him?Why he was injured?

Yun Xian:I found him at outskirts of Yan Forest.How is his injuries?Is it life threatening?

Imperial Physician Jun: Prime Minister Yun,he already treat his injuries himself.His condition is not life threatening.But his leg would take three months to recover. Prime Minister Yun,how did he injured?Who had tried to kill him?

Yun Xian:We should ask him after he woke up.Why are you anxious about him?Do you know him?

Imperial Physician Jun: Prime Minister Yun,you don't know him?He is Holy Saint ranked Evil Snow.I greatly admired him because of his skills.

Yun Qi Lian:Evil Snow!

Yun Xian:*coughs*When he will wake up?

Imperial Physician Jun:In a hour,Prime Minister Yun.

Yun Xian:Then,you can leave now.

Imperial Physician Jun:Then,I will take my leave now.

Yun Xian:Servants,boil the medicine for this young man and feed him after he woke up.Ask him to meet me in main hall.

Then,he walked away towards the doorway but stooped in halfway.He slowly approached the bedside and reached out his hands to take off the silver mask from the young man's face.Suddenly,a hand with slender fingers grasped the old man's hand.The young man's eyes flung open and she sat up her bed.She looked at the old man and resized him.Then,she turned her gaze to observed the surrounding.

The bedroom was decorated in simple and elegant way.It displayed the open mindedness of it's owner and it really suited her taste.

Yun Xian:Do you feel better now?

Yun Xie:En.Thanks for your concern and help.Now,I will take my leave.

When Xie'er tried to stood up from bed,the old man pressed his hands on her shoulder to indicate her to sit on bed.

Yun Xian:Drink your medicine first.Then,come to main hall.I want to ask you some questions.

Yun Xie:Hmm.As long as you didn't ask something you shouldn't know,I will answer you honestly,Mr.

Yun Xian:Hmm.

Yun Xie:Let a servant to support me when I walk.My legs were injured severely this time.

Yun Xian:Ohh.I will let this maidservant to support you.

At this moment,a maidservant entered the room and paid respects to them.She was holding a tray with a bowl of Chinese medicine.The medicine seemed to be bitter and it's smell was much stronger.

Yun Xie sighed when she smell the medicine.

'How can I drink this medicine?Even I'm in the brink of death,I still will not drink it.'

Yun Xie:Put the bowl on the table.I will drink it later.Mr,I hope we could go to the main hall first.

Yun Xian:Hmm.You,little servant support this young master to walk.

Maidservant: Yes,clan master.

Yun Xie stood up from bed and sighed when she thought about her leg.

'It's look like it not convenient for me to go home.It looks like I should rest here or at Sima Manor.Staying at an inn also not a bad idea.'She thought herself and leaned her upper body on the maidservant's shoulder.

The maidservant felt shy and blushed.Then,she lowered her head to look at her feet then smiled foolishly.After all,that maidservant is a young maiden who never experience the romantic relationships. Her actions is something normal but yet annoyed Yun Xie.

Even she was annoyed,she didn't say anything and kept walking by supported by the maidservant till she reached the garden.The garden was planted with various types of flowers.All the flower were bloomed and made the scenery so beautiful.The fish in pond swam under the bridge and jumped from pond a few times.

The maidservant were immersed in appreciating the scenery and suddenly stumbled when crossing the bridge.


Because of her stumbling,Yun Xie ha hit her head at the wood pillar of the corridor.The edges of wood pillar was sharp and it caused her head bleeds.Her mask also fell down from her face and revealed her breath-taking appearance.

Today's chapter>_<.Give me tips to make plot flows in slow pace.I really got a serious problem with it.Tomorrow,I will publish another chapter.Support me by *coughs*power stone.Am I shameless for asking it???

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