

Waking up to the noise of engines honking, Ruo Shua, blinked her eyes wanting to adjust to the light.

Ruo Shua has been living in the street for as long as she could remember. Waking up inside a box, when she was 10 years old without anything but herself and the memory she lost. She can't remember who she was, her family, and every bits of her past.

She was left in the street to endure every thing. The sleepless nights, the coldness of the concrete she lays on, the hunger and thirst she had long forgotten.

She doesn't wish for anything but to know her identity, and why was she thrown out in to this jungle like place.

"Beep! Beep!" A red Aston Martin honked from her side, its window rolled down slowly, revealing a beautiful goddess. 'Isn't this the woman in the billboard in S Mall?' she asked herself.