
Everything i Do...

Candy joins Carter High and meets rich, handsome Matt Kane. What are her secrets? Matt finds his life changing unalterably as he discovers Candy's truth. As the years pass, where will Matt and Candy find themselves in the twists and turns of life? And can their love endure and triumph over the challenges they face?

Vidya_Narayan_2200 · Urban
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41 Chs

EPILOGUE: Happily Ever After

"Oh, Candy, you look so beautiful!" Melinda sighed happily.

"Aunt Mel." Candy's face was luminous. "A few hours from now, I get to officially call you Mom."

Melinda's eyes filled with tears. "Candy, sweetheart, you're not only giving me a daughter, but you also gave me back my son. You don't know how grateful we are."

"Now you'll make her cry and ruin her makeup!" Hayley protested, though her eyes too were misty.

Layla, Candy's other very good friend from back when they were in school, straightened up from where she was adjusting the hemline of Candy's gown. "No more tears, anyone," she declared, giving Candy a hug. "You've all been through so much, it's time for some happiness now!"

Happiness was too colorless a word for what she was feeling right now, Candy thought, looking at herself in the mirror. It was three months since Matt had regained his memory, three beautiful months that she, Matt and Josh had spent as a family, living with the senior Kanes for some time before moving to the luxurious mansion Matt had purchased in the same neighborhood. And now, everything she had ever dreamed of since she met Matt, everything she had ever dared to hope for, was about to come true today.

"You look like a dream," Layla said, squeezing her shoulder. "Matt won't be able to take his eyes off you."

She did look good, Candy decided, eyeing herself critically. The wedding gown she had chosen in off-white suited her well, its flowing lines accentuating her slim figure. It was sleeveless, with a delicate lace design from her neck to the tops of her breasts. The bodice had hundreds of tiny sequins sewn on it, a pattern replicated on the full satin and lace skirt. She couldn't wait to see the expression on Matt's face when he saw her, she thought happily.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" Melinda wondered as Hayley went to open it. "There's still some time for the ceremony to begin…"

"Matt!" Hayley exclaimed. "What are YOU doing here?"

Matt? Candy turned, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of him. He had never looked so handsome, she thought, drinking in the sight of her tall, dark, soon-to-be-husband in his expensive, impeccably tailored tuxedo. His dark hair was brushed back, his jaw was recently shaved, and there was an uncharacteristic nervousness in those brilliant blue eyes.

"I – I want to meet Candy," he said, sounding a little defensive.

"Matt! Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" Melinda exclaimed.

"Mom, we've had all the bad luck we can already. Besides, I need – I just want to see her for a few minutes."

Melinda sighed, though there was a smile on her face. "Come on, Layla, Hayley, I suppose we shouldn't stand in the way of true love."

As soon as they had left, Matt closed the door and locked it before turning to Candy. His jaw dropped as he took in the sight of her in her wedding gown.

"Candy…sweet Jesus, you look so beautiful!" he breathed, almost reverently. "You are so absolutely gorgeous!"

"You look very handsome too," she replied softly. "But why are you here now?"

A devilish gleam entered Matt's eyes as he advanced towards her. "It's been hours since I saw you," he said. "And it's going to be ages before I can hold you in my arms again, and kiss you, and make love to you…"

"Matt! Your mom and the others must be right outside!" Candy tried to sound stern but the look in his eyes drew an answering pull in her.

"Then you'll just have to be really quiet," he replied, taking her in his arms.

"Quiet? What for -" Matt's head descended to hers, cutting off whatever she was going to say. His lips captured her mouth in a hot, hungry kiss that she could feel right down to her toes.

"Matt!" Candy gasped as he lifted his head to look down at her with glittering eyes. "Matt! The wedding starts in twenty minutes!"

"That gives us time for a quickie," he replied, his lips hovering over hers. "Will you let me fuck that perfect pussy nice and hard right here, right now, baby?"

