

It hasn't been heard of in centuries He never expected to have another mate Having always wished for a mate , Gianna Walt finally gets what she has been wishing for but she didn't expect him to be Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack. Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack didn't expect to have a second mate after the tragic death of his first mate and unborn child. So when he begrudgingly goes to the Moon child pack for the soon to be Alpha's wedding and meets his second chance mate, he is determined to have her as the Luna of his pack and nothing more. With the mystery surrounding the death of his first mate and a mistake of a drunken night, would his plan of keeping her at arms length succeed or would she fight to mean something more to him.

Hannie305 · Fantasy
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28 Chs


"What the hell are you doing in here!".

The voice that could only belong to my mate bellowed jarring me out of my thought. The album immediately fell from my arms in shock.

I thought he went for a meeting.

I couldn't move I just stared at the grave expression on his face. He was visibly angry and I was immediately scared. Not that I thought he would hurt me, but the look on his face made my blood run cold.

He walked towards me and grabbed me roughly by my arm. I didn't say anything mainly because I didn't know what to say.

"What the hell are you doing in here". He said too calmly. I still didn't say anything to him which just seemed to make him angrier.

"I asked you a question WHAT THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!". He screamed at the same time shaking me. I stared at him wide eyed trying to say something, anything but my lips couldn't form words.

"I – I- "he let go of me roughly which caused me to stumble, but I was able to stop myself from falling. He turned his back to me running his hands through his hair roughly.

"Why couldn't you just leave me alone, why couldn't you just stay away from me". He turned back to me. "Huh tell me why you couldn't just STAY AWAY!". His statement brought me out of my stupor. An emotion filled me which I immediately recognized as anger, it filled me to the brim and I knew there was no keeping a lid on it.

I didn't want this also.

"Why did you bring me here if you wanted me to stay away from you. Did you think I FUCKING WANTED YOU TO BE MY MATE? No I didn't. I'm just as miserable as you are. I have a mate who ignores me and doesn't even look at me. How do you think I feel, ELATED! No I DON'T! So if you wanted me to stay away why didn't you just REJECT me instead of putting me through THIS!". I didn't notice that I had started crying. I wiped the tears away furiously. I was really trying so hard to control myself. I could feel my eyes rapidly changing with the different emotions rushing through me.

"You want to know why the fuck I didn't reject you, well it's simple. I didn't reject you because my pack needs a Luna. Believe me when I say that if not for that I would have done just that, now get out and never enter here ever again". He said slowly.

Those words immediately drained the fight out of me. I felt empty, my wolf was whimpering inside my head and my tears were falling so fast that he became a blurry figure. I walked towards him and before I could stop myself I slapped him hard on his cheek.

"I-I'm so done with this". I said barely above a whisper that I was sure he probably didn't even hear me.

I turned and ran out of the room, but stopped when I saw all the residents of the house apart from the staff standing at the entrance of the hallway. I'm sure they had all heard us shouting at each other. All of them were giving me sympathetic looks even Cora. The only one who looked unbothered was Shawn's mother Priscilla. I didn't care though, I was so done with these sympathetic looks, so I just ran towards my room. Jo and Gracie stepped forward to enter with me but I just stopped them.

"I- I – just want to be alone". I didn't wait for them to say anything before slamming my door. I didn't want to talk to any of them right now. I immediately rushed to my bed and curled in it and the tears came. Heavily. I just wanted a happy life was that too much to ask.

I cried for some time before deciding that I needed to talk to someone from home. I couldn't call my parents because I'll only end up getting them worried. I couldn't call Carlos, because he might just come here angrily and I didn't want him doing anything in anger and he might end up having a fight with Vladimir, and even if he deserved it, he was still my mate and I couldn't see him hurt. So, I just called the one person who would calm me down and help me figure out what next to do. Liv.

I scrambled searching for my phone and finally found it on the desk where I had left it to charge this morning before going to Vladimir's office. I immediately went back to my bed and dialed Liv who answered after two rings.

"Hey Gigi, how you doing". She sounded very happy and I felt bad for having to drop my burden on her, but I knew she wouldn't mind. She was always there for me.

