
Evil Spirit hunter

As a hunter, the male master Dalin hunts evil spirits with his partners for the peace of the world. Along the way, although he encountered all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, such as the betrayal of his friends, he remained firm in his goal.In fact, he is a man of many identities.

lin_latiao · Urban
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12 Chs

A battle between two masters:Yun Guangyi VS Zeng Yifan

Dalin: "boss Yun? boss Yun? Can I ask you a question? "

Yun Guangyi put his eyes on Dalin.

Dalin: "did I ask? Why did you let me go? "

Yun Guangyi smile not language. With his right hand open, a light pushed Dalin a few meters away.

Dalin: "if you don't let me ask, I will not ask. Are you showing your strength in front of me? It's nothing new. Hum, it's the master's fault that the apprentice is not powerful. I tell you, I don't love being here anymore? Who would like to eat what you make every day? I have to eat and vomit every day. Please remember that you didn't turn me out, but I dismissed you. "

Dalin went out and didn't go back. To be exact, he ran away without any nostalgia. After all, it's a child. It's a little grumpy.

Dalin still loves this mountain. There are many interesting places here, and he has not been to many places?

Besides, Dalin have been here for so many years, and he has never been outside. Who knows what the outside world will be like?

It's the only way to connect with the outside world. Dalin once doubted that if he grew up in the future, he would be able to go out or come back after going out, because the road was too narrow, and now he was 10 years old, he thought it was a little narrow.

Hey, maybe boss Yun doesn't have to leave at ordinary times. A good man has his way. For example, if your strength is poor, you can only walk or run, but his strength is strong, so he can fly.

It suddenly occurred to Dalin that he had forgotten a few small stones he had picked up from outside the other day, which he liked very much. What's more, it's not good to take a notebook (hunting notes) in his hand. He'd better go back to the villa and get a schoolbag! Take the stone away by the way.

Dalin thought: Anyway, at this time, boss Yun is not in the villa, so he don't think I can meet him. If met, really can't be driven away again.

When Dalin thought of villas, he was even more puzzled. How can villas be built in such a place isolated from the world? It's really amazing. People have their own way.

Two flowers, one for each(proverb: means Expatiate from different perspective respectively). We turn our eyes back from Dalin to see what Yun Guangyi is doing.

After boss Yun banished Dalin, he stood alone in an open space in front of the villa and gazed into the distance.

In the clear sky, I don't know when a few dark clouds came, and there was a big thunder with a click.

Yun Guangyi helpless smile way: "so many years, appear on the stage of time still so blind fastidious, so high-profile! So willing to show off ".

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, in front of you, the eternal holy emissary of punishing evil, there should be no two thunders. I am not as famous as you, but I can't lose my momentum."

"Well! There's no need to deal with this emptiness. You're here to kill me, Zeng Yifan. " Yun Guangyi tone suddenly firmed up.

Zeng Yifan is the head of the seven Knights of the eternal kingdom. It is said that he has the strength of a saint envoy. Unfortunately, he lost to Yun Guangyi on the day of the competition.

He used to be a very good friend with boss Yun, but now...

Zeng Yifan: "yes, the purpose of this visit is what you said, but it's to make up for the mistake last time. Brother Yun, I'm sorry! We should have killed you last time. It's so easy that you won't suffer the pain of these days. "

Yun Guangyi: "my bro, I really thank you for your help. I've lived so many more days. I've seen more light."

Zeng Yifan: "Yo, Brother Yun, you are so polite. If you want to tell me earlier, I can even give you a few more days to live?"

Yun Guangyi: "if you really give me a few days, it's not easy for you to explain it! If you don't clean me up earlier, how can your boss believe you? After all, our previous relationship was a gap between you, so you have to... "

Zeng Yifan: "what you said is too right. There's no way. If I want to be superior, I have to step on your body. It's not my fault. Who let you not stay in the eternal kingdom and run out to join in the fun? That's your price."

Yun Guangyi: "in this case, don't talk nonsense with me. You didn't agree with me before. Let's have a good fight today. I'll fight until you are convinced."

Zeng Yifan: "at the end of the crossbow, there is no arrogant qualification!"

Yun Guangyi doesn't wait for him to finish words, a light feather arrow shoots out, straight to once Yi Fan right eye shoots, this move, too insidious! As the saying goes, hit people not face, shoot people do not shoot eyes.

