
Child Days Part 1: Into Broken Dimensional Barriers

Hurtling through space was not one but two spaceships. The first contains a baby boy wrapped in a blanket. The second contains a young teen female.

The destination to Earth was not one that would be easily done. Behind them, the explosion of their race, the Kryptonian's home planet of Krypton was turning absolutely volatile. Several different holdouts from the range of military and scientific contained as few survivors.

Long dormant safety procedures were forgotten by several members of the current High Council.

*Shine!* In a part of space a white lightning bolt shot towards the first ship. Passing through the computer system and altering a few of the procedures inside. The suspended animation protocols were changed just slightly to allow the development of the body while traveling and removing certain features that would impede growth.

As well as dealing with the hidden protocols inside.

'Gramps!' Clark gave a shout the moment he was able but was shocked that it just came out as a cry. 'What did he do to me!?' Pulling on his magic, nothing worked as it would before. 'My magic is all gone! I just started actually using spells in my body!'

On his Earth, rules were in place that prevented most from doing such. Except on certain days and special instances like rituals or plain old ceremonies.

Zeus did not respond at all to him or the cries of his grandson. Despite being able to speak to the child even in this form, the tired God had a duty to follow up on still.

The lightning touched the second pod creating protection around as well. Also had the adverse effect of putting the one inside in a deeper sleep. Which was better than the girl inside crying her eyes out in the deep reaches of space witnessing the destruction of the planet.

Unable to help his grandson anymore than what he just did, Zeus parted the Altered Dimension to continue the search for his son. A multicolored feather wrapped around the second ship as it entered a wormhole.

"Now what are you up to mother?" A female in a toga appeared in the space the wormhole closed at. As a goddess, it was very easy for her to take a single step and follow behind the first ship with ease. "Aww look at little Clark, he is a baby again."

The ordeal already causing Clark to fall asleep. The new body acclimating to his soul. The one inside was already devoured by the Greek Halfbreed. His power as a Champion activating already to further cement the process.

"Athena, finally in the mood to have children?" Another one appeared in a toga. This female had a bit of a playful look on her face. "It is about time you do so. Look at how precious humans look now. A lot better than they did before when we could barely tell them apart in crowds. But I do miss all the hair."

"I already had a child recently so none of your concern Aphrodite. I just want to know what mother is doing with the girl. Why alter her "Destiny" like this?"

"Because the one she would have in this Dimension is pathetic." A more serious voice echoed in the vacuum of space. Joining her daughters, Hera the queen of the Olympian Deities was neither upset nor happy over recent events. "That one year changed things so much. Clark was supposed to have more time to develop like the others."

"He will." Another voice surrounded them. One that did not sit well with the three goddesses present. "I have a small proposition for you all if you are willing to hear it?" The golden cloaked figure was to detached to make out currently.

Destiny's presence caused the attention to focus on it. The spacecraft carrying Clark continued on its way unbothered.

"What do you have in mind?" Hera asked suspicious of the all-powerful Deity. 'Destiny does nothing halfway. Is this because of what Zeus just did or myself it is here to get involved?' She stood protectively in front of her daughters.

Both Athena and Aprodite took notice of this. Their mother was a stronger Deity Rank than both of them. Bonus of long years of work and trials but Destiny itself had the advantage of working in almost every Pantheon and having a longer existance to boost further.


A long time later-


In an area in Smallville Kansas, people were going about their lives happily. A simple but enjoyable life was here in Kansas for the last few decades. But the sky erupted in a meteor shower out of nowhere.

This would end up scaring the state for years to come.

Off towards the Kent farm, a still young Jonathan and Martha Kent rode back from a doctor's appointment. The news was not so great but the couple would push on.

The doctor gave them some advice and natural remedies to try an help.

All-around as they drove, a few people were having issues with electronic devices. A small occurrence that started about a week ago along with solar flares that went mostly unnoticed.

A frustrated man stepped out of a phone booth angry. Even the landlines were acting up more and more. Either one received some of the conversation on the other end, or voices in the background speaking gibberish.

"This keeps up, Veritas will have to change the location to set up the additional base of Operations." Checking his watch, the man blinked rapidly as it started spinning fast before slowing down to a stop. "How odd.."

*BOOMMM!* The air exploded like a cannon was fired. A few small objects came hurtling towards the location.

"Dr.Swann!" A man called towards the one in the phone booth urgently. "Come quickly!" He was ushering his boss into a building to show them what was detected. But that was not fated to be.

"Wiseman get back inside!" Dr.Swann shouted. He was already running towards him but a car exploded next to the phone booth sending him flying through the sky. "Ahhhh!' The doctor hit a telephone pole and was out like a light.

