
My Name Is.... What A Hidden Quest?!

"I love you Mo Xieren!" A girl so beautiful that theoretically, no man on earth would dare reject her...

Yet that theory was now busted.

"I'm sorry"

"Ah..." She sigh.

"Don't misunderstand, it's not like I don't like you in fact I'm really happy to know that you feel like that to me"

"But as you know, there's already someone in my heart"

"....so you still like that girl, F*ck! I'm gonna kill that damn Qiao Kang, he told me that you already move on from her, I wasted a whole day practicing how to confess!" She angrily said, Mo Xieren know that she was just joking and that she won't kill Qiao Kang... maybe.

"Brother Xieren" Shi Xinyi stares at him.


"Don't you dare tell anyone that I confess to you, If anybody knew today's event I swear to god you're going to the afterlife" Killing intent pour out from her.

"Eh... Ye-yes! I'll make sure nobody will know about this" Mo Xieren stiffly answered.

"You look so hesitant are you planning to tell somebody about today's event?!"

"N-no! I won't dar--"


"Pftt hahaha"

Both of them laugh.

"What do you think? I can now barely control my killing intent! With this I could pretend to be some sort of expert and join powerful team!"

Tomorrow a new virtual game will launch, different from other type of virtual games, This game boasted to be 100% realistic, not only that but according to rumors the time inside the game flows 3 times slower than in real life!

While this still stands as a rumor, with so many widely known pro players publicizing that they will be moving to this game attract the attention of many gamers and sponsors.

"Good for you" Unlike his friends, Mo Xieren was someone who rarely play virtual games as he prefer to study.

"Hmmm" Shi Xinyi stares at him again as she thinks of something.

"Brother Xieren, How about you play the new game with me?"

"No thanks, I need to stu--"

"No? Do you want to die?! You already rejected my confession yet you had the guts to reject me a second time?!" Shi Xinyi angrily said.

While Mo Xieren didn't know what's the connection between him rejecting her and him playing games, he still agrees to do what she wanted.

"Fine, but at most ill be playing for an hour"

"An hour?" Shi Xinyi wanted to say that most dungeon raid needs around two or so hours to clear but she decides not to.

"Nice, I'll see you in the game tomorrow" Shi Xinyi suddenly kiss him on the cheeks and run away.

"sigh, What's good about playing games? it's not like it's as good as reading books" Mo Xieren mumbles to himself.

Still as a good friend of hers, he didn't want to embarrass himself and did some research about the game...

Then he realizes something.

"....She didn't tell me the title of the game!"

Luckily mobile phones exist these days.

"What's the game?"

He messaged her.

A few seconds came by and she finally replied.

"sorry lol, it's called Ragnarok Against the Heaven"

"What's with that long ass title? Developers nowadays can't even think of a proper title" Mo Xieren texted.

"WTF? The game title was so superb, so cool, it's you who had shitty taste" Shi Xinyi argue back.

"Nope, it's you"

Mo Xieren then turn off his phone, there was no way he could win an argument against a professional keyboard warrior.

"If only developers were as creative as writers when it came to making game title, they will surely enjoy 50% more downloads"

Mo Xieren said to himself, his judgment was clearly biased toward writers, I wonder why.

Anyways, He did a research about the game called 'Ragnarok Against the Heaven'.

And then something catches his attention.

".....ing to beta testers, the time inside the game were 3 times slower than the real world, every beta tester we interviewed confirmed this...."

3 times slower!

If this is true then he could read more books!

"Wait.... even if time was slower, how was I supposed to read my real life books inside the game?"

He bought physical copies of books he liked to support the authors, yet it seems he can't read them inside the game.

And just like that, a whole day passed, It's everybody's favorite day, Saturday!

After washing his face, eating his breakfast, taking a bath, and cleaning his room, he finally decided to play the game.

And that's when a problem suddenly arises.

He forgot that the virtual game had its own game pod and that he need to buy one.

"Even if I buy one now, I'll get it at the earliest, tomorrow, that damned Xinyi will probably nag me to death if I start tomorrow"

With no choices left, he goes to the nearest virtual cafe and rents a game pod.

After entering the gaming pod, he starts the game.

Bright lights assaulted his eyes and so he had no choice but to shut his eyes.

Luckily it only lasts a few seconds.

"Welcome to Ragnarok" An Angelic voice enters his ears and his eyes involuntarily open.

"...how beautiful" He was easily mesmerized by the beauty of the NPC in front of him.

"Would you mind telling me your name, Adventurer?" The angel NPC asked.

Then suddenly text appears in front of his vision.

"Please put your in-game nickname"

"Umm...." Mo Xieren hesitated, His naming sense sucks...

Minutes came by yet he still didn't answer her question.

"Hmm? Did you perhaps forget your own name?" The NPC asks as she tries to hold her laughter, yet she also seems concerned.

Mo Xieren didn't know what to say.

Did he forget his name? No, but he can't think of a proper IGN.

"This... are you perhaps mute? Wait no... You talked, then did you really forget who you are?" The npc looks even more concerned, she was looking at him with pity.

"Ah..Eh" He really didn't know what to say.

Suddenly a robotic voice enter his ears.

System:You activated The Hidden Quest "Choosing Side from the Start I"

'It's possible to obtain hidden quest even when your at the tutorial?'