Zeng Yifan turned and tossed three and a half times to avoid the arrow. Yifan thought: Yun Guangyi suffered so heavy injury, can also in so fast time of quick move, really strong strength. Just now, fortunately I hid fast, otherwise I would have been shot. He really deserves the title of eternal kingdom envoy! But the title of the first knight of his eternal kingdom is not in vain.

Exerting his spirit power, Zeng Yifan suddenly disappears. Yun Guangyi quickly turns back and shoots another light feather arrow. There is no one behind him. It's not good. It's a trick!

With the sound of "ah", ten meters away from Yun Guangyi, Zeng Yifan clenched his right hand into the sky, and a few flashes of lightning began to gather. Yun Guangyi Immediately have a bad feeling, Yifan cast his killer skill: the thunderbolt spell.

Zeng Yifan's right hand is toward Yun Guangyi, and a flash of lightning goes straight to Yun Guangyi's forehead. Yun Guangyi secretly revolves the spirit power, claps the ground with one palm, the body flies several meters high.

Watching Dalin on one side, he exclaimed: "fly up, fly up, it turns out that Boss Yun really can fly, eh, how can he fly so short? "Fortunately, the voice was very quiet, so he continued to lie on the ground and hide.

Yun Guangyi adjusts his posture in the air. He has words in his mouth, his hands do bow, dozens of light badge arrows, followed by dozens of arrows.

Dalin looked at him stealthily and tried hard: "shoot him, shoot him, oh, how crooked! "

Look at Zeng Yifan, see the arrow flying, not in a hurry, straight back. Dalin thought that this shot is really not new. Isn't it the same as the martial arts movies he has seen in recent months? It's like a thousand arrows pierce the heart in front, but the people behind are calm and comfortable.

It's just that he seems to slow down a little. No, but the light feather arrow in front of him suddenly speeds up. Just listen, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, dozens of feather arrows pass through.

Dalin gritted his teeth, stifled and did not dare to shout out: "boss Yun, boss Yun, I support you! Come on".

Zeng Yifan was a little shocked at first. He took a look at the holes in his body and exaggerated here. In fact, they were bloody holes. But Dalin always felt that something was wrong. What was the problem?

Yes, Zeng Yifan's smile is so evil.

Dalin quickly turned his head to Yun Guangyi, "master? "It's like tears haven't rained for many years!

Children are like this. When they were kicked out just now, they held their breath. Now they come back to see Yun Guangyi, he can't help it.

Dalin: "Wu, Wu, Boss Yun?my dear teacher?" This will make Dalin unable to move, no matter how hard he struggles.

What is going on?

See Yu Guangyi, body was punctured a few holes, behind him is not others, it is Zeng Yifan.

Dalin quickly looked back at the place Zeng Yifan had taken with him, but there was nothing.

Yun Guangyi's eyes were set on the place where Dalin was hiding. That kind of eyes were a little reluctant.

Zeng Yifan: "Yun Guangyi, it seems that you really can't do it. You feel seriously degenerated. You didn't find my separation skill. I'm so surprised. Ha ha Ha ha... "

Yun Guangyi: "Yifan, you and I have been brothers for many years. How can I not know your moves?"

Zeng Yifan: "know, you pull it down, the oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry, still?"

In an instant, Yun Guangyi disappeared and turned into a light feather arrow. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, it passed through Zeng Yifan's body upside down.

Zeng Yifan: "you, you It's impossible. Why? "

This meeting Zeng Yifan behind appeared cloud light Yi.

Dalin was still crying over there. He was stunned by the scene just now. He was stunned at the meeting. What's the situation? Should he cry or not!

Yun Guangyi: "you know that I have run out of oil and the lamp is dry, and you dare to be so close to me. You don't understand the reason why people will die and shine back."

Just now, all these things were done in the air. When they were finished, they fell down naturally. This fully shows a truth. Don't be cool if you have nothing to do. Don't be cool if you have nothing to do. You have to go to the sky to be cool. If you fall down, you will get hurt again.

Yun Guangyi there is no movement, Zeng Yifan here is still twitching, Dalin there is silly, silly...

Zeng Yifan was a good friend of Yun Guangyi before, but it is clear that now he standing on the opposite side of Yun Guangyi.To our sadness, Yunguang Yi will leave us forever.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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