"Gigi, hello what's wrong". She sounded worried her chirpy voice gone. I guessed I had zoned out. I sniffed.

"Everything is wrong Liv". Hearing her concern for me brought on a new wave of tears. I couldn't help myself.

"Hey talk to me Gianna", she said and so I did. I told her everything starting from the beginning when I had met Selena's parents to the end where I had run out of the room. And she listened patiently without interrupting me, letting me pour it all out, and that's what I just love about her.

"Well I'll first say he deserved more than a slap to his cheeks but well done Gigi, Secondly, he is a big dick and a stupid asshole. How could he say all that to you? I so wished I was there I would have gladly handed his ass down to him". That made me laugh. We both knew that she couldn't even beat him up, but hearing her say it had been enough to make me feel slightly better. She turned serious again.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Gigi. I wish I was there with you right now". I sniffed again. I really missed my family.

"What should I do Liv, because I don't know what to do. All I want to do right now is to come home and just forget about Vladimir. At this point I'm considering rejecting him". My wolf whimpered at my statement.

"Look Gigi, trust me when I say that I believe fate brought you two together for a reason, even though it doesn't seem that way right now but I know that it will all get better. I'm not trying to say that you should let him do what he likes to you, or let him decide what becomes of your relationship, you also have a right to make decisions too. But I don't want you to do something in anger that I know you would end up regretting. No one should have to go through rejection, especially you. So, I want you to put on your big girl panties and don't let him push you around okay". I smiled shakily and nodded before realizing that she couldn't see me.

"You are right Liv I should probably calm down, now is not the time for me to make serious decisions, and I shouldn't let him push me around and make me cry like this. I know this relationship with him would not be easy, but you are right. Fate brought us together for a reason". I inhaled deeply to stop my tears before continuing. "But do me a favor and don't tell my parents or Carlos about this". I didn't want them worrying over a fight between me and Vladimir.

"You don't have to ask me that you know I wouldn't tell them anything if you didn't want me to. Girl code remember". She said.

"Okay I'll call you later. Thanks for the advice Liv, I really needed it". I said sincerely feeling a bit better after talking to her.

"No problem Gigi you know I'm always here for you anytime you need me just the same way you've always been there for me; I'll always have your back my pumpkin". We both laughed at that before saying goodbye to each other. I placed the phone back to charge and curled up on my bed. I really needed to sleep; the crying had brought on a headache. I knew that Jo and Gracie where outside my room door but I'll talk to them later when I woke up.

The rumbling of my stomach woke me up. I was so hungry I just remembered that I hadn't eaten anything since I woke up. I had planned to talk to Vladimir and after that eat, but that didn't happen. I stood up and stretched. The headache was still there.

I picked up my phone to check the time and saw that it was three in the afternoon and I had slept at around nine, nine thirty. My stomach rumbled again. I couldn't prolong going downstairs, I just hoped I didn't see Vladimir.

I placed my foot in my blue flip flop and walked to my door, opening it I was met with Jo and Gracie standing in front of my door with a maid behind them carrying a cart containing different food from appetizers to desserts. My eyes were immediately drawn to the medium sized chocolate cake and a big bowl of ice cream. My stomach rumbled and they laughed, making my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"We figured that you might be hungry when you finally woke up, so we brought our emergency make you feel better cart of food. I smiled widely at them. I was glad to have them care about me.

"Henry and John wanted to come as well but we told them that they could see you later, right now you need a girl's night". I laughed.

"Well it's just three in the afternoon isn't it too early for a girl's night". I asked them, smiling widely.

"Who cares, we'll just call it a girl's afternoon/ night". We all laughed. They really made me feel better.

I opened my door wide so they could come in and told the maid thanks before she left.

"So firstly, I'll tell you that my brother is a dick and I punched him so well that my hand still aches". Jo said making me laugh. I looked down and saw the bandage on her right hand. That must have inflicted more pain on her than him.

"So, we are going to help you forget about today by making you eat so much cake and ice cream that you might not even remember your own name". I smiled feeling so much better.

"Alright, but before that I'll have to go wash up. I look like I just came out of a kid's nightmare". They laughed and I went to the bathroom to have a quick shower to wash away my tear streaked face before coming to eat till my stomach probably bursts.


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