She blushed at his words, feeling herself grow wet with his dirty talk. "You should know by now that I can never say no to you," she whispered, her arms twining around his neck.

"God, baby," he growled, his lips capturing hers again as his hand slid under her gown to stroke her mound. "Fuck…you're so wet…so fuckin' wet…" He stroked her clit through the thin material of her thong, making her gasp and shudder. He unzipped his pants with his other hand, releasing his massive erection. His shaft was rock-hard, glistening with precum. He fisted his hand around his cock and gave himself a few quick pumps, still stroking her clit. Then he cupped his big hands on her ass and hoisted her up, sliding into her in one swift movement.

"Oh!" Candy gave a stifled cry as Matt's impressive length and girth filled her tight passage.

"Shh!" He took her lips again, his tongue sliding into her mouth and sweeping against hers as his cock pistoned in and out of her. Candy clutched at his powerful shoulders, her legs locked around his waist as he changed his angle slightly, hitting the perfect spot that made her vision go white. He thrust harder still, pushing her to her peak.

Matt swallowed her cries of ecstasy even as her orgasm drove him to his own climax. "Fuck, baby, can we skip the ceremony and just go on to the honeymoon?" he asked, setting her down and resting his forehead against hers. "I'm so addicted to you, the more I have of you, the more I crave. Now I won't be able to think of anything else except how you feel when I'm inside you, how you look when you come, and how many times I'm going to fuck you tonight…"

Candy blushed. "I can't wait to be alone with you either," she confessed. Then she smiled teasingly at him. "But you've ruined my thong, Matt Kane, and I'd bought it specially for today!"

"Take it off, then," he replied, a smoldering look in his eyes. "I'd love to see you there at the altar, knowing that you're naked underneath."

A knock on the door made them both jump. They hastily straightened their clothes, Candy slipping off her thong with a saucy wink at her soon-to-be-husband. Matt smirked, grabbing it from her and stuffing it into his pocket before striding over and opening the door.

"It's almost time, son," Rich said, patting his shoulder. "Go on, everyone is waiting!"

Matt hurried off and Rich turned to Candy. "You look so beautiful, Candy, sweetheart." He smiled down at her. "My son is a very lucky man."

"I'm the one who's lucky," Candy replied, smiling back up at him. "I've got you and Mom and Matt and Josh – I don't know how I got so lucky."

"Good things happen to good people, my dear. Now, it's almost time - shall we go?" he asked, offering her his arm.

"Uncle Rich – Dad, thank you so much…you don't know how happy I am that you're giving me away," Candy whispered as they waited for the music that was their cue.

"Candy, sweetheart, you're our daughter every bit as much as Matt is our son," Senator Kane replied, his eyes suspiciously moist. "And we've been looking forward to this day for so long."

The music soared, and they began walking down the aisle. Candy heard sighs and gasps from the people around, saw Layla and Hayley, her maids of honor, heard Josh's excited squeal as he caught sight of her. Then everything faded into the background as she saw Matt standing at the altar, his beautiful blue eyes fixed on her with an expression of such love that it brought tears to her eyes. Rich handed her to Matt and went back quietly to take his seat.

"You look so beautiful," Matt said quietly. "So very beautiful."

"So do you," Candy whispered back.

The officiant cleared his throat. "Matt, Candy, would you like to read your vows?"

Matt smiled softly at Candy. "Candy, you changed my life the day you walked into it. You've made me a better man, and I still want to keep being better for you. You've saved me more than once and given me everything I could ever want. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, showing you how much I love you. I'm yours, Candy, now and always."

Candy felt her heart overflow with love for this beautiful man whom Fate had miraculously given back to her.

"Matt, the truth is that you saved me too, and you've given me more happiness than I ever dreamed of. You've given me everything I didn't think I would ever have – the most beautiful family in the world. I'm very lucky to get this second chance with you, and I want to spend the rest of my life cherishing you and what we have. I love you so much, Matt, and I'll always be yours."

