
Everything changed with you (GL) gxg

Vanessa's life takes a turn when temptation after temptation falls on her door step. Will she be able to focus on the one she loves? Or will she lose herself exploring and pushing the boundaries of her current partner. Layla's open minded but even she can get jealous. what happens when her open mindedness is put to the test when she meets Vanessa. Will they love conquer all or cash and burn? This is a seductive and addictive R-rate lgbtq+ story with extremely sexual parts in the story. Enjoy this free story and comment what you think

DaoistnwzPm4 · LGBT+
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Confrontation

Layla's pov.

I received Venessa's text and went to her work place to pick her up.

I arrived there greeting the secretary Pete.

He smiled warmly and led me to where Venessa was.

I was really speechless at the fact that I found her in Rebecca's office again.

They clicked they champagne glasses as they spoke with wide smiles.

Their friendliness was getting under my skin.

Pete walked in announcing my arrival and I saw how the mood dropped drastically.

Venessa rose from her chair and hugged me happily.

"Come sit babe we are celebrating my promotion!"

Said Venessa looking genuinely happy.

Rebecca looked adoringly at Venessa before going to get another wine glass.

"I don't think so... I don't drink remember."

I said looking at Rebecca with a poker face.

As I rejected the champagne glass she offered me.

She smiled apologically before downing it and telling Pete to get me ice tea.

"Miss Dove managed to impress Walter.

Which is not an easy job to do."

Said Rebecca looking at Venessa proudly yet she was talking to me.

"You are looking at one of our senior HR managers."

Said Rebecca smiling affectionately at Venessa as she raised her glass to click hers.

I looked at Venessa noticing that she had been looking at me.

"I'm proud of you love. This is a cause for a celebration.

We will show face at Carson's birthday party and go straight to my house to celebrate."

I said feeling happy for her and wanting to support her career.

Rebecca's face fell and she got up to put the bottle away.

I can't believe she was actually drunk.

"Venessa can you give me a Moment with Miss Mayor's?"

Said Rebecca with filtered sadness and Venessa left right away.

I couldn't help but to glare at her boldness and faltered when I saw her eyes water.

"I hate this, I know you hate me but I love you okay?

I ended things with Erin that same day you caught me.

I know we can't go back to being lovers but can we be friends?

I've apologized so many times only for you to replace me weeks after,

Like we were one night stands and had not been engaged."

Said Rebecca looking at me brokenly.

"It's too soon for me Becca, but I'll think about it okay?

It will take time for me to move past the betrayal.

I'm sorry I ignored you and said those awful things.

Maybe we will be friends in the future but right now,

I can only be civil towards you."

I said honestly and watched her smile in relief.

"I'll take whatever you give me, anyway it's my fault that things ended,

So I don't expect forgiveness right away."

Said Rebecca and seemed to be contemplating something.

"Venessa is amazing, I've never had a friend so I plan to hold on to our new friendship.

She's so full of life and some how makes every situation better."

Said Rebecca dreamily and I didn't appreciate it.

"If you see Venessa behind my back you can forget about me being civil.

Trust me when I say you'll see a side of me that you didn't think exists."

I warned Rebecca glaring coldly.

"What a liar you are, you would breakup with her right away,

Replacing her faster than you've replaced me."

Said Rebecca before rolling her eyes.

"Maybe you've been seeing her while you were seeing me,

Who breaks off their engagement and moves on right away?

Only a person who was never inlove in the first place."

Said Rebecca meeting my glare.

Was she really accusing me of cheating.

How dare she? I'm not a loose woman like her!

I need to calm down because she is drunk.

"I'll let that insult slide since you drunk."

I said in a cold tone.

Rebecca got up from her desk to sit on my lap.

"I don't think you have forgotten me so easily,

I know you miss this."

Said Rebecca passing me off even more.

None of us could of forseen Vanessa walk in.

"Is this why you told me to leave Miss Williams?

To start seducing my girlfriend in your office!"

