

Cha Joon, a twenty-five-year-old college drop spends his life playing a mobile game called Mystical creature master, where he hunts virtual mystical creatures by going to the mapped location on his phone. on one of his hunts, he meets a real mystical creature "Fenrir" and gets killed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself in a world of sword and magic. what unexpected and extraordinary journey awaits Cha Joon in this new world.

SAMJOE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs




The Colosseum grounds trembled after the object landed in the Colosseum arena. The children who were in the arena all fell to the ground.

"Cough… cough. What the hell was that.?"

Walda, who is one of the children being trained in the arena, said while covering his nose and mouth from the dust cloud. He stood up from the ground and walked through the dust cloud toward where the object landed.


After getting closer, Walda is surprised after seeing a crater. But he could not see what was inside it because of the dust cloud. So, he tries going closer to its edge, to take a closer look. but Gunter Appeared in front of him in a flash.


"... Instructor Gunter!?"

Walda said with a surprised tone and expression as he fell to the floor.

"Get back brat. You are in the way."

Gunter said in a serious tone while standing in front of Walda, with his weapon drawn and his guard up. Though he sounded harsh, he was just trying to protect the kid.




At an incredible speed, three individuals appeared at the edge of the crater next to Gunter.

"Heh, Oldman, it seems you can still move with only one leg… And where have you two been hiding?"

Gunter asked with a nervous smirk, as he sighed inwardly. Even though he may seem like a reckless person that would fight anything that annoys him. He still had a sharp sense of danger. And from the large amount of mana, he sensed coming from the person inside the crater. He knew he could not fight the opponent alone.

"Hoho, carrot top. Even if one of my legs is gone, it doesn't mean I've become useless. At least I can chase away this intruder."

The Old man said with his cane blade drawn, and ready for a fight.

(Old man, also known throughout the underworld as 'THE GENTLEMAN. For his particular style of dressing and his gentle and quick style of killing his target. 37th on the underworld killer list /4th on the Dark Knight guild special killer list.)

"I don't think it's time for us to be chatting, I know you all felt it too. The mana coming from the person who made this crater is stronger than Mr. K."

Vlad said in a serious tone.

(Vlad. Also known throughout the underworld as 'VLAD THE COLLECTOR'. For his habit of only taking assassinations that had women as the target. Once he kills them, he takes a precious part of the target's bodies, to add to his collection.

40th on the underworld killer list /6th on the Dark Knight Guild Special Killer List.)

"What Vlad said is right. The mana emitting from this person is at least on the level of 5th class Grandmaster. And I can sense Grace next to him… it seems that bitch got captured? …Tsk."

Blaze thought in his mind after using his mana sense to scan inside the crater.

(Blaze is also known throughout the underworld as 'THE BLAZE FIST'. For his method of killing his target by burning his target's insides with his flaming fist. 42nd on the underworld killer list /7th on the Dark Knight Guild special killer list.)

"Cough… Cough!!"

All four of them flinched as they heard the coughing sound coming from inside the crater.

"It's Grace's cough. It seems she's still alive."

All four men thought in their minds simultaneously after hearing the cough.



"Cough… Cough."

Grace coughed loudly, after inhaling the dust in the air.

[Sorry about that, I got a little excited there.]

Helena apologizes while still carrying Grace in her hands.


[I am all right my liege, but why are you talking through telepathy?]

Grace asked curiously after coming down from Helena's arms.

[Because of those four standing above us.]

Helena said as she looks up.


Grace looks up quickly, after hearing her liege's words. She looks through the dust cloud with her 'wolf's sight' and noticed Gunter, Vlad, Blaze, and Oldman standing outside the crater with their weapons drawn.

[They all seem to be ready for a fight. Well, that's not surprising. After all, sensing this amount of QI would make anyone panic…]

Helena said. Seconds before crashing on the Colosseum floors, she released her QI, which was on par with a 5th-class Grandmaster knight, to see how the top ten on the Dark Knight Guild special killer list would react.

[…But seeing how fast they reacted, especially the one with the orange hair. I am a little impressed.]

Helena said.

"Even though they saw that the opponent's energy was two levels above theirs, they still didn't back down. Are they confident in their skills in fighting a 5th-class Grandmaster or are they just putting on a brave front?"

Helena thought in her mind, with an excited smirk on her face.

[I am sorry, my liege. I informed them of your visit, but it seems your shocking entrance made you look like an intruder. But I can get them to stand down–]

[No. it's better if they saw me as a threat. This way, they will fight without holding back.]

Helena said.



The children, who are standing a distance away from the crater, could feel the tension from the silence as a minute passed. The sun had begun to set, and all the dust clouds had almost settled.

"Why do the instructors look scared?"

One of the kids asked in a quiet voice.


The question set fear in all the children's hearts, the people they looked up to for security and protection, were showing fear. Which meant that they could all be thrown back into the streets of the capital.

"What will happen to us if the instructors lose?"

Another kid asked in a scared tone.

"Are we going back to being orphans on the street, where the adults are mean?"

Another kid said.

Walda could not understand why everyone was scared, from what he could see there was only one intruder against four of the instructors who are all Grandmasters. So, he steps forward and stood in front of all the kids before saying.

"Why are you guys scared?! … lady Grace took us in when we were all starving on the streets of the capital, fed us nice food, and gave us clean clothes. And just because of one intruder you all are panicking!... the instructors are Grandmasters, do you know what that means?... it means they are as strong as imperial knights."

Walda said.

"Woah, imperial knights. Like the ones at the inner-city gates, with the shiny armor?"

One of the kids said.

"I heard imperial knights, can split a boulder with their hands."

Another kid said in an excited tone.

"I heard from the adults that no kids starve on the street in the inner gates."

One of the kids said.

"…Yes, just like the ones guarding the inner capital. So, there is no way the four of them are going to lose to one intruder, just watch–"

Walda said with a confident tone before being interrupted by a loud sound.



One of the kids shouted. As Vlad came flying toward them. They jumped out of the way immediately before Vlad crashed into the Arena side walls.



"Guh… Keuk!... Cough!!"

Vlad coughed out a large amount of blood while grunting in pain. He looks down at his stomach and saw a massive dent in his armor.

"Keuk!... That was too close, I almost passed out from the pain… Urgh!... I couldn't even see the attack coming, even my normal grade-mid tier-magic armor was destroyed from one attack."

Vlad said in his mind with a shocked expression. He noticed that even though he had no external injuries because the magic armor received most of the damage. But the impact of the attack still caused him to bleed internally.

"What the hell! Oi Vlad. what are you doing?"

Blaze yelled with a panicked expression while staring at Vlad, who suddenly flew past him and crashed into the arena walls.


Blaze felt a presence pass by him like a gust of wind. He turns his gaze quickly towards it, but no one was there.

"Shit! I can't sense the intruder's presence in the crater. Where did he go?"

Blaze panics, as he thought in his mind while scanning the area with his mana.

"Tch, I have had enough of this!"

The Gentleman said in an annoyed tone as he raised his blade coated in his mana in the air and swung down.



With one swing of his blade, all the dust cloud in the colosseum dissipated.





After the dust cloud was cleared from the Colosseum. Gunter, Blaze, Vlad, and the Oldman noticed someone standing fifty meters in front of them. This person had a dark hood and cloak on.

With just a glance they could tell by the mana emitting from the hooded figure, was much stronger than theirs and if they fought him as they are, they would be slaughtered.


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