There were sighs and murmurs and sniffles from the audience as they exchanged their vows.

"Rings, please!" the officiant said.

Josh rushed forward, holding the ring boxes proudly. "Mama, Daddy! Wings!" he cried to the oohs and aahs of the people assembled.

"Thank you, my little love." Matt kissed his son's head. He slipped the antique diamond ring onto Candy's finger, then raised her hand and brushed a kiss on the back of it. Candy slid the plain gold band onto Matt's finger, smiling shyly up at him.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the officiant boomed. "You may kiss the bride."

Matt drew her into his arms, his lips covering hers in a soft, sweet kiss. Candy barely heard the people around clapping and cheering as Matt's strong arms enveloped her. He raised his head at last, smiling down at her.

"Hi, Mrs. Kane," he said softly.

"Hi yourself, hubby."

Then his grin turned devilish. "At last, I get to call you Candy Kane!"

Candy giggled. "Hush, you! Don't make me regret marrying you!"

"Well, it's too late for that now," Matt said confidently, wrapping an arm around her waist. "You're stuck with me for life now."

"And there's no place else I'd rather be," Candy replied, leaning up to press a light kiss on his cheek.

Sometime later, after they had met more people than Candy thought they even knew, the music began. Matt held his hand out to her.

"May I have the pleasure of this dance, Mrs. Kane?"

Candy placed her hand in his much larger one, her heart beating so hard she thought he must surely hear it. "I'm all yours, Mr. Kane."

Several dances later, Matt lowered his head and whispered to her. "Let's get out of here, shall we? I can't wait anymore to be alone with you."

They went to where the elder Kanes stood, a sleepy Josh in Rich's arms.

"Josh, baby, Mama and Daddy will be back very soon," Matt said softly, stroking his little boy's hair.

Candy kissed her son, tears filling her eyes at the thought of being separated from him even for a few days.

"Candy, honey, Josh will be very happy with us," Melinda said quickly. "You know how much he loves coming to our place."

"And we've missed having him with us, too," Rich added.

"Besides, you and Matt deserve some time just to yourselves." Melinda smiled at them lovingly. "Don't worry, we won't let Josh miss you at all!"

Several hours later, Candy looked out of the plane's window in awe as they circled over the airport.

"I can't believe it, Matt! You've brought me to Paris for our honeymoon!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight. "How did you know I'd always wanted to see Paris?"

"You mentioned it a long time ago." Matt smiled down at her, clearly pleased at her reaction. "When we were in college and talking about the places we wanted to see."

"Wow! You remembered that!" Candy stared in amazement at him.

"I remember everything you say, my love," he replied, brushing a kiss on the side of her head. "I just want to give you everything you've ever wanted, want to make every dream of yours come true."

A short while later, Candy looked around their luxurious honeymoon suite in wonder. There were flowers everywhere, rose petals strewn on the pristine sheets, and a bottle of champagne cooling in a bucket of ice. "It's perfect, Matt," she said, clasping her hands together. "Absolutely perfect! Why, you can even see the Eiffel Tower from here!"

"YOU'RE perfect, my angel." Matt came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, drawing her to his hard body. He nuzzled her neck, giving her goosebumps. "Mmm…" His big hands deftly unzipped her dress and pushed it off of her shoulders. Candy wriggled out of it and turned, giving Matt a full view of herself.

"Fuckkk…" he breathed, taking in the sight of her. She was wearing a tiny bra in red lace that barely covered her nipples. His hot blue gaze slid down to where a tiny triangle of matching red lace covered her crotch. Candy smiled, reveling in the look on his face. She turned slowly, letting him see her nearly-naked ass. "Fucking hell, baby…you planning to kill me?"

"I can think of other ways to get to Heaven." Candy sashayed forward slowly, her hips swaying.

