
Evil Father, Please Be Gentle

Renata Thawyne, the abandoned daughter of duke Thawyne who was known as a tyrant who had killed his brother and forced his wife to the brink of death. He sold his sisters so that no one could claim the inheritance. What else Renata could expect from him except for hatred and coldness. But on the day of her marriage when she died by the assailants sent by his father and husband to be.. He had enough of it and cursed them. “If I get a second chance, I will take revenge from both of them.” She closed her eyes with that absurd thought only to open her eyes again when she was two years old. What her plans would be: Survive while living silently. Make a havoc and turn their life into a living hell. “Wait this is not what I have chosen, why are they behaving so strange when I am here to take revenge?”

I_am_Creator · Fantasy
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263 Chs

She Is Not The One

"Are you letting her show off her powers to Rent when you worked so hard in hiding them from her so that she would not be dragged into this mess?" Aiden asked with anger and bewilderment. 

He was against Alice being with Ren from the start. He knew this was going to happen but he could not understand what Leo was thinking.

He would have thought it out too yet he was being so nonchalant about it.

"She was hurt by a mere beggar!" The voice was so cold and low that a shiver went down the spine of Aiden who was standing beside Leo.

"I have done so much to protect her but if a sheltered life can make her bullied by her own maids and beaten by a mere beggar that has no strength to defend him when I killed him, then what did that sheltered life bring to her?"  his voice had anger, disappointment but more than that, which Aiden could not understand but he did understand what Leo was doing now?