
Evil Father, Please Be Gentle

Renata Thawyne, the abandoned daughter of duke Thawyne who was known as a tyrant who had killed his brother and forced his wife to the brink of death. He sold his sisters so that no one could claim the inheritance. What else Renata could expect from him except for hatred and coldness. But on the day of her marriage when she died by the assailants sent by his father and husband to be.. He had enough of it and cursed them. “If I get a second chance, I will take revenge from both of them.” She closed her eyes with that absurd thought only to open her eyes again when she was two years old. What her plans would be: Survive while living silently. Make a havoc and turn their life into a living hell. “Wait this is not what I have chosen, why are they behaving so strange when I am here to take revenge?”

I_am_Creator · Fantasy
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263 Chs

A Demon Being Kind

Aiden stared back at Leo who had just entered the room and nodded his head.

"You are the daughter of a wizard, aren't you?" Alice was taken aback by the sudden question. She was sure that humans did not know about their existence.

Though they share the same land, their part of land was always hidden like a parallel world and only wizards have the power to open the portal and close it.

She was too young to do that but her brother was an exception who could do that from a young age. But how did this human know?


"Your truth would ensure your safety or else you would be killed mercilessly." she felt goosebumps all over her skin as she turned to look at the owner of voice when Aiden also starred behind her.

A man that had the most handsome face she had ever seen but his eyes and demeanor was no less than a demon that could usurp the soul of humans in less than a second and flinched when her eyes met his.