
Chapter 19: Setting Things Straight

At first, Ransom was just going to have one of his capos keep tabs on Leena, but after a day of not seeing her for himself, he decided he didn’t trust anyone other than himself for the job. He was stir crazy and impatient, and Joseph and the others were getting irritated at having to answer Ransom’s calls every forty-five minutes.

Of course, he wouldn’t be able to watch her the entire day. He had other matters to attend to, and he wasn’t trying to stalk her. He just needed to keep an eye on her to make sure she was adjusting okay and that Manny— who he’d fired and reassigned to work under someone else— didn’t try to take out his anger on her.

Ransom made sure to have a handful of his most trusted guys on her, but he made sure to get in there and see her for himself between his family affairs and mafia meetings. The anniversary of his mother’s death was coming up, and he had to make preparations for her annual memorial dinner.