
Everything starts from my name

I prefer being by myself all alone, but everything come to change. I never thought that I would fall for someone deeply nor I can't admit it. Everything starts from my name. I 'm glad that she came up to me and how I meet him. Never thought that I would become someone daring person. I just love him and adore him, but I din't know how he feel about me. I'm just happy that I made friends with them. Thank you for everything, for letting me know the feeling of loving some one. Shine Dilbung is a girl with down personality. But everything changes when Andie come up to her. She made friends with Amy, Angus and Elias. And even fall in love. They are still young and cheerful where the love is strong. Everything seems bright and beautiful when she fall in love. She can finally being some one happy whom she have never feel it before. Angus and Andie fall for her even Elias. Yet Shine Dilbung is blind with her feeling for Angus but everything turns into misunderstanding. While the feeling goes on with them.

Jovi_chan · Teen
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27 Chs

Chapter 18 : Jealous.

The face that lie within my heart. The unforgettable smile, how can i forget the feeling when I first saw you under the tree, sitting alone with those empty eyes of you being hidden by those soft and shinny hairs of yours. Their is not a reason for loving you, from the first place I have always love you, look for you, I called out your name to myself even when I'm not with you. I know, for sure, but how can I move on when my feeling is still fooling around your smile. You are too special for my heart to let go off easily. This love of me, will now and ever gonna be not sure enough for you to notice me nor feel for it, because I know where your eyes lay with those warmth expression on your face and I know that person is not me. I'm not okay yet I'm fine. It's just the one sided.

Everyday the trio will wait for Dilbung coming over the class and Elias will drop her everyday and pick her up too. Day by day those beautiful smile of her become more and more brighter. And the one who goes on with their feeling being hidden increase their restless ness, all they ever want is to be with her every countable second. They can't find something more sweeter than her, they get addicted over her. Elias, Angus, Andie.


Dilbung wave back them to the trio as she hop on over Elias car as he came their to pick her up.

" Did you give it to your friend?": said Elias.

" Yeah. Why won't I? They will all come. So....you better perform better cause I'm gonna boss around saying that you are my brother.": said Dilbung as she look over her bag.

"Bother....": Elias smile over as he pat Dilbung head.

They were all looking forward at tomorrow concert. Dilbung even chat that whole night with the trio over the group chat. Once they stick around together, their come all the endless story.


" Dilbung din't you forget something": a private text came from Angus.

" What?.....hm.....did I miss out something?": replied back Dilbung without caution.

"It's nothing. I'm just kidding with you.": Angus lie over.

Dilbung continue with her chatting in the group section. She even tell over the group chat that she's gonna confess over someone after the exam end.

"Holy...Dilbung can't you tell us about that beforehand.": Amy.

"Amy...don't make her feel more excitement.....Yah!....Dalbunga....listen me out, never confess I'm hundred percent sure that you will gonna reject it.": said Andie.

Angus seen up the text he stays online yet he din't joint replying over the text. He just feel that finally he can move on like its never happen but somehow he feel heartache within him. He can't fool around himself. While Andie send unlimited text saying over not to confess she just show off her jealousness in a childish way. She even break in into his brother room saying him to stop her from that. She just show off her all her feeling through her expression while Angus stay still sitting alone.


" Our Dilbung seems more brighter this days. See, see, even humming to herself. Aunty is happy.": said aunt Tete with a happy satisfaction smile.

" She tell me that she will gonna confess up to someone.": said Elias as he sit beside Dilbung having dinner together.

"No, no, aunty.": blush Dilbung as she pinch Elias beneath the table.

Washing dishes.

" Why did you tell it to aunty?. ": said Dilbung with her lips being pouting. As both Elias and Dilbung wash up the dishes.

"Are you feeling shy?. Hmm... but Dilbung....what if that person reject you?": said Elias as he smile looking at the Dilbung pouting lips.

" I don't know, I just want to tell him the real, but I think I will get upset if he reject me but I can fastly move if he did." said Dilbung with those faintly smile yet a warmth smile.

