Please Keep Calm And Carry On Reborn in Vikings as a Degenerate FYI MC not a good person, I've had readers complain about his actions when it is clearly stated on the title. Crackfic Warning Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment
A druid wearing deer antlers on his head stood at the center while dressed in a black robe and in front of him were two men dressed in glimmering armor.
My Odin's eye focused on them and I saw the the two men wore gold gilded armor and the younger man had a beautiful Sword at his hip that was encrusted in large rubies and was gaudy but I could get heaps of silver if I could take it from him.
Our large warband stopped and lined up as Earl Haraldson signaled for all to hold positions.
He walked forward with his son Sven and headed to the center of the field to where the druid and two other men stood.
A flock of Carrion Crows flew over the field and landed on the trees surrounding us.... Odin watched us.
Before long the Earl and his son arrived before the Druid and the hunched old man began chanting loudly while burning a bundle of dried roots and herbs as everyone watched on in awe at the mystical ritual.
Once he was done the Druid reached in his robes and pulled out the dark stained skull of a horse which had been Adapted as a bowl.
The Druid held the bowl and both Earl's made cuts on their arms and allowed their blood to flow into the skull bowl for a few moments until the Druid signaled for then to stop.
The antlered Druid dipped his fingers in the blood of both Lord's and sprinkled it on the earth below while chanting loudly while all the men watched in anticipation.
As soon as the Druid was done the Crows all cawed like mad for a few seconds before stopping.
"THE ALLFATHER IS WATCHING!!! ODIN'S SON STANDS WITH US!!!" Tostig shouted loudly and our men all began a fearsome warcry as they banged their shields with their axes.
The armored men all shouted angrily to intimidate the enemy forces who stood opposite us.
Soon enough Earl Haraldson and his son walked back to our lines and our lord tightened his helmet and drew his sword before shouting.
"THE GOD'S WATCH OVER US!!! ADVANCE!!!" He shouted and all the Men locked shields and began marching forward slowly which the enemy warband did as well.
We advanced closer and closer until we were only twenty meters away from each other then Earl Haraldson gave out an order.
"HALT!!!!" Our men as well as the enemy warriors stopped in their tracks.
The Earl looked over at me where I stood on the left side and gave me a nod.
I stepped forth with my massive Dane Axe held menacingly, my Heavy Armor and Bear Cloak made me appear even larger than I actually was.
My heavy bootsteps thudded as I reached the center of the field and pointed my two handed Axe at the enemy warriors.
"I AM THENN ODINSON!!! WHICH ONE OF YOU CURS WILL FACE ME!!! I HEARD EARL SKARYG'S MEN WERE SMALL CRAVENS AND IT SEEMS I HEARD TRUE!!!!" I shouted and my Men all laughed out loud as they taunted the enemy forces.
Most of Earl Skaryg's Men looked at me and thought. 'fuck that' at the idea of fighting me.
The giant Axe with blood stained wood seemed to scare most men off.
Before long Earl Skaryg's Only Son Stepped forth to accept my challenge.
"STATE YOUR NAME SO THE SKALDS MAY SPEAK OF YOUR CORPSE AS MY FIRST ACT OF GLORY!!!" I shouted and my men cheered and shouted insults at the man in gilded Armor.
"My name is Borg Skarygson!!! And you shall see Valhalla today!!!" The man yelled and drew his ruby encrusted golden Sword as he raised his shield in front of him.
I stepped forth and yelled. "WHAT A FINE SWORD TO GIFT ME AFTER I CHOP YOU IN HALF!!!" I shouted and walked forward to the shielded man who walked around me cautiously.
My men began chanting loudly as we neared each other.
I neared the man and swung my axe full strength at his body which he blocked with his heavy blue painted shield.
The tip of my Axe flew at the wood and cracked through the shield as if it were particle board.
the sharp edge shattered the shield as splinters of wood flew into the soft grass while my men cheered on.
I saw the fear In Borg's eyes as he saw what mess he truly got himself in.
I swung my fearsome Axe downwards toward the Man with all my strength.
He raised his fancy sword to block it but the sharp edge of my Axe shattered his blade in two and cut him in half down to his navel as his blood and brains spattered and sprayed all over me.
All went quiet at the sight of the Noble son being slaughtered with ease like a common peasant.
I pulled my Axe out with a tug and reached into Borg's open chest and yanked out his still beating heart.
I raised my helmet and began taking ravenous bites out of the juicy Heart as blood poured out and down my armored forearm.
