A twelve-year-old boy's fun sleepover experience takes a disturbing turn when he and his best friend summon a dangerous spirit.
As the evening approaches, Kim and Mr. Miller arrive at Kim's house. She goes in quickly after opening the front door. Right behind her follows Mr. Miller.
"This way." She says, leading the way up to Isaiah's room.
As the couple walks towards the stairs, Mr. Miller looks around the house anxiously, following Kim upstairs. They're nervous but intrigued as if they're waiting for something traumatic to happen. Finally, they arrive upstairs. Mr. Miller walks to Isaiah's bedroom door while Kim stops at the top of the stairs. Both of them can hear Isaiah's demonic light groaning. He looks back to see Kim nod at him with a hopeful expression on her face. He looks back at the door and takes a deep breath, ready to enter the room.
Finally, he opens the door slowly, peeking into the bedroom. As he notices Isaiah, he sees him strapped to his bed. Isaiah now looks like a demon has taken over his soul. A mixture of fear, shock, anxiety, and nervousness begins to consume him as he closes the door quietly behind him.
"Isaiah?" he calls out.
Isaiah's eyes are bloody red. He slowly opens them up, then looks at Mr. Miller with a tired yet blank expression. Isaiah's breathing is heavy and the sound of dry mucus is heard bubbling in his chest with every breath he takes.
"It's me, your doctor. I'm here to help you." Mr. Miller calmly says.
"Make me comfortable by undoing these straps then," Isaiah's demon says.
"I'd rather not, Isaiah. You appear to be a danger to others, you know?" He mentions while walking to the side of Isaiah's bed.
"My name is not Isaiah," his demon says.
"Then who are you?" he asks.
"ONE OF THE DEVIL'S CREATIONS! NOW UNDO THESE DAMN STRAPS!" The devil screams, full of rage and anger.
Isaiah's bedroom windows open and close aggressively as his bedroom lights flicker. Mr. Miller looks around the room while this poltergeist activity occurs. Following this, he stares at Isaiah with serious eyes.
"Where's Isaiah?" he asks seriously.
"In here with us," the demon answers.
"Show me Isaiah and I'll manage to make you comfortable," he says, trying to negotiate.
"In time," the demon says in a normal tone.
"Now." Mr. Miller demands.
"In time!" says the demon again, now frustrated.
Annoyed by the demon inside Isaiah not giving him a straight answer, Mr. Miller slowly pulls out a tiny personal bottle of clear holy water from his right coat pocket.
"What is that?" the demon asks.
"Holy water," he answers.
As Mr. Miller looks at Isaiah, he cautiously opens the tiny bottle. As Isaiah watches the bottle getting opened, he hears the bottle cap crack. Fearful of the bottle getting opened, his breathing remains heavy.
"Don't you dare," the demon threatens.
Within a few seconds, Mr. Miller walks to the end of Isaiah's bed and forcefully splashes holy water in the shape of a cross on Isaiah. He continues until the bottle is empty.
"Oh, Aah!" he screams in pain.
Isaiah wiggles his body in pain as the holy water seeps into his pale white skin.
"Oh, it burns!" the demon says, groaning in pain.
Following this, Mr. Miller walks back to the side of Isaiah's bed and sits on the edge of his bed.
"Who are you?" Mr. Miller asks in a firm tone.
Mr. Miller watches Isaiah wiggle his body and scream in pain from the burning sensation of the holy water. Examining Isaiah's wiggling, he feels no remorse. Mr. Miller then rises from the bed and walks towards the bedroom door, still focusing on Isaiah. Finally, he opens the door cautiously and heads out of the bedroom, leaving Isaiah in pain and hearing his continuous groaning.
As he leaves the bedroom, he sees Kim sitting at the top of the stairs. Immediately, she notices him coming out of the room. Slowly, she walks toward him after rising from sitting for awhile. While on her way to meet with Mr. Miller, she hears her son's dreadful and demonic moaning.
"What's happening?" she asks worriedly.
"He's just experiencing holy water differently, that's all," he replies.
As she scoffs in stress, she bows her head down, looking at the carpet.
"Look Ms. Karrson, remember earlier when you asked me about my father and his work?" he asks.
Kim lifts her head to face him.
"I remember. So?" she says.
He sighs, thinking of a beneficial solution.
"I believe it would be in everyone's interest if I continued his practice,"
She scoffs in relief.
"Really?" she says feeling confident.
He nods his head.
"I promise I will have a talk with the church and tell them about your son's case. I'm willing to give your son the treatment he needs as a priest," he says sympathetically but desperately for Kim.
Kim scoffs and breaks down in relief, giving Mr. Miller a tight hug.
"Oh thank you, father, thank you!" she says, crying out in relief.
Moments later, the two walk downstairs to end their day with each other. Kim escorts Father Miller outside momentarily. Kim watches him leave as he prepares to get treatment for her son, possibly an exorcism.