Said Venessa pulling Rebecca off me.

"I feel like an idiot to trust you, I really thought we had something,

Like we would be great friends but I see that's now off the table.

Since you don't respect me enough to stay away from my girlfriend!"

Said Venessa fuming in anger and rolling up her sleeves.

"Are you going to hit me? You destroyed my engagement and you are angry?

I should be the angry one since you've been seeing my fiancee!"

Shouted Rebecca in anger before covering her mouth.

Fear grabbed my heart as I didn't get the chance to explain things to Venessa.

"Please bitch I see no ring on that finger!

I just see a petty ex girlfriend who is asking for an ass whipping.

I fucking quit! You think I'll want to work here after everything?

I'm not that desperate for a job!"

Said Venessa before storming off.

"Congradulations Rebecca, this is your idea of revenge for me moving on quickly right?"

I asked no hiding how disgusted I was.

I knew Rebecca would sabotage Venessa's career once she found out about her.

I some how hoped that she matured abit and wouldn't bring personal matters to work.

"What have I done? Walter will kill me!

Fuck, fuck,fuck, fuck.

Who even drinks during working hours!

Venessa wait let me explain everything!"

Said Rebecca who tried to follow Venessa but I stood in her way.

"Looks like fate played into my hands, I really didn't want her working for you.

But what girlfriend would I be if I asked her to quit her job?"

I said with a satisfied smirk that faltered abit when Rebecca cried.

She went back to her chair and pulled out her phone with trembling hands.

I had never seen her so scared since I've met her.

(Phone call between Walter Williams and Rebecca Williams)

Drunk Rebecca put the call on speaker.

Walter: Talk to me.

Rebecca: I'm sorry father I fucked up, Venessa Dove quit.

I take full responsibility.

Walter: I see. Why you crying? I'll find another employee.

You must have over sold her professionalism,

If she quit without talking to me.


Walter: it's okay. I'm rather pissed off because the twins took a liking to her.

We will talk about it when you get home.

(Walter hanged up the call)

I lost the remaining respect I had for Rebecca.

She made it look like she's the victim who is trying to be the bigger person.

"H-he hung up before I could explain things."

Said Rebecca looking at her phone in shock.

I got up quickly before I could say something I'll regret.

Vanessa was in her car crying and looking defeated.

I wish I told her earlier about Rebecca, she must be thinking alot of things right now.

I knocked on her window and she looked at me coldly before driving off.

I ran to my car to tail her. She must be thinking that she's a rebound.

I nervously pulled up to her place and knocked on the door.

Denise slapped me so hard that I fell to the ground.

Darren was holding him back while he jerked in his arms in attempt to get to me.

"I should of never trust you!

your mother is my friend but I overlooked a few things."

Screamed Denise looking at me murderous.

"Maybe this is a misunderstanding?

what if Layla is no longer engaged with that girl,

And she's being petty to get Venessa out the picture.

You and I know how petty exes can be."

Said Darren and I looked at him greatfully.

"Rebecca wanted to get back at me for moving on too fast.

That's why she lied to Venessa."

I said rubbing the sore cheek that probably had finger prints.

"Who the fuck is this Rebecca? Weren't you supposed to be single,

Why was she on your lap then?"

Asked Denise not believing me at all.

"Because she is just a bitch in an expensive suit!

Did Venessa tell you that Rebecca massaged her?

Did she tell you that she canceled our date to meet her father?

Did she telling that they were drinking Champagne when I got there?

I would like for you to draw your own conclusions from this information.

Ask her and see if she denies it."

I said fuming before walking out of Vanessa's house.

I hopped in my car zooming angry and hurt.

Even though I feel shifty, I can't miss my bestfriends birthday.

I'm not going to ruin his birthday with my drama.

I'll pretend everything is fine tonight and tell him tomorrow.

I applied extra concealer to hide the bruise that Denise created.

If he wasn't Venessa's dad than I would of given him a one to match my own.

The power of made-up I look good.