The enemy warriors looked on in horror at the sight of blood dripping down my mouth ass if I were some sort of Demon.
When I finished eating the whole thing I spoke aloud again.
"WHO IS NEXT!!!!" I shouted and none came forth, I could see Earl Skaryg crying in anger from a distance but the Older man was smart enough not to fall for such a trap.
Since no one responded I moved forward towards the enemy line as Borg's blood dripped off of me.
"I SMELL YOUR FEAR DOGS OF SKARYG!!!!" I shouted and launched myself at the enemy line as my Dane Axe shattered shields and cracked open heads with every swing as blood and gore were flung in every direction with each swing of my mighty weapon.
Earl Haraldson ordered an all out charge with his war horn to support me so all our men charged forward.
my warriors could see the fear in Earl Skaryg's men as they scrambled to get as much distance from the Me as possible as I moved forward like a beast and chopped men to peices with each fast swing.
I continued a whirlwind of death and gore as men screamed and cried for mercy as their friends had their skulls crushed and brains oozed out of their cracked helmets.
Eventually our men crashed into the enemy lines and began a terrible slaughter upon the demoralized enemy.
I spotted Earl Skaryg attempting to run off in the distance so I stepped on a few corpses to get the right angle then I hurled my Dane axe as hard as I could.
The huge bloody weapon soared through the air at a frightening speed before lodging itself deep into the Earl's Back as I drew my sword and shield then began slaughtering the enemies again.
Eventually I received a stab into my thigh from a man who lay wounded on the ground so I stomped down on his head and it popped with a sickening crunch like a watermelon.
Within ten minutes cries of surrender began to sound out so we stopped killing, I began cutting out hearts of those I'd killed and eating them as I neared the body of Borg.
I knelt down and searched his body.
The Golden hilted sword, his heavy solid gold arm ring, several peices of gold jewelry and bag of gold and silver coins.
I nabbed it all then walked over to Earl Skaryg's corpse and began ransacking him as well as my axe was still stuck to his back.
Before long one of Earl Haraldson's Captains came by and spoke.
"You cannot take his gold for yourself Thenn, it belongs to the Earl!!!" He shouted at me which got the attention of those around us.
Immediately my men with their black painted faces grasped their weapons as they eyed the Captain.
I stood and looked at the Man. "Are you calling me a thief Orwyn?" I asked as I stood from the Corpse and looked into his eyes.
I saw his hands tremble before he gripped his sword.
"I said You cannot keep that gold for yourself!!!" He shouted at me and grabbed the hilt of his axe.
I stepped forward and punched his face hard through his helmet and he fell hard on the ground with a groan.
I dropped down on top of him and grabbed his head between my palms and squeezed harder and harder as his screams of pain Resounded.
Earl Haraldson and his son's ran towards us along with Tostig from another direction, before the Earl could shout at me to stop I gave Orwyns head a final squeeze and his skull popped in my hands as brain spattered everywhere.
"What the fuck is going on!!!" The Earl shouted at me.
I stood up and looked down at the Man. "Your Captain called me a thief, I killed Borg and Skaryg so I get to keep their things....this isn't a raid so the usual splitting of treasure doesn't apply." I spoke and the Earl's eyes furrowed.
He planned on keeping all of the weapons and armor for himself but now I was saying everything was up for the take.
"I intended to keep anything scavenged from the enemy." The Earl spoke seriously.
"Do you intend to take my rightfully earned gold then?" I asked aloud and my personal warband scowled and cussed at the thought.
"No, I don't....may Orwyn reach Valhalla..." The Earl spoke Angrily and stormed off into the distance.
My men continued looting the corpses and took heaps of armor and weapons back to our ship while the coins and trinkets they stuffed into their clothes.
The Earl meant to scam us with a small feast and a few coins for this battle.... but now my men moved like Hyenas as they stripped the corpses of all their wealth and weapons.
I walked past the pile of our own dead men, fourteen men all laid out as their friends said prayers over their corpses.
I spotted Sigurd laying dead with Rollo and Ragnar kneeling beside him, he had a deep gash on his thigh and the top of his head was bashed in.
I approached and saw Rollo and Ragnar crying over his body.
I knelt beside them and patted their shoulders. "He is in Valhalla now Brothers, cry not for his death but for his eternal life with the Aesir." I spoke and Ragnar smiled at me.
"Aye....I should be happy, but I didn't expect him to die in this pointless battle...." He spoke angrily.
I comforted them for a while and spoke.
