
Evil Spirit hunter

As a hunter, the male master Dalin hunts evil spirits with his partners for the peace of the world. Along the way, although he encountered all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, such as the betrayal of his friends, he remained firm in his goal.In fact, he is a man of many identities.

lin_latiao · Urban
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12 Chs

Eliminate the evil spirit from the mirror and save Zhang Wei

What happened?

It turned out that when Dalin arrived at the second floor, just in case, he made a "set". This "set" was actually a curse, but it was only expressed in the form of a drawing.

Evil spirits could enter here, but they couldn't get out, and they had no spiritual power at all.

The man said, "it seems that I kicked it lightly just now. I should have kicked out all the shit and let you be stinked to death by your own shit."

Dalin really wanted to laugh at this man's new idea, but he had no choice. The more he laughed, the more painful he felt.

The man said, "you are a smart man. You are just playing a trick!"

Dalin : "come on! don't be silly. You think it's a tragedy? I couldn't beat you just now.It hurts. I'll take revenge"

The man said, "I don't care how you want to revenge.No matter how you retaliate, the injury is my possession of the body, anyway I do not care.. "

Dalin : "I have too many tricks on evil spirits. You can't comprehend them at all."

The man: "really?Let me see how you can solve this, then she shouted, help me ! help me! Someone is killed..."

As soon as he shouted a few words, the evil spirit found himself unable to make a sound.

Dalin laughed, "ha ha, why don't you shout.Shout! Shout! "

what the hell,fuck off.

What a hard kick! Dalin was so angry that he kicked that man back.

The man's dark eyes were about to pop out like gems, but what could he do?Now it was time to find out who was the real weak.

Dalin still wanted to kick him, but it was almost four o'clock now. It was almost half an hour before dawn. He couldn't do it anymore.

Dalin begins to read a mantra to expel evil spirits from the boy's body.

The man began to spit out black gas, slowly circling around it and disappearing. His eyes gradually returned to normal color. When he fell down, his shorts fell off, and his big and thick penis was exposed outside.

The evil spirits were finally eliminated, leaving the boy's body lying motionless on the ground.

Dalin moved his body and made two sounds. His whole body was really sore. He didn't know if he would suffer from claustrophobia after going through this.

The space was too narrow. He always felt that he would bump into something by accident.This was really not as good as outside. It could be made with great strength. At the worst, if they couldn't defeat him, they could run in countless directions.

Hi!It was not easy to do anything at the beginning of this year.

Dalin counted down, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. He's up, I'm down."

"Damn it! My head hurts so much. What's going on? Why am I naked? Where are my underpants?" The poor boy stood up slowly and put on his underpants. When he found a boy lying on the ground in front of him, he rushed over.

The man: "Hello, hello."

Dalin : "Damn it! You still know how to speak. Why didn't you say a word when you hit me?"

The man was stunned. "I hit you?Do you mean me? "

Dalin : "there are only two of us in the corridor. If I'm not talking about you, are we talking about ghosts?"

"Ghost?"Suddenly, what he saw in the mirror of the water room last night appeared in his mind.

He took a deep breath.

"Hum..." Dalin was scared to death, let alone that boy.

Dalin was absolutely surprised. Why did he vomit blood.

"Go to the hospital now. You spit out blood.I'll get dressed in my dormitory and get the money. "

Dalin thought, 'oh my God! I'm so depraved to go to college. I have to pay such a price for occasionally "activities". Maybe my internal organs are really hurt.'.

It was all his fault that he didn't take good care of himself and suffered losses at critical moments.

Dalin just came back to his senses?He found that the boy had already come to the office of Mr. Lou behind his back.He asked Mr. lou to open the door.

At this time, Dalin remembered that Mr. Lou had taken a photo of him last night?He had to find a way to delete it.

Dalin : "put me down. It's not that serious."

The boy looked at Dalin suspiciously.

Dalin : "Damn it! Do you think I'm lying to you?Look at the bruises on my belly and thighs. You kicked them all.I vomited blood just now. "

'damn it! Dalin spoke in such a way, and the boy began to suspect that Darayashi was blackmailing. '.

Dalin : "Mr. lou, can I borrow your phone? I want to call my family."

(Many years later, Dalin asked Ah Wei what he was thinking at that time?Ah Wei said that his pocket plus the money he took from his roommates was a total of 500 Yuan. At that time, Dalin seemed to blackmail him for 50000 Yuan. He was really worried!)

Mr. Lou gave the phone to Dalin . While Mr. Lou was chatting with that boy, Dalin deleted the photo. Damn it! Mr. Lou has a tendency to take photos secretly!

They took pictures of everything, including men and women.If you don't believe me, look at this photo. Isn't it the female building director?Ah, is this photo the aunt working in the second canteen?

He found the photo last night. He didn't expect that there would be so many sleepwalking students in this building.This building owner had already violated the privacy of students. Dalin had deleted all these photos, and even the recycle bin had been emptied.Humph!

After that, Dalin said, "let's go!"Hearing this, the boy got all over his body. He was probably wondering if he should borrow money from his class girl.

The two men arrived at the downtown hospital.