In a helicopter, a father was trying to get his son to be brave. But the young boy Alexander was just to scared at the time. His fear of heights was part of a long list of things he was scared of.

"You can not get anywhere with your eyes closed Lex!" Lionel barked. It was bad enough that the meeting with the farmer Dale and Bill Ross were put on hold. The two brothers arguing and the computers brought by Lionel's people were unable to work with the interference. "Luthors are not afraid! Open your eyes!"

*BOOOMMM!!* Across the sky, as if Heaven itself wanted to weigh in on the parent teaching the child, large fireballs tore through the sky. These were falling meteorites coming towards the town of Smallville, Kansas.

Across the globe, a few more struck in other cities, counties, provinces, and a few landing in uninhabited places with no real damage being done. Not as far as any magic could detect or major research institution.

"Lex!" Lionel shouted. The child to scared to listen did not help the situation. A piece of debris nicked the blades of the copter causing the pilot to forcefully land while trying to maintain course towards a safe location. "Tch!"

Lionel unbuckled himself and was about to grab ahold of Lex. Another neck to the helicopter sent it spiraling out of control. The father watched in shock as his son was flung from the helicopter into a cornfield.

Eyes looking dangerously at the seatbelts that were cut a little. Lionel's fury was put away as the helicopter crash-landed knocked him about in the cabin. The pilot's screams went unheard as pieces of rock and metal pelt his side.

John and Martha Kent were spared the brunt of most of it. The truck getting knocked around a little but the two crawled out without an issue. Hugging in relief that they both made it unscathed.

*Swirl!* Magic was used to pull the two towards the fields more throuigh Guidance. Clark was just awake enough to force his magic to work for him.

The ship was immediately stored into his Internal Space. Small pieces of clothes are made to fit in with the surroundings and time frame.

'Gotta hurry!' Clark weaved more magic before his new body would give out. The strain of magic to much for it as well as the damaged soul. He created two bodies that had some flesh on them burnt to a crisp. A large rock crushing them both under its weight. "Kuk!" Coughing up blood, the now much younger Clark collapsed away from the two. 'Damn it, gramps why!'

"I think I see something, Jonathan!" Martha cried out. She came across the collapsed Clark and the two bodies that were burning up. "Oh my god!!" Her outcry caused her husband to run over fretting.

"What is it!?" Jonathan caught up with her quickly. The former football player and the hardworking farmer still could surprise people. Seeing the almost naked child, then the dead parents caused the godfearing man to drop in a stupor. "Oh no..."

Martha focused more on the child than on the surroundings. Bits of energy from Clark entering her a little. Just small Life magic improving her health some more. The power receded away with Clark going further into subdued state.

"What's this?" Martha reached around Clark grabbing a burnt-up bag. "Oh dear!" Inside were magically created documents for the identity of the charred people and the child out cold in her arms. "Clark Hyperion Olympian, October 16..." Her voice trailed off a bit saddened. "..rest is burnt up to much. Not from the U.S. that's for sure."

"What else is in the bag?" Jonathan got himself together approaching his wife. He placed his coat over the boy since the clothes were worthless on him. No more than scraps. "Its a miracle he survived when they didn't."

"Passport for the other two. They... were his parents I think. Jorel Olympian and Lara Olympian." Barely making it out, she was able to match the Greek insignia on them. "Blue and White insignia.. defintely Greece. I think they may have been fleeing from that country."

Jonathan couldn't read the language overall, he did not have the education of Martha, who's father wanted more for her than that of a farmer's wife. Finding a small document about crops inside, he was able to at least decipher a little bit of it from the images.

"Maybe they work for the Riley Family nearby?" Jonathan stood up looking around for anyone else. "This is their cornfield after all."

As he set off to do that, another man was searching for his son frantically. The two bumped into each other and started looking for the boy.

"Such a strange coincidence you have my maiden name as your first name." Martha mumbled to herself. "A boy who lost his parents, and me and my husband having trouble conceiving one." The idea of adoption crossed her mind, but Jonathan wanted a child of his own with her. "After the news today, I will just have to convince him further."

Martha's mind worked away with additional clarity. She squeezed the child in somewhat fear of losing him. But the breathing remained steady the entire time. Light dirt marks and singed hair the only real damage she found on him.

The distance between the found Clark and the rock on his "parents" was pretty far. But the fire seemed to contained and eerie. But the heat in the cornfield was defintely real. Seeing a few pieces of what appeared to be a gemstone, she picked it up with a piece of cloth.

*Tshh!* The rock around the gemstone turned into powder. The green gem flashing before it turned clear. Holding it to the sun, Martha marvel at its beauty.

Bio: Clark Hyperion Olympian Kent

Magic Returned: Mental

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