
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

My Lord, please help me!

As I went further into the dark place, my senses were still messed up from the big fire I started in the room before. The strange symbols on the walls kept showing me which way to go in the twisting hallway. They were glowing and making everything look weird.

"Help me... Anybody, please help me!

Then, in the really quiet place, I heard it—a cry for help, a girl's voice coming from the dark. The words cut through the air like a scary song, and I stopped moving. My heart, already feeling dark from this place, started beating faster with a weird kind of excitement.

"Help!" The voice called out again, filled with terror and despair. It was unmistakably Elizabeth, one of my comrades, and she was in dire straits.

My lips curled into a malevolent grin as I followed the sound of her pleas. The abyss had changed me, turned me into a monster, and now it was providing me with a new form of entertainment.

"Ah, Elizabeth," I murmured to myself, my voice dripping with a chilling enthusiasm. "You always did have a way of getting yourself into trouble, didn't you?"

With every step, the cries for help got louder, and I could hear the hisses and screeches of the mean creatures around her. It felt like the dark place itself planned this scary scene, and I was like the one making it happen.

Finally, I got to a big cavern, and what I saw was like a really bad dream. Elizabeth was stuck in the middle, surrounded by lots of the same ugly creatures I had killed before. They were getting close to her, looking mean and hungry.

But I felt different. I was excited. The craziness in me took over, and I didn't feel any care or kindness. In this dark place, there was no room for being weak like that.

Elizabeth's voice broke when she saw me coming, with hope and fear in her eyes.

She reached out to me, her voice trembling. "My lord, please, help me!"

My grin widened, a sickening blend of amusement and sadism. "Oh, Elizabeth, I'm here to help," I replied with a cold, calculated tone. "But you see, I've learned to embrace the abyss. Let me show you how."

With that, I lifted my hand high, getting ready to make an inferno to hurt the creatures around her. I had completely gone into being crazy, and I liked the dark feelings that took over me, enjoying the mess in the dark place.

'System, Activate Pyroblast.' (Alex)

'Pyroblast Triggered.' (Devil System)

When I lifted my hand high, the flames were shining in a strange and cool way, and I could feel the power in me getting stronger. The creatures, looking ugly and scary, made hissing and screeching sounds. They moved around, looking hungry and excited.

Elizabeth's eyes widened as she witnessed the transformation within me.

Fear and disbelief painted her face, and she took a step back, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "My Lord, what have you become?"

I met her gaze with an icy stare, the madness in my eyes intensifying. "I've become what this abyss demands," I replied, my voice dripping with sadistic amusement. "A force to be reckoned with."

With a swift, deliberate motion, I thrust my hand forward, and the flames erupted into a swirling inferno vortex once more.

"kre.. Kreuu! "

The creatures screamed and made really painful sounds as they tried to get away from the firestorm.

I moved coldly and exactly, spinning my hand like a crazy conductor making a symphony of things getting destroyed.

The creatures' grotesque forms writhed and contorted within the vortex, their sharp claws slashing at the flames in a desperate, hopeless struggle.

"You thought you could challenge me?" I taunted, my laughter echoing through the cavern as the creatures flailed and burned. "You are nothing but pitiful nightmares, and this is your reckoning!"

The smell of burning flesh was strong, mixing with the gross smell of burned things. The cavern's blue glow, which was weird before, now danced with the crazy light from the big fire, making strange shadows on the walls.

Elizabeth looked really scared as the creatures got destroyed by the fire, turning into just ash and bones. She couldn't say anything, and her voice was gone after seeing how powerful the fire was.

After the last creature was gone, I lowered my torch, and the flames got smaller. The cave got quiet again, with only the sound of the last bits of fire crackling.

I turned my gaze toward Elizabeth, my eyes still filled with madness. "You see, Elizabeth," I said, my voice low and chilling, "in this abyss, you adapt or you perish. I've embraced the darkness, and now, I am its master."

Elizabeth shook with fear, breathing really fast and unevenly. She saw her leader change into something strange, like a creature from the dark place itself. The air felt heavy with her scared feelings, and for a bit, I liked how powerful I became.

But when I looked at the burned parts of the creatures, I felt kind of empty.

The dark place changed me, made me into someone really mean, and now I wondered if I lost a part of being human forever.

"Am I even a human? " (Alex)

Even though I still had a crazy smile, I turned away from the mess and went to Elizabeth. The old symbols on the cave walls glowed weirdly, showing me where to go deeper into the dark place.

The path ahead remained uncertain, and I couldn't help but wonder what further horrors this realm had in store for me. I knew one thing for certain—the abyss had forever altered the course of my existence, and there was no turning back.

Elizabeth stood there, trembling and disoriented amidst the aftermath of the inferno I had unleashed. Her eyes, once filled with fear, now held a glimmer of gratitude as she gazed at me.

"Thank you, Lord" she stammered, her voice still trembling. "I thought I was done for."

'Hmm, she changed her behaviour way too quickly. ' (Alex)

I chuckled darkly, my madness still consuming me. "You were, Elizabeth until I decided otherwise."

She nodded, her trust in me faltering. She had seen the depths of my transformation, and it left her both grateful for her life and fearful of the creature I had become.

But," I continued, my tone taking on a sinister edge, "surviving in this abyss comes at a price, Elizabeth."

Her brow furrowed, uncertainty clouding her expression. "A price? What do you mean?"

My grin widened, filled with malevolence. "Oh, Elizabeth, I want something in return for saving you. Something that will bind you to me in this abyss, something that will make you a part of what I've become."

She took a hesitant step back, her eyes darting around as if searching for an escape. "What... what do you want?"



Hope you liked the chapters.

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Author here,

Be ready guys, there will be a vast amount of lemons in the next chapters, so if you haven't added this book to your library, then you will regret it in the future.

The following chapter will be released in a few hours.

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