That moment Elias want to take a bit of her that he love and press them like flowers between the pages of his favourite book. Because he know that when someone share hidden parts about themself to someone, she is trusting that person to hold the secret sections of her heart and to love the bits he thoughts were unlovable.

The next day went off like crazy Dilbung running here and their choosing her dress, but find her dress look more dull for the concert as she prefer wearing those muse looking dress over her childhood. The only dress that doesn't look like muse is the only dress that Elias have brought for her on meeting Silvian that day she appeared as his gf.

She run over Elias telling him that she din't have that rocking looking dress for concert. Elias smile over her once again petting her head. They find more comfy being together from before. Might be because Dilbung kinda start trusting him a little bit thinking that he is her big brother. She is must more clingy while Elias always spoiled her with his love being unknowingly. He said over her to buy the dress with him after they came back visiting her granny.

Both Dilbung and Elias went together. Dilbung open up more with her granny too, she will tell her everything including about her confession. Yet a big secret lie between her granny and aunt Tete. Honestly Dilbung granny is suffering with some heart chronic illness but can't tell over Shine DIlbung as they afraid that it might effect her too. Lately she become more livelyer, so everyone is more concern with her mental healthy.

With a beautiful smile Dilbung set off happily with Elias for shopping. Elias help her choosing her dress. Everyone they come across be more likely to be amaze seeing them together. Wonder, who is that handsome guy?. Who is that pretty muse?. Dilbung shine everywhere she become more and more alike like her name.

" Let's meet at the front gate.": Dilbung send a text over the group chat.


They meet up all at the front gate. Dilbung look more attractive than before with those Dolce and Gabbana Fall in balck color off shoulder. They all enjoy the concert, as Angus keep on looking at her unknowingly, he feel all those feeling at him. He is restless.

He just want her seeing being happy yet he don't make that happen for her too. He become way more childish with his feeling that moment. He think off confessing over her before she confess up to someone else.

The loud concert become silent for him. He is in another world looking at Dilbung. How can I even explained the expression that he wear in that moment while looking over her.

"Woaaaawwwww....that's awesome Dilbung. Your neighbor is way more op....look he even look more famous among girls.": said Amy with excitement as she also pin point at Elias who is being busy among girls.

" Yeah.....he even have hot ex who is rich like hell....but sadly he broke up with her. How about sister Amy you try hang out with my brother?": said Dilbung with a smile teasing Amy.

" Don't fool around. Let's go out and eat something I'm hungry.":

said Angus with a grumpy face getting jealous over Dilbung being talking about Elias.

They walk over the near restaurant and grab up with their favourite things.

" But Dilbung how come you learn that you like that person?. I mean the person you are gonna confess about it.": asked Amy as she keep busy eating her favourite pork deep fry.

" Ah...that.... I think its kind of coincidence, I don't know.....but he is senior.": said Dilbung with those cute shyly smile.

Being seeing her expression Angus clench over the fork, for eating his favourite pasta. He don't want let her continue with her story falling in love, but he can't be help. While Andie being acting up as she don't wanna make Dilbung feel uncomfy.

" I first meet with him when i feel down from the stairs. He is the one only asking about it. I once saw him more at the library, he will usually sleep there at the corner of the bookshelf. I find him more mysterious yet feel secure whenever i saw him. And I finally talk over with him. And I think about confession.": continue Dilbung with a smile.

" Talk?....Is that person close with you?...." : said Andie with a stunned yet a restless feeling.

That moment Angus walk away for washroom without any odd feeling letting them know it. And surely he miss out all the things what Dilbung say after that. He walk over the washroom with a furious face and wash off his face, saying to himself to calm down.

When he came out from the washroom he find Dilbung left the place as Elias came to pick her up. He fail to see her off.

Obviously he saw Andie being changing over her expression. Everyone can see through it too that she try her best not to let Dilbung feel obvious.