
Evil Spirit hunter

As a hunter, the male master Dalin hunts evil spirits with his partners for the peace of the world. Along the way, although he encountered all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, such as the betrayal of his friends, he remained firm in his goal.In fact, he is a man of many identities.

lin_latiao · Urban
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12 Chs

Mysterious clouds of black air in the mirror

Has anyone ever told you not to look in the mirror at night, because you can see not only your face, but also other terrible things. ——narrator: Bro Pang Bai

A university in a city of a province, a dormitory building, a corridor on a floor.

"Wow The sound of mahjong.

Mahjong is invented by the Chinese people. It is an entertainment project, suitable for young and old people. These four boys are playing hard. The difference is that some win, some lose, and some follow.

"Hurry up, why are you so slow? Can you play or not?" He has a flat head and a fat face. You say he is fat, why he is so greasy. With his natural background of non mainstream, photography does not need to put on a special posture!

Looks like he lost money today.

"Hey, I've been playing for so long today, but can't I play tomorrow? I'm going to see my girlfriend tomorrow? I can't afford to suck up this night. " This man has a thin face and a long neck, but he doesn't look like a big white goose, although he is quite white.

"Oh, you have won so much, no, I have to win back what I lost a little, at least the money you and your girlfriend spent in a hotel." it seems that fat face really lost.

The skinny boy tried to find support, but the other two didn't seem to end the game, of course, because they haven't won yet? They will not think that they did not lose, only remember that they did not win, do not go back to earn some money, this night is a white boil!

Helpless, thin face boy, continue to accompany it!

You say mahjong has what good, lose money, lose kidney, do not also output a hemorrhoid, hi. Oh, yes, it's good. It can be used to kill time and develop intelligence.

Just then, on the other side of the corridor, the door of a bedroom opened and a man came out.

The man was angry. He looked to the side of the corridor and muttered, "fuck, what kind of mahjong do you play in the middle of the night? Can you let people sleep. Do you feel rich? Two days ago, there was a girl with leukemia in the school. I haven't seen them donate money. These idiots. "

Then he went to the water room. The water room and the toilet are connected. The East chamber is the toilet and the west chamber is the water room.

It's a good habit to solve some physiological problems and wash your hands by the way. Do you need to wash your hands when you urinate? Of course, the premise is that you urinate on your hands.

This water room has a wonderful point, that is, there are mirrors on both sides, so you can see the mirror behind in the mirror in front, and you can see the mirror in front in the mirror behind, so you can see many layers, interesting, just like seeing a lot of space, very magical and effective.

This boy, after washing his hands and touching his face, is probably satisfied with his face shape.

He doesn't wipe his hands with his face. In fact, he has a piece of cloth on his body, which is his underwear. Unless it's too dirty and smelly.

Well, I'm sure I'm quite satisfied with myself. Looking at it from various angles, the expression on my face shows itself heartily, suddenly.

Suddenly, he found that there was something dark in the mirror, which seemed to be swimming. His first reaction: "I wipe it." Second reaction, turn around, nothing.

To himself: "in the middle of the night, it's easy to be dazzled."

Continue to return to his job, found his face seems to appear a acne, in the end is to squeeze or not squeeze ah! If you don't squeeze it, it will swell tomorrow. If you squeeze it, you are afraid of leaving scars. Looking at his cruel expression, it seems that he has made a decision. Yes, he thought of a simple and random way, today is a single squeeze, even not squeeze.

Even when he calculated whether 20 was odd or even, the thing in the mirror appeared. It seemed clearer that a mass of black gas was swimming, like a living body.

The boy rubbed his eyes and went to the mirror. Now he could see clearly and his heart was pounding. He had just heard that the top ten miracles on campus were water room and toilet. He occupied two places in the middle of the night.

If you don't go, it's better to urinate. Urine always comes when you are nervous.

The moment he turned back, my God! It can't be true! He, he can't move his feet, can't move, oh, really can't move, hard, hard, fart didn't come out..

The black air was in front of his eyes, and his mouth was fixed in the shape of "ah". A black air entered his body from his mouth.

At the other end of the corridor, the four boys are still playing hard, and the fat face is tooting again. Everyone can see who owes him some money! Put on the look of being beaten.

At this time, the fat boy suddenly felt a great pressure and raised his head.

"Fuck me", the fat faced boy sat on the ground, shivering, and then another person was stunned, hands did not move, and then another, and finally the thin faced boy, he wondered, why, this is, he looked back along everyone's eyes.

Paralyzed, four people paralyzed, only some people paralyzed on the ground, some people paralyzed on the stool.

Because they are facing a person, but he has a pair of black hole like eyes.

Next you'll hear four tones, but all in one word:

Ah! First.

Ah! Second.

Ah! Third.

Ah! Fourth.

The tones of the four people are so inconsistent and disharmonious. The dormitories on this floor are busy. Each of them has several cerebellar pouches. Like a newborn child, they carefully explore the world, and then they have a series of strange questions

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Who was fucked by who? So passionate

"Yes? Who howled in the middle of the night and called to the corridor when they called for bed? Who was so bold and brought all the girls here, and the dormitories were not enough for him! "

"My God, kill, kill, kill Ah

This voice, in this corridor, in this building, in the lonely night of the city, reverberates for a long time, unwilling to leave.

It seemed to announce to the world that there was a real homicide here. It didn't disappear until the arrival of the police car and ambulance, because its owner and several clients were taken away.

The four mahjong players got into the ambulance.

The boy who yelled to kill, because he was flustered and yelled, led to the extreme chaos of this floor, indirectly led to another boy who was afraid of death, that is, afraid of being killed by the "murderer", and chose to jump off the building, so he broke his arm.

In this way he and the suspect were taken to the police car.

After this, we should learn a lesson: when you are in danger, you should be calm! The happier you shout, the faster you die.

The timeline of this chapter is back to normal, focusing on the events that happened before the main character Dalin graduated from university. The other two main characters, Zhang Wei and Wen quan (also known as "Tangzi"), will appear in this chapter.

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