According to the procedure of blackmailing and being blackmailed, all kinds of tests were conducted. Some people might ask, how could Dalin do this?What a bad guy!

Don't worry. Nowadays, some young people can't control themselves. If they can't analyze the problem thoroughly, they will go to extremes and make themselves angry one by one.

Do you think Dalin was beaten? Indeed, that boy was possessed mainly because of him. But think about it. Did Dalin save him? Do you think it's so funny to be possessed? Besides hurting yourself, it doesn't hurt no matter how others beat you when you are possessed, but once the evil spirit leaves, you will feel uncomfortable.

What's more, like Xiao Feng, if the evil spirit leaves, he will be in prison. What if you kill him when you are possessed?When you wake up, you will be sentenced to death. Tell the judge that you have been raped. Aren't you courting death?Who would believe it!

First of all, Dalin came to the central hospital for the purpose of ending the matter about Xiao Feng.

Dalin quickly came to the ICU when he was about to pay the bill.


Do you remember the fat man who lost money?He hadn't woken up yet. He was still lying here!

Seeing no one around, Dalin walked in.

This kid was from a rich family. It would cost a lot of money to stay in the ICU for one night! Anyway, he was the only child of his parents. He had to be rescued at any cost.Dalin thought that the fat boy would be happy to see him.It happened that he had just learned a kind of spell recently. He would take this fat man as a experimental mouse!

However, the recovery rate was about 90%!Because it was the first time that he had used it. Anyway, Dalin didn't save him. He was seriously injured, and he was also hurt by evil spirits. In this world, except for Dalin 's master, perhaps only Dalin could save him.

Dalin muttered to himself. He opened his right hand, emitting light feathers.At a distance of five centimeters from his body, he slowly "walked" up and down from his feet. Oh.

In fact, he had also spent a lot of time and energy, so he was slightly sweating.Dalin was a little injured, so it took him some spiritual power to repair himself on the way to the hospital.

After 10 times.

"HMM..." taking a deep breath, the fat boy got up.

The fat boy's heart skipped a beat when he saw Dalin !Why did he still remember what happened that night?Why did a person appear in front of her for no reason? What was wrong with the world.

Dalin : "you don't need to be surprised or speak. Just listen to me.Do you understand? "

The fat boy nodded and shook his head after thinking for a while.

Dalin : "you will know.I think you should have suspected what happened that night.Your suspicion is right, Toby. Oh, the person you pared you is my brother. He didn't mean to do that. I saved you now, so you can ask your parents to tell the people in the police station that I will release him! "

The fat boy continued to encouraging his face. Nobody knew what he was thinking about.

Dalin : "think about it carefully. I have to go now. Oh, I forgot to tell you something. If I can wake you up, I can make you... You know, take good care of yourself. By the way, there is another thing, don't eat too much."

Dalin went to pay the bill after he finished his work.

Dalin : "Hello, I'm the one who came here this morning. You saw me."

The staff of the hospital: "it's you."

Dalin : "it's me."

The staff of the hospital said, "you've got the money so soon!Your classmate just went out to make a phone call and said that the money was not enough and he needed to make some money. "

Dalin : "ah, how much is it?"

"Don't you know how many checks you have done?"

Dalin : "I don't remember. Just tell me how much is it?"

The staff of the hospital: "2500!Just now, the guy paid 500. first, and you just need to pay 2000. "

Dalin : "Damn it! Except for 10, it's still 250. Why don't you charge 2501? I don't think I have done many examinations. It takes so much."

Dalin checked his wallet and found it was more than 1000 in cash. He decided to pay by Alipay.

Dalin : "Hello, may I use my Alipay or Wechat Pay?"


Dalin had planned to wait for the boy in the corridor, but finally decided to leave. He was too sleepy.

As soon as he walked out of the hospital, he heard someone calling from behind, "brother, brother.".

Needless to say, it was that guy who hurt others. Of course he had to call him big brother. In some cases, he could even call him big brother.

"Brother, why did you come out?"

Dalin : "it's all right. Let's go out. I don't want to stay in the hospital any longer."

"Brother, you... You have paid the bill?"

Dalin : "No. the hospital doesn't allow me to leave the hospital.I don't want to stay here.What's wrong? Do you want to pay me back? "

"I should have taken the responsibility.How about this? Brother, which dormitory do you live in? Give me your phone number and I'll send the money tomorrow. "

Dalin reckoned that this guy was quite honest, but it seemed that even the "defendant" was like this in this situation!

Dalin : "give me your coat. I don't think it's cheap. I wanted to buy it last time, but I haven't."

The boy took off his clothes with a click. Dalin took the clothes and put something into the clothes pocket at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see.

Dalin tried it on and found it was a little larger.

Dalin : "forget it.Your dress is too big for me. It seems that it's the most suitable one for models."

"Brother, then?"

Dalin : "it's all right. Don't call me brother anymore. I have something to do and I have to go now."

Dalin took a taxi. As soon as he got on the taxi, he heard the boy's voice.

"I'm in room 218. My name is Zhang Wei. Go to that room and ask me for money."


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