"Fuckkk…yeah…Heaven is right between those sexy thighs of yours." With a growl, Matt grabbed her and swiveled around so that Candy landed on the bed. She giggled helplessly as he lunged after her. Then her breath caught as his lips covered hers in a hot, hard kiss that set her nerve endings on fire.

"Matt…Matt…" she moaned, clinging to him as he kissed his way down her neck, sucking at the sensitive skin there before taking a nipple in his mouth through the delicate lace. He nipped at the tight peak, his hand coming up to pinch and tease the other one. Candy raised her hips, seeking his hardness where she craved him the most.

"Patience, my sexy wife." He pushed the thin straps of her bra down, exposing her round breasts to his glittering gaze. "I'll never get tired of this view," he said, rolling a dusky nipple between his fingers.

"Matt!" Candy gasped, his touch sending electric currents shooting through her. "Matt…please…I can't wait…please…"

"I love how needy you are for my cock," he whispered, lowering his head to flick his tongue over her nipple. "I love it when you beg for my cock…" He took her taut peak in his mouth, suckling hard. Then he swiftly divested her of her bra and thong so that she lay completely naked beneath him.

"Matt!" Candy fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, desperate to feel flesh on flesh, no barriers between them. He moved off of her long enough to strip his clothes off before positioning himself over her once more. She could feel his thick shaft nudging her thigh as his mouth covered hers. Candy wrapped her legs around his waist, lifting herself so that she could feel his cock brush her clit. "Ohh…" she whimpered, rubbing herself on him.

"Christ, you feel so fucking good…" Matt thrust his cock at her clit, making her jerk in pleasure. "I want to see you come undone in my arms over and over, every day and every night as long as I live…"

"Take me, Matt." Candy's husky voice was almost a plea. "Make me yours…please, I can't wait anymore…"

"Baby, you're so fuckin' sexy…" Matt slid inside her slick passage, inch by tortuous inch, stretching and filling her with his glorious girth.

"Ahhh!" Candy cried out, raking her nails on his back.

"Take my cock, baby, take every fuckin' inch of me inside that sweet, hot pussy," he urged, rotating his hips and pushing further till he was completely seated inside her. He paused, looking down into her passion-drenched eyes.

"Matt, please, move…!" Candy begged, locking her legs tighter around his waist.

"How do you want it, baby doll?" He thrust once, provocatively.

"Hard…fast…dirty…" she gasped out, moving her hips under him.

"Fuck, yeah…I'm gonna fuck this tight little pussy so hard you'll forget everything except my name," he growled, sliding almost all the way out of her. Then he rammed inside, hard, sending shock waves through her body. "I want to hear you scream my name so loud everyone in this hotel will know exactly what I'm doing to you, and how much you love my cock inside you."

Spurred by his words as much by his hard shaft thrusting in and out of her, Candy felt herself spiral madly towards her peak. Then he lowered his head to her nipple, sucking the dusky tip and pushing her right over the edge.

"Matt! MATT!!" Candy dimly heard herself scream out his name as her muscles clenched around him, urging him to climax.

"Fuckk…fucking hell…Candy…aahhh…CANDY!" Matt roared as he erupted inside her, spilling in the deepest part of her.

When at last they both stopped trembling, Matt rolled off of her and pulled her into him.

"Princess." He brushed the hair off her damp forehead and kissed her gently. "I love you so much."

"Matt, my darling." Candy cuddled closer to him, feeling incredibly safe in his arms. "You remember saying not long ago that you wanted to make every dream of mine come true?"

"Mmm…" Matt nuzzled her head. "Of course, love, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life doing just that."

Candy smiled at him, eyes shining with the love they shared. "You've already done that, Matt…you've given me everything I could possibly want in my life."

Matt kissed her sweetly on the lips. "This is just the beginning, my love…just the beginning."

And as Candy drifted off to sleep in the arms of her new husband, she knew that it was really just the beginning.