"He has only one Farm, which of you will take it?" I asked.
"I'll leave the Farm to Ragnar, I'm not the type for plowing fields....and Ragnar is already a father so I don't wish to deny him." Rollo spoke, he'd get all of Sigurds coins as well so he didn't mind leaving the farm to Ragnar.
"Good....Ragnar, soon it will be Hasta's birthday, will you hold a feast?" I asked to drisract my brother from the corpse.
" and yours are invited....Hasta always asks for you and your family to visit more often... Little Bjorn as well." He spoke and wiped the tears from his eyes.
"Aye, we'll be there." I patted his back and stood.
His wife Hasta was a shield maiden who he Married a few years ago, I made sure to take her Maidenhood before he could then I handed her over....
Hasta was much like Lagerta in their fighting ways except Hasta was a huge slut around town, Bjornn wasn't even Ragnar's, he was Rollo's but that wasn't my business.
I walked off early towards the enemy camp, I chopped the few survivors apart for fun, only a few guards and Servants left behind.
I ripped out their hearts and devoured them before heading towards the Largest tents....
Once inside I found few slaves cowering there so I swung my axe and cut them apart and ripped out their hearts to eat.
After they were all dead I searched around for valuables.
Eventually I found a lockbox so I forced it open to reveal a large heap of gold coins and bar.
I moved everything to my inventory and threw the lockbox in a nearby fire so it would burn.
Then I moved to his Son's tent and found a pretty Woman waiting there trembling in fear.
"Who are you Woman." I asked the lady as I pointed my blood dripping axe at her.
"Lina Ulfsdottir....W...Wife....of Borg..." She spoke meekly, I used my senses and found that she was recently pregnant.....couldn't leave a child of Borg Alive, if it were a male he'd come and get me in the future if that was the case.
"All the gold and silver, where is it?" I asked the trembling woman while pressing the sharp blade of my Axe against her soft neck.
She pointed to a corner of the room with a bunch of armor and bags of grain.
First I took all the valuable jewelry and the solid silver Arm ring then set her aside as she cried in fear.
I tossed everything aside to reveal a large sack of silver coins...nice.
I tied the bag to my waist and grabbed the woman and pulled her back toward my men.
She tried to resist but I slapped her hard once and she relented.
"I...I can be your mistress....I swear it....please..." She begged me but I didn't give a shit.
Soon enough I reached my men who were resting near my ship and I tossed Tostig the Woman then spoke aloud for all to hear.
"The wife of Borg!!! Enjoy Men, You deserve it!!!" I shouted and a cheer rang out as they began to rip her clothes off as she screamed in fear.
The men began saying toasts to me as I walked away but I didn't give a shit, one woman was enough to keep them happy and I didn't feel like fucking her.
I retrieved a few skins of Mead and some dried meat then found a quiet and dry spot against a large oak tree.
I sat and leaned against it then popped one bag of Mead open and drank deeply as I relaxed my body and mind.
I'd made plenty of coin on this little run which I didn't expect so that was good, I don't know how much longer I'd stand that idiot Earl though....
The battlefield was soon wiped clean and the only sounds were the distant cries of Borg's wife and the laughing of the men as I closed my eyes and dozed off against the tree as I wrapped myself in my bearskin cloak.
When morning came I awoke to Tostig handing me a bowl of stew with an ashcake.
"We leave soon, some breakfast for you Thenn." The bald man spoke.
I took the plate and started eating as he spoke.
"The Earl decided to head to Skaryg's town and demand a tithe....I guess he wasn't happy with what he made from the battle." Tostig spoke and I nodded.
"As expected, make sure to kill Borg's wife she's pregnant already and I don't want the risk of her having a Son." I spoke and he nodded.
"Aye, I'll do that....the men passed her around through the night, I'll get Karl to drown her before we head off." Tostig spoke and soon I finished eating and we returned to the ships.
Sven the son of Earl Haraldson walked up and spoke.
"Did you already hear? We'll head to Skaryg's town next.....Father wants to ask for payment." He spoke and I nodded.
"Aye, who will take over the town?" I asked.
"Father will allow them freedom if they pay well, I tried to convince him to allow Magnus to take over since it's a fairly small town but Father refused." Sven spoke and shook his head.
"Let's finish up, I can't wait to return home soon." I spoke and walked towards my ship and helped my men push it out to sea again.
After an hour we had all boarded and sailed away toward the north east to extract a tribute....
I looked over to the Earl and pondered of when I'd bury my axe in his chest....
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