

Cha Joon, a twenty-five-year-old college drop spends his life playing a mobile game called Mystical creature master, where he hunts virtual mystical creatures by going to the mapped location on his phone. on one of his hunts, he meets a real mystical creature "Fenrir" and gets killed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself in a world of sword and magic. what unexpected and extraordinary journey awaits Cha Joon in this new world.

SAMJOE · Fantasy
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99 Chs

Chapter 22

Ch 22

Giggadon empire

Throne room.

*Bang! *

The large golden-colored doors shut behind Ralphye, after he enters the throne room. In front of him stood a dozen knights clad in silver armor. They stood beside the pillars, in pairs with their hands on the hilt of their swords.

Ralphye could feel that if he made any sudden moves, they would cut him down in the blink of an eye. He started walking down the middle of the hall toward the throne, but as he got closer, he felt the surrounding air change. It felt dry and suffocating. Breathing had become difficult for him, and his heart began beating rapidly.

What's happening to me? I feel like I could die if I continue forward. Maybe I should turn back now before it is too late. Ralphye thought in panic. He tried turning back, but his body wouldn't listen. His legs continued forward without his control.

After arriving at the steps leading to the throne, he regained control. Causing him to fall on his knees. He tried standing up, but there was no response. Blood had ceased to flow in his legs, causing him to be temporarily paralyzed. He could force his blood to flow again with mana, but that could lead to his death. Using mana in front of the emperor could be deemed as an attack and could cause war, between the two empires.

After Ralphye realized his situation, he forced a smile as he placed his left hand on his chest. "Greetings to the emperor of Giggadon empire. I Ralphye Appleway was tasked by the emperor to deliver a gift to you, your majesty." He said while on his knees, with his head bowed.

"Gift? Hmmm… interesting. Show me this gift you speak of." Emperor Maximus commanded.

Ralphye removed a small silver ring on his left index finger. And offered it to the emperor.

A huge knight in silver armor with three golden stripes took the ring from Ralphye. he poured his mana into the ring to check if there were any traps in it.

After his search, he confirmed that there were no traps. Then he brought the ring to the emperor. "It's safe, your majesty." Izaak said while handing the ring over to the emperor.

Emperor Maximus poured his mana into the space ring to see what the gift was. After checking, he stared at Ralphye for twenty seconds without saying a word. He turned towards the chamberlain and threw the ring to him. "Get rid of that." Emperor Maximus ordered.

"Yes, your Majesty." The Chamberlain replied with his head bowed and walked out of the hall.

The emperor turned his gaze back to Ralphye. "So, what does that old man want?" he asked.

Maximus's question confused Ralphye. He was only told to deliver the ring and nothing more. "Em… your majesty, I was only instructed to deliver the space ring," he spoke in panic.

"There is no way that old man would give me something without asking anything in return. Unless you were sent by someone else. Which is it?" Emperor Maximus asked, with a hint of suspicion in his tone.

Old man… what does he mean by the old man? The old emperor had died five years ago, and the emperor now is her majesty… oh shit, I made a mistake. No one except the high nobles knows about the emperor's death. I only got to know by chance. If they find out the emperor is dead, and his only heir is a woman, and she became emperor… I can't imagine what horrors we would face. Ralphye thought in his mind. Both empires had a tense relationship over the past decade. Ever since emperor Maximus, conquered the north and beheaded their delegate.

"The princess is coming of age soon and his majesty has sent me here to deliver this gift. so, we could revolve the grudges between the two empires." He lied through his teeth. His heart was beating faster than it already was. He knew that a single slip up from him could lead to the destruction of his home.

Emperor Maximus could hear the man's heart beating faster because of his enhanced senses. But he ignored it. "Ok. tell your emperor that, all grudges would be resolved when he hands over the remaining members of the Coplay royal family. Then we can call a truce." he said.

"Thank you, your majesty. I'll relay your message to her–his majesty." Ralphaye made a slip of tongue while speaking. Shit… I hope he didn't notice. He thought in his mind. As he looked up and saw emperor Maximus' suspicious gaze.


Emperor Maximus snaps his fingers, and blood begins to flow in Ralphye's legs again. "You can leave," he said while staring at Ralphye.

Ralphye stood up immediately after Maximus spoke and walked towards the exit with gusto.

*Bang! *

As soon as Ralphye exited the throne room, Maximus's poker face turned into a frown. "Shadow. Go after him. and find out what's happening in Thorka empire." He spoke.

A figure covered in dark fog crawled out from the emperor's shadow. It had bright blood-red eyes and stood with its back bent, and it had long arms.

*Kia-aah! *

It screeched after listening to the emperor's orders and vanished.

"Your majesty, was there something wrong with the gift?" Izaak asked out of curiosity. It surprised him that the emperor summoned his familiar.

Every boy at the age of twelve would participate in the summoning ritual held in the magic tower. They place a drop of their blood on the summoning altar, which allows them to summon a familiar and sign a master-servant pack with them. These summoned familiars come in different shapes and sizes, and they also come in different ranks.

Familiars are ranked with a star system. From one to twelve stars. Once a master signs a contract with a familiar, a star will appear on the dorsal side of his left hand. The number of stars that appears, shows the strength of the familiar. And among the familiar of the same star level, their strength differs with their element.

Water beats fire of the same rank, but if the fire familiar is of higher rank, its flames could extinguish the water familiar's attack. This meant in a battle of familiars of the same rank, they could decide the winner at the start of the match. But there are some exceptions to this rule.

They are called zero element familiar. Other familiars are summoned with the five basic elements. Fire, water, wind, earth, and wood. But the zero element familiars are light, darkness, space, and time. A Zero element familiar with one star has the same strength as a five-star familiar with a basic element.

Emperor Maximus summoned a dark attribute zero element familiar with five stars. It can transform into shadows and travel through them.

"He brought the head of the Coplay prince that escaped. But… it's suspicious. There is no way that old greedy geezer would do this without something in return." Maximus said. As he stood up from his throne and walked down the throne steps.

"Should I send our spies to investigate again, your majesty?" Izaak asked as he strolled behind the emperor as they walked to the exit of the throne room.

"No need. Shadow will be faster." Maximus declined Izaak's suggestion.

As they were about to exit the throne room, the chamberlain rushed in. "Your majesty, it's the empress."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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