
The Human Spider

Later in the evening, Isaiah and his mom return home. With them walking through the front door, Gwenn notices. She gets up from watching Shameless, her favorite show and walks towards her worried mom and uneasy younger brother. She looks concerned.  

                         "So, how'd the exam thing go?" Gwenn asks.

                         "Long," Isaiah says, passing his sister. 

He walks upstairs. 

                        "I'll be upstairs to check up on you in a minute," Kim says as her voice cracks. 

Gwenn and her mom watch Isaiah go upstairs, then hear his bedroom door close. After Gwenn hears the door close, she immediately looks at her mom. She is just as worried as her mom is. Immediately, she sees her mom break down. Kim feels helpless about Isaiah's negative spiritual needs.  

                       " Mom," Gwenn says as she hugs her mom tightly.

The mother and daughter share a hug for a few seconds.

                       "Gwenn, I don't know what else to do. I was inside that waiting room for hours at a time, then finally, the doctor came out asking me if Isaiah's been in contact with the spiritual world, and it's like I don't know how he just came up with an idiotic question like that." Kim explains.

                      "Well do you know for sure he has been in contact with this so-called spiritual world?" She asks, while air quoting "Spiritual world."

                      "I don't know if he has or hasn't. As far as I know, he hasn't talked to any spirits whatsoever," Kim says.

                      "Maybe not here, but what about Colby's?" She asks. 

Kim shrugs her shoulders in confusion while sniffing and still tearing up. Seconds later, she widens her eyes, finally realizing what her son could have done at his best friend's house. She quickly pulls her phone from her side pocket and starts dialing Elle. On the other line, Elle's phone rings. She quickly answers the call. 

                    "What's up?" Elle answers.

                    "Hey, it's Kim." She says, trying to hide her negative emotions.

                    "Oh, what's happening Kim? Is Isaiah feeling better?" she asks.

                    "He's fine, he just got back from the doctor," she says.

                    "I-I just have a weird question." Kim continues, trying to get her words across.

                    "A weird question?" Elle asks.

                    "Yeah, has Isaiah been like…has he...h-?" She says while getting distracted.

Suddenly, the mother and daughter hear Isaiah's bedroom door creak open. 

                    "H-hold on," Kim says over the phone, shaking her hands and phrases.  

                    "Isaiah?" She yells from downstairs. 

Suddenly, Kim and Gwenn see Isaiah spider-walk backward down the stairs. Once he makes it to the bottom of the stairs, he opens his mouth, causing a mouthful of blood to pour out onto the stairs. As Isaiah opens his mouth, a demonic groan comes out. Gwenn and Kim's eyes widen tremendously. Kim gasps at herself.

                    "Oh my god," Kim says, so terrified and afraid that she drops her cell phone. 

Isaiah lets out a final demonic groan.