
Chapter 222: Giving the Evil Dragon a Chance to Celebrate Its Birthday, It Could Make the Hell Grim Reaper Take Notice_2

Three pure silver certificates.

[Three Goods Young Dragon Award]

[Outstanding Composition Award]

[Thousand Characters Dragon Script Award]

Nearly a year had passed, and Evil Dragon had only presented her with three pure silver certificates, the key point being that she hadn't received a single one made of pure gold.

This simply wouldn't do. As a Princess, how could she not have even one pure gold certificate?

Had Evil Dragon forgotten to use the trick of awarding certificates to motivate her studies?

Should she remind Evil Dragon about it?

If she reminded him, would she end up getting beaten?

Maybe she should still remind him.

The pure gold certificates Evil Dragon issued were better than the ones she forged herself.

The key was that the certificates made by Evil Dragon looked very nice.

"Um... Lance... could you help me make a nice storage box?"

"What do you need to store?"

"The certificates you've given me."