

It warned me about the betrayal of my pact but I did not listen it made me kill my kids and I can't stop it the voice is so comforting as if it's a long time companion it makes me feel loved and sounds lonely and depressed I will likely go into hiding and stay on the run for the foreseeable future so this is goodbye Jason I am sorry for everything I never meant to hurt you I wanted to keep you safe from all harm more than anyone even myself thank you for being there for me until the end.


Three thousand years later I found a few humans tonight and thought that they might prove useful to me and so I turned them into Vampires the turn hasn't fully finished but in the morning they should be Vampires I have listened to the voice in my head these past three thousand years I stopped caring about my old life things with the human were never meant to be they were nothing more than food to sustain me I have thrown out my past life and now I am reborn I know the truth that anyone weaker than myself is food and those who are stronger than me I must eliminate I stopped showing sympathy and feelings I no longer care about whether or not something dies but the act of killing is definitely enjoyable.


Ten thousand years later my master is so insane she's completely heartless and without remorse I doubt that anyone can rival her anymore me and my sisters are her only family and we are also extremely powerful and dangerous.