

Cha Joon, a twenty-five-year-old college drop spends his life playing a mobile game called Mystical creature master, where he hunts virtual mystical creatures by going to the mapped location on his phone. on one of his hunts, he meets a real mystical creature "Fenrir" and gets killed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself in a world of sword and magic. what unexpected and extraordinary journey awaits Cha Joon in this new world.

SAMJOE · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Chapter 2

"Why isn't she crying?" A maid asked. As she held the baby in her hand.

"I am not sure. Aren't babies supposed to cry when they are born?"

"Should I try hitting her bottom?"

Joon heard voices after he regained consciousness. He tried to listen to what they were saying, but he could not understand. What language is that? It's not Korean or English… where the hell am I? Joon said in his mind while he began to panic.


Joon got spanked on the ass by the maid holding him. "Ouch. What the hell… Who hit my ass? And why does it hurt so much?" he complained.


[system establishing the connection.]

A mechanical voice resounded in Joon's mind, shocking him to open his eyes and he saw a floating, transparent blue screen. He tried looking around to see where he was and what was going on. "I can see now… but why are my eyes so sensitive? … what the hell, am pretty sure this is not a hospital. And why the hell am I seeing a game status screen?" Cha Joon was confused. The people spoke different languages, and the hospital looked like a medieval movie set. But the most shocking thing was the status screen in front of him.

"Hi… human." A man's voice spoke into Joon's head.

"Who's there…? Who spoke.?" Joon panicked.

"No need to panic… I am Vyncis, the God who rules over space and time…" the voice said.


Joon heard a bell ring and fell unconscious. After he regained consciousness, he found himself in an all-white room with a golden gear floating in the middle. Where the hell am I again? I was just trying to wrap my head around the game window and the strange voice. now, I'm in an all-white room… that's scary enough, but it just had to have a creepy golden gear floating in the air. Joon thought in his mind.

"Hey- hey, language… I will have you know that my body is beautiful, not… creepy. Well… as for where this is… you could say we are in the sea of consciousness where I have control over time and space. That's why I can reach you, even though you are outside my jurisdiction." Vyncis spoke in a cynical tone.

Joon had a look of suspicion on his face as he listened to the stranger's voice. "What do you want from me? Why am I here?" He asked. I am supposed to be dead from that fall but instead, I am alive, and something tells me this person or God knows something about it.

"Oh… yes, why are you here? Let's see… you fell off a waterfall after being chased by Fenrir. Then you died, and now you got reincarnated into a new world as a reward for your valiant battle. This was shocking to me because you were the first human to survive my experiment, so… I used my powers to bypass the God of this world you were born in and brought you into the sea of consciousness. Does that explain everything?"

"Wait, wait, wait… you did what? Did you just say I was an experiment?" Joon asked with a bit of anger in his voice. His joking, right… right? Yes, it must be a joke. There is no way I got used as an experiment. Joon thought in his mind.

"Ha-haha, Funny story there. As a God, you get to live for a very- very long time and you can get bored sometimes when nothing is entertaining. except when you humans wage your wars every two hundred years. That was my only entertainment, but you humans decided to live peacefully and only threaten each other with nuclear bombs."

"Then I saw an interesting story you humans love to read. A story where portals to another world suddenly appeared and monsters come out of them to destroy the world so… I connected the space between two worlds to see what fun I could get out of it, and I tell you… it was fun. The look of despair on your face when the wolf bit off your hand was the funniest thing I've ever seen. OH, and when you got caught by the wolf in mid-air, that was the most entertaining thing I've seen in the past five hundred years." Vyncis spoke in a joyful tone.

Joon could not hide his expression of anger and disgust. He ran towards Vyncis in a rage, but he could not reach him. It didn't matter how fast he ran; he would end up back where he started.

"Why so angry…? It was just a game. You are either the winner or the loser. You can either accept your loss or fight me. But you can't do that either, can you? Because I am a God. It is your honor to die for my amusement!!...

it seems time is almost up; your soul has begun to fuse with your new body; I can't talk to you when your body and soul get fused. Because you are no longer in my jurisdiction. but I will leave you with a gift so you can enjoy your second life." Vyncis said as he vanished.

As soon as Vyncis disappeared, the sea of consciousness collapsed. and Joon woke up back to reality. You… fucking God! You think you can just kill me because you were bored. And get away with it. I will fucking kill you. you asshole. Joon yelled in his mind with rage.

While Joon was throwing a fit. One of the maids in the room noticed tears running down Joon's cheek. She picked him up from the baby crib and began to rock him back and forth in her arms, calming him down. She had red hair and brown eyes, with a beautiful smile that could tame a lion.

"What a pitiful princess; your mother abandoned you after birth just because you are a girl." The maid said with a sad face. As she told Joon a fairytale even though she knew a baby could not understand what she was saying. But she continued because of the happy smile on Joon's face.

In this world, every living creature has mana. Mana is a mystical power that makes the impossible possible. A swordsman who can manipulate the mana within them becomes a sword master giving them the power of a hundred men. Still, some people go beyond human limits, manipulating mana both in and outside their bodies, giving them the ability to fight an army of two hundred thousand men. They are called Aura users.

There is also a group of men who manipulate mana and transform them into elements such as fire, water, wind, earth, darkness, and light. They are called wizards. It all sounds amazing, but throughout history, there has been no sword master or wizard who was a woman because women cannot manipulate mana in this world.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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