
Chapter 252

The spectators exchanged guesses. – «Haven't the Stones lost yet?» … «I know! If the Stones don't happen to have the tenth participant, it's not the Browns' problem. Anyway, let's wait until the judge has spoken.»

The judge looked puzzled at the screen at the top of the arena. According to the rules, the active participants were not allowed to stay outside the platform. It meant that Kyon was disqualified. – «I announce Arsen Brown the w…»

Before the judge announced the winner, the wooden surface of the Stone platform burst open. Totally unexpectedly, the last remaining Stone participant was standing there. He gave all those present a cold gaze of his anthracite-black eyes and stamped his foot on the surface of the arena, thereby announcing that the challenge had been accepted.

«Wооооооооооооооооw?!» – Hundreds of thousands of spectators gasped. The 10th participant of the Stone family, hiding somewhere under the platform, came as a complete surprise!