
Everything Downloaded from Narutoverse

A lone Otaku who was struck by lighting and died was given a new opportunity! What kind of adventure will he go through in the world of Douluo Dalu 2? PS: I looked for the cover on the internet

Kitsune_kitetsu · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

First day of school 2

Wang dong "why do you pull me too? That teacher is really crazy "

Yuhao "Start running if you don't want to be expelled, do what she say! Don't you see she is serious "

Wang dong "geez, I know that"

They started running with the others, while running Wang started asking Yuhao

Wang dong "hey why did you beat me that day, I can feel you are weaker than me ?, I'm right"

Yuhao "it's subjective, your strength is stronger. So if you use your spirit art, maybe the result will be different "[if you use it at that time I will definitely lose]

Wang dong "Of course, not many can fight me! At that time I was just careless "

Yuhao "I praise you a little and you've forgotten yourself"

Wang dong "forget it, because you saved me from that dark hearted teacher, I let you go"

Yuhao [he must be embarrassed, his cheeks are starting to turn red! Very sweet]

Wang dong "from now on if you come with me, I will protect you"

Yuhao "Then please protect me for life"

Wang dong "hehe that should be"

Yuhao "even if you can beat me" run to leave Wang dong

Wang dong [damn you this time I will not lose]

They continued to run, Yuhao always kept in front of Wang until there was only one lap left, Yuhao felt Wang Dong became upset! He also slowed down and talked to money

Yuhao "who said that he would protect me, he can't even pass me"

Wang, [idiot! We'll see who laughs last] After that Wang dong takes out butterfly wings and flies away from Yuhao

Zhu Yi is on the building

Zhu Yi "Wang Dong is truly a magical child, it really is the queen of light butterflies! Even though he started to slow down he still finished first "[what's strange is Yuhao, although he is weaker but he is always in front of Wang Dong]

In the history of soul land, it is the most beautiful soul spirit! It is sacred, beauty is incomparable, bright as the light of a goddess. It is a symbol of victory and hope

Wang dong "idiot look at that, this is my victory! Hehehe"

Yuhao "yes that's your victory, then please take care of me forever" [and in love it is my victory, love is war! Eh it looks like it's an anime title, never mind]

Wang dong "hehehe" with a happy smile

Zhu Yi "now appears when the teacher calls your name, random child 1-9"

Random child 7 "He calls our names and we haven't introduced ourselves"

Zhu Yi "You guys tidy up your bags, from now on you are not the Shrek academy murky"

Random child 2 "why, teacher what does all this mean"

Zhu Yi "Why, how dare you ask this, you only completed 97 rounds, missed 3 rounds when the teacher did not see, teacher said you were not fit to be here, go or I will destroy your spirit ability"

Random child 4 "You better watch out, I'll report this to everyone I can"

Zhu Yi "Teacher may have bad emotions, but I just follow my beliefs, what others have a problem"

Wang dong [it's great that I was warned by Yuhao beforehand "

Zhu Yi "Go back to your dormitory, change clothes and return to class in 15 minutes"

Random child 11 "waa! hurry up, we only have 15 minutes"