
Evil Designs: Fire Emblem Across Realms (Oneshot)

Hector, the Champion of Tiamat had taken over several Dimensions in her name. Primordial Creatures that caused slights in the past were paid by her Champion. All the places with Dragons that needed to be brought to heel before her partial brother Bahamut brought them under his fold. Moving to the next destination, Hector was in for some trouble. Especially with the setup he was given this time. Having a twin younger sister awaken long-buried feelings he was able to make do without. The mother as normal had weird circumstances and the father was something lacking in his eyes. Hector is struggling with the decision if he should form a contract with his sister and make her a champion. But that would introduce her to a world of warring Pantheons and secrets as old as Existance itself. To make it worse, Hector's kids from previous Dimensions have tracked him down. Wanting to still learn and fight with their father. They were grown, why was it so hard for them to understand to stand on their own!? What's a champion to do with all of the trouble especially when he needs to still take over the Dimension for Tiamat without an issue.

Magmatide · Video Games
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21 Chs

Fire Emblem Part 8 More Magic Abilities

Despite being Enthralled, Karel was still upset he was knocked out. It didn't weaken and grew stronger as he talked with Hector, which was weird. He wonders if struck down with a killing blow after knocking him out what would have happened afterward.

"You destroyed my sword! How could you?!" He used the sword to kill a lot of people, to the point that it was like losing an arm. Which had Hector completely ok with since it caused the man to grow. He didn't have the handicap of the weapon anymore.

"Because.. I own you thats how." Hector sipped his drink slightly frustrated his armor was taking time to heal. The cuts by Karel did more damage than he thought. "Besides, that sword is better for you. Tell me how many of your family members have you killed yet to polish your skill."

"All but my sister." Karel was taken back he knew about that but seeing how people moved into the room with different papers, he assumed a spy network was involved. "I killed my father just recently."

"I see. Your sister.. send word for her to come to join or settle down here. Her sword skill will be nice to teach a few of my people." As for the disease she has, no way would he treat it unless he needed to.

"Oh, so you are not going to pass my sword skill to others?" Karel had assumed a few things already. But Hector kept surprising him.

"No, it is for me. I want the advantage of having it for myself. I am sure you can develop new sword styles with what you learn while with me. Eventually." Reading a note about a few Lorca Tribe members moving towards Bulgar, he wondered what they were planning. "Well, we have the time and with you by my side, a lot can be done."

"A do not want to waste my time on weaklings." That pride was still there, which was funny to Hector.

"You will waste your time on whatever I say. Besides, there are tons of powerful people for you to deal with, you are not invincible as you lost to me who is lower in swordsmanship than you." Hector signed some papers and move to leave. "Come on, no pouting either."

His grin only caused Karel to scowl back at him. But he followed all the same.

Outside by the horses, Hector was suprised to see a few of the Pegasus Riders had landed. Even more when seeing they had additional people unloading off them.

"Sir!" Fiora ran overseeing Hector. Her hair was messy as well as the armor she wore. "We have dire news!"

"Alright, hold on and calm down first." Hector raised his hand stopping the woman. She only ever fretted when it involved her sisters. So either something happened to Farina or Florina was finally found. "Who are those people?"

"Members of the Lorca tribe." Her second came over and reported. "At first we thought they were nobody important until we caught a closer look at the clothes and spotted the bandits chasing them."

"I see." By the looks of it, they defintely engaged the bandits fiercely. A few of the mounts looked to be injured.

"Ok!" Fiora had herself together now as she reported in. "The additional Pegasus Knights won't make it back anytime soon. Something happened in Ilia and they were recalled back. Please don't demand the money back."

"Hmm, I am sure something explaining in detail will come my way. If not, it would be a shame to go to war with Illia." He said it jokingly but despite its tough people, it could be taken out easily. Just not in a humane kind of way. "What else is there?"

Happy he didn't fuss, the riders exhaled softly and made a mental note to hurry and get their family members out of the cold country before it was to late.

"Sigune took a side contract, the Lorca tribe Chieftan's wife pleaded for her to help." Fiora knew Hector didn't have a policy against it but that meant the mercenaries were pushed harder. "They are currently held up in a village and getting hammered by bandits."

"Why have they not sent word for help?"

"Well, to prove they can do it." Fiora looked at him a little scared as this went against policy for military protocol. They ordered to go with the survivors and not assist. "No casualties as far as I know Lord Hector."

Some movement went around at the mentioning of his name.

"Did you say, Lord Hector?" A pink-haired girl came running over. She was defintely dressed like a cleric but could realy fast in the current clothing. "It is you!" Serra threw herself at him like a puppy to its owner. This confused a few of them. "Where have you been?!"

"Well going around killing bandits and causing trouble." Hector returned the hug and gave her a pat on the back. "Thought you were doing some "funny" stuff somewhere and to busy for me and my people."

"Never." She wouldn't comment on the funny stuff as that was spy work in Eturia. "Never to busy for you." She gave him a smile that warmed the heart of even someone like Karel.

Made him think of his own sister when she was younger. Which was odd since most memories of his younger years were blocked behind a wall of bloodshed.

"Fiora, make sure the riders receive ample resting and secure the area just in case some bandits come down from the mountains in pursuit." Hector thought about staying back and helping heal but the thought of the stubborn members of the Left Wing of Tigris getting in trouble didn't sit well. "Make sure patrols are tight and deal with Ilia recalling fresh mercenaries that were hired as you see fit."

"Yes sir!" Fiora was happy they were not going back out. The mounts need ample rest and care. Not to mention the Lorca tribe members needed people to help them. 'I will have to send someone to Bulgar to purchase a few more Vulneraies, can't use what sin current stock just in case of a siege.'

