
Everything is for living.

° Please, Read before continuing, and we save problems ° I don't speak English, don't expect good grammar. First of all, it is a small wish fulfillment, something I had in mind and wanted to write it, do not wait for me to finish it, and do not expect daily updates, I will update whenever I feel like it, if you don't like it, don't read it . Almost villainous protagonist, pervert, in search of a great harem. He's not super smart or anything like that, he's just a lusty man looking to live one more year. He will see women as objects, and he will fall in love with some, enhancing the relationship with which he fell in love. Do not read if you do not like any of that, and we save the insults, and no, I do not respond to insults or similar things, it is a waste of time for me. And no, he will not travel to the world of Overwatch, then it will be explained how he gets D.va.

Odyosis · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Cap 5

Arthur did not seem happy remembering the past, and one of his great failures as a man and person, the goddess noticed this and wanted to make fun.

- "Jeee, you don't seem happy."

- "Once I fell in love, too bad I couldn't do what was necessary, what had to be done, and you know why ..., I was afraid to open my heart, I didn't want to be manipulated, I wanted to live my life to my liking, and love was an impediment that ties you to the person you love. " He said a little disappointed in himself.

- "How twisted your way of seeing love."

Arthur did not deny it, he closed his eyes for a few seconds and remembered a bit the past, feeling something nostalgic and sad.

- "I was an inexperienced idiot, over time all those ideas changed and I looked at things in a different way, a shame, for when I realized that love was more precious than I imagined, it was too late, she had died."

The goddess gave a condescending look, and she laughed at Arthur.

- "Kus, kus, kus, you have it well deserved! With all the bad things you did, I almost felt a little sorry ..., but that doesn't mean that you still have to pay for all the damage caused."

Arthur smiled, as if all of the above did not matter so much, and it did, Arthur is the kind of person who lives in the present, and does not care so much about the past, it is not that he forgets it, he only uses it as a life lesson He also did not plan to redeem himself, what is done cannot be undone.

- "Right! Now give me the punishment and let's get on with our lives, but first ... tell me your name."

The goddess crossed her chest and looked away.

- "Hmph! You are not worthy, as for your punishment, hmm, wait, before that, what was your motivation, because to end human life."

- "Really? I thought you were god, you shouldn't know everything"

- "Mortal! Don't overdo it and say it, I want to know it from your own mouth." She said with a cold voice.

Arthur shrugged, and decided to tease the goddess some more.

- "Well, if that's what you want my cute cupcake, I can't refuse"

- "I'm not your cupcake!"

- "Whatever you say honey."

-"Unhappy!" The goddess screamed in anger.

Arthur couldn't help but laugh, he had to grab his abdomen due to the pain caused by laughter, he thought that the goddess in front of him was not worthy at all.

- "ha ha ha ha, cough, cough, I almost choked and died again, cough."


Arthur wiped away his tears and calmed himself, then said in a serious tone:

- "Quiet or you will get gray hair and wrinkles."

-"I'm calm!"

The goddess squeezed her skirt and looked with hatred, when a woman says she is calm, she is furious, they are creatures that live saying the opposite, all to make life more difficult for men.

- "Sure, what surprises me is that you didn't throw a lightning bolt at me or something, despite all that anger, you didn't attack me, interesting. The deity stirred a bit, and our MC got this. -" So no you can harm me, a rule of the gods or something. "

- "Tch, how annoying, don't think that because I can't hurt you, I can't hurt you, I still have to decide what will happen to you, and I can influence that."

- "Meeee, it doesn't matter, you already decided it anyway, making you angry doesn't change anything, or yes. Better let me tell you why he did that. Simple, it was for the future of the earth and humanity"

The goddess raised an eyebrow, not understanding Arthur's motivation.

- "I don't understand, if you wanted to help humanity, you would have protected it"

- "The human race, and life was already lost on that planet, there was no way for humanity to prosper. I know that humanity is tenacious and all that, but I know, it would not serve to be tenacious and cling to the small hope of that everything would improve, it was better to end everything. "

- "Your own race didn't deserve another chance, you say?" She said she incredulous, she had never before seen a human being with so much god complex.

Arthur shook his head, as if he was disappointed in humanity.

- "No, they didn't deserve it"

-"Are you God!?"

- "No, but I was the only one with the balls to do it, I did what had to be done. And it was not bad, with time, the earth would enter a new restructuring process, and perhaps in a few billions of years, it would return to normal, and life would be possible again. "

Arthur paused for a second to look at the goddess, who was glaring at him, and continued.

- "Now do you understand? Thanks to me, the earth will start from scratch, the resources will be recovered and life will flourish, if the human continued to exist, all that would not be possible."

- "How stupid, that planet was already on the verge of collapse, your actions only made it worse!" Said the goddess.

- "Who knows, I can only wait for everything to improve, and see what happens." Argument Arthur,

- "You're already dead, you can never see what will happen." Scoffed the goddess.

Arthur rolled his eyes, he was already bored of an argument without a listener, less with such a hypocritical goddess.

He thought, if he supports humans so much, because he didn't help them at their worst, but he didn't say it, he kept it for him or they would be arguing for hours.

- "You're right ... ahhh ..., what now? We kiss, we take off our clothes and we make love."

The goddess covered her breasts and stepped back, a little frightened by the mortal's impudence.

-"How did you come to that conclusion!"

- "It's to break the tension, I don't understand why you're so rigid"

- "It's your fault! You're so annoying."

- "Yes, annoying and all, you still have me here waiting."

The goddess took a deep breath, tried to calm down and return to what she summoned them to, eliminate the mortal.

- "Tch, mortal fool, if you want to leave so much, so be it, now I will explain the rules, you would usually have the possibility of going to heaven or hell, it depends on your actions ..., and there is a third option, reincarnation or transmigration, that option is only available to certain people, and to you, if it is. "

- "hmm, that doesn't seem like a good thing." Arthur said, as he touched his chin.

- "Not for you, we usually give you a system, wishes or the like."

- "Something tells me I don't have any of that."

- "Almost, I will give you three random abilities, however, first I have to tell you a little problem of reincarnating, and that is that if you choose this option, you will not be able to go back, that is, if you die, you die, FOREVER, your soul , your body, everything that defines your being, disappears forever, it is the payment for a new life with your memories intact. " The goddess said, with a triumphant smile.

- "I see where this is going, but it would not be better for you to send me to hell and torture me."

- "With time you would leave, it is a shitty system, that's why I prefer to give you a new life, and let you die, with that I will sleep peacefully, knowing that a garbage like you is not causing harm to innocents" She said annoyed with the system.

Arthur took two steps closer to the goddess, and bowed slightly.

- "When he dies ..., will you dream of me darling?"

- "I won't fall for your stupid things any more! ... well! Let the wheel turn"

And the wheel began to turn.