
Chapter 16 Pixel Art Style

Translator: 549690339


However, these things do not possess life, so the content they narrate is limited to what needs to be promoted.

"If it's to transform, lettering can form abstract patterns, but if detailed narration of these contents is desired, separate illustrations will be required... But that would necessitate a budget for advertising, wouldn't it, Mr. Boer? Are you going to pay out of your own pocket?"

Professor Halley looked at the other party, and Manager Boer shrugged:

"Of course, a new deity has taken a liking to our company's level of advertising, asking us to promote His church... This is actually also a promotion for our company, it's a win-win. It's just that this time it happens to coincide with the promotion schedule of the Sacrifice Church... I've tried to persuade them to pick another time, but they insisted on this particular time, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"This time it's merely a matter of me forking out some advertising expenses, consider it my treat. Otherwise, if the phenomenon of attention causes panic, that would spell big trouble for our company."

Professor Halley said, "A wise choice, and I do not envy your earnings. By the way, have you booked the online promotion for Saturday?"

"Since you've asked like this, you must have already booked it. I might have booked it a bit earlier than you," Manager Boer replied matter-of-factly. So, Professor Halley began to talk to him about those tin boxes from the Fictional Church.

Clearly, the enthusiasm of this grand magician was high; he praised the tin boxes of the Fictional Church profusely, claiming they were treasures among mechanical creations.

If Manager Boer is willing to cough up some extra money for advertising those things, then Professor Halley indicated he might even bring along some additional grand magicians for free.

Manager Boer certainly knew why the other party felt this way, as the tin box was said to be hugely popular, after all, he had also received a share of the gaming rights.

"To be honest, I mean no disrespect to the God of Fiction, but Him establishing a church inside Miss Malt's tavern... It really makes it difficult for anyone to hold any reverence...."

"It seems rather like an informal leather-bag church."

Manager Boer didn't quite understand the actions of this new deity, but Old Mage Halley laughed heartily, "The power of this deity is related to games, and these things tend to catch on first among the lower and middle classes."

"The upper classes are too busy making money, just like you, who has the time to play games?"

Manager Boer also smiled, "You're right, but I would play games if there were ones that didn't waste too much time. To be frank, before I had much money, I was also an expert gamer."

"Of course, my games were just gem chess, competitive jump, or solving puzzles against each other... Later on, it was playing with little gear machines... Overall, compared to the two types of chess games Miss Malt invented, the games I played were far too outdated."

"...Yes... the games I played were too outdated. I think I can understand why this deity chose a tavern for his church."

"At first, I even thought... thought that this deity wasn't very familiar with our world's channels of promotion, or the mainstream methods of advertising. I had never even heard of online promotions before, and frankly, I also doubted the authenticity of such advertising... As a grand magician of the Transformation Category, you must have a clear understanding of this; if there's a means of advertising that transmutation magic can't achieve, then it must be a new kind of transmutation magic."

Old Mage Halley was quite pleased with this flattery, and as the two were chatting, another master painter arrived.

"Hello, Professor Halley." The master painter sported a small mustache, was a rather tall and refined-looking middle-aged man, dressed in extravagant clothing. If one didn't consider his level of painting, he would surely be regarded as a "true grand artist."

Yet his painting skills were quite abstract, and that level of abstraction is considered impressive in many worlds. Just like the ancient European murals and illustrations with their demons, elephants, knights, all rendered in abstract style, yet still officially printed on walls or other objects, it just fully proved that if you couldn't appreciate this kind of painting, it meant your aesthetic sensibilities weren't adequate.

Thus, Professor Halley had no intention of discussing painting styles with this master painter; instead, he went straight to the point and asked the artist to show him the illustrations.

"Would you like me to create some promotional paintings for your academy?" the grand painter asked earnestly, looking to secure the commission.


"Thank you, no need, the academy does not reimburse for this," Professor Halley sincerely refused, leading to his failure to take the job.

If every painting is said to be created with the artist's heart and soul, then these paintings in front of him must have been created with expired blood bags and a twisted, dark soul.

Professor Halley watched these illustrations with a frown throughout, previously he hadn't thought there was much of a problem with them, at worst finding them a bit too abstract, but today, for some reason they repulsed him...

Suddenly, a spark of inspiration burst in his mind, and the old mage quickly seized the source of this spark, experiencing an epiphany.

"No wonder, no wonder I find these paintings so unappealing today!" Professor Halley suddenly realized why he was off his game today; it turned out to be because he had just seen a far more interesting "style"!

As the saying goes, if you show people crap it's because that's all you have, but if someone comes along and offers a feast, then people will abandon the crap for the feast.

The grand painter waiting nearby did not expect the old mage to suddenly speak to Manager Boer:

"Do you have any paper for painting?"

Manager Boer was taken aback, immediately ordered someone to bring some painting paper, while the master painter at his side revealed a look of dissatisfaction, but still politely asked, "Professor Halley, is there a particular painting you are unsatisfied with?"

I'm dissatisfied with every single one. Professor Halley groused inwardly, but such impolite words were not to be spoken aloud. It was said that the master painter held a prestigious title and significant technical standing in the Coloring Church. Their deity is the "God of Smearing Colors," and those who believe in him possess a talent for painting, but this borrowed talent will eventually backfire, leading the artist to create indescribable, eerie paintings, ultimately resulting in the loss of their talent and subsequent suicide.

In his heart, Professor Halley thought that the painting skills of this deity were also terrible, being a god not of neutrality, but inclined towards madness, hence the very abstract creations... This guy has already ruined the world of painting.

Soon, Professor Halley had the painting paper and brushes in hand. He did not give any explanation and immediately started painting. The old mage wasn't good at painting, but there was a spell within the Transmutation category known as the "Pen of Memory," which could replicate exactly anything he had seen before.

The rustling sound of the brushstrokes had a strangely soothing effect, and soon, under the eager anticipation of the grand painter and Manager Boer, the old mage placed a piece of artwork before them.

It was a pixel-style work, or perhaps it should be called "pointillist painting."

It portrayed scenes the old mage had seen earlier in the world of a gaming machine.

"What style of painting is this?" the grand painter now widened his eyes in disbelief, looking at the old mage: "You actually have such a unique style of painting!"

Professor Halley was also startled, asking, "So in your opinion, what are the merits of this painting?"

The grand painter fell into contemplation. The moment he saw this painting, he inexplicably felt light-hearted, sensing the amusement in this style from deep within, and thus he immediately offered his sincere evaluation:

"The granular appearance, simple, brisk, and clear visual effect, emphasizing the image's contours and the basic elements that are immediately recognizable... Concise, lively, fun."

"And whimsical."

The grand painter grasped Professor Halley's hand, excited, "This will form a new painting movement, and I hope to be the first to learn this technique. Could you tell me where you saw the scene depicted in the painting? I've never seen such flying machines!"

Professor Halley was silent for a moment, then replied:

"At the entrance of the Fictional Church pub in the sixth urban area of Second Avenue, southeast in the third urban district. There, you'll find a few metal boxes, sit on them, drop in a coin, and then you'll see it."