Serra didn't let go as Hector walked. Considering she was so light, he carried her easily. Which earned a few giggles from the pegasus riders who watched.

Karel watched all this passively. Lost in thought until someone addressed him.

"Raven and the others should be back soon, make sure they rest well before leaving out for anything personal." Hector checked over his horse and got on. Serra was pulled onto the back of him. "Karel, you can ride a horse can you not?"

"Of course." Saddling up on a horse, he was ready to ride in a few minutes. "I am a man of Sacae after all."

The trio were off in a hurry. The pegasus riders stared in awe at the mention of the name Karel, he was well known to most of them.

The members of the Lorca tribe were just as impressed. If not for Madelyn, they would not be here right now. Some thinking the worse of Hassar and some of the Elders of the tribe not siding on caution. If not for a few drinking water that was already stored, the numbers would have been lower than what they had.

True to what Hector said, Raven arrived with a few people and a few wagons of goods three days later.


Faster transportation-


As they rode the next few days, Hector finally felt the change in the Primordial Sea. Besides its width and depth increasing, Blueprints remnant of the Spectres floated above the waters. Slowly parts filled out making the appearance of a Temple of sorts.

'I do not have the material to build this. Unless I am missing something else?' Hector pulled the horse to a slow walk. Serra had fallen asleep recently behind him. Karel to the side of him with his horse looking a little tired. "We will take a break soon."

He did not want to use another Seraph Robe, not unless the other horse showed more willpower compared to the one he was riding. Using his Stave, magic flowed out healing the fatigue of both horses.

It was a nice fix but that didn't mean it could be done long term. As long as the horse was conditioned enough it could work a few weeks straight. By the looks of it, the horse Karel rode was not broken in as a warhorse.

"Sounds good." Karel was quiet most times as they traveled. Only speaking when spoken to, which annoyed Serra. Who he was looking at holding onto Hector tightly. "Is she your woman?"

"No, just someone I care about. She has been through a lot and is trying to find her way." She also helped him understand healing better and took care of his wounds when the other healers refused. They were just unable to stand the sight of constant blood and broken bones. "Hmmm?"

A weird feeling permeated the air.

Hector's eyes glowed with magic as he caught movement further on up. "Pherean Knights... why are they way out here?"

Three Cavaliers and two Heroes sneaking about. One man, in particular, stuck out. His red-haired was just a marker for who he was. Not that many had that red hair in the country. Like.. less than a hundred.

"Who goes there?" A cavalier called out.

"Nunya." Hector said as his horse kept moving with Karel following with. "Thats Mindya, be quiet before you wake people up." He pointed at Karel who gave an odd look at the name.

"Easy now, we are all just passing through." The leader said nothing as they moved to the side. His party looked at Hector closely. 'That man looks familiar, but I can't place where from.' As they moved from sight, he finally rembered were and looked back. "It can't be!?"

"Nunya.. what an odd name." Karel muttered. "What kind of name is Mindya?"

"Heh," He couldn't help laughing. "Nunya is short for none of yours, Mindya is short for mind yours, both are meant for not wanting to involve or telling the other your real name of course. I rather not waste time with those people from Pherae, have no idea why they are passing through this way."

'Stop your horses a little to the left.' Tiamat said the moment she woke up. 'You have just enough power to travel quicker. Especially with this horse. In the future, I suggest you find four others to always travel with you specifically.'

'Four specifically?' Hector followed the instructions and moved them to the side of the current path. A Magic Circle appeared in front of them. Which illuminated enough light and magic that Serra started to stir. 'That's pretty bright.'

"Whiny!" Hector's horse was fine as he took it through. Karel's horse freaked out and almost threw him off the saddle. Wrangling it through, the Magic Circle closed behind him.

Two of the Pheraen Cavaliers had rushed to the location to see what was going on but found nothing that emitted the light. Scouring the area for those they just passed had the knights frustrated as they returned to report back.

*Zoom! Zoom!* Out of a Magic Circle, Hector, Serra, and Karel came out several miles away. Looking around, he was not that far away from a city. But the city itself was a few days worth of travel from the previous location.

Both Karel and his horse needed some time to get their bearings. Serra had fainted for some reason but held onto Hector tightly in fear.

"Hmm, that looks like my people in that town." Using magic to enhance his vision, Hector looked around but didn't find any bandits. Which made the situation pretty weird over all. "Let's go on in slowly, keep a lookout."

Karel just groaned as he nodded. His horse looked ready to collapse.

'How many times can I do that?' Hector attributed the feeling to that of a bullet train. The g0force didn't agree well with the others since they were not used to it. 'I wonder how this horse was able to be ok?'

He brushed the horse's neck and felt the coat was soft to the touch. More than what it was before they went through anyway.

'Depends how well you develop your magic and feed the Primordial Sea. I suggest you make a Shrine to me nearby to have a second point to help.' Tiamat lounged on her bed as she moved her hands connecting a point from the Shrine of the Mani Katti to the location Hector currently moved in. 'Each one will take more resources and magic so choose wisely.'

Hector Ostia

Martial Rank: Lord

Magical Rank: Page

Reap: 57

Enthralled: 30

Level 5 →

HP 46 →

Str 19 →

Skl 18→

Spd 20→

Lck 14→

Def 26→

Res 17→

Con 22→

Mov 7

Affinity- All

Axe - B Sword- C Bow- B Lance- D Stave- D

Anima- C → Dark- B Light- C

Attained Martial- Journeyman, Cavalier, Fighter, Mercenary, Myrimdon, Rider, Archer, Pirate, Thief

Attained Magical- Page, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Troubador

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