
Chapter 71

The most fertile land

Su Luo stood quietly on the edge of the teleportation array. When he saw so many people coming to say goodbye to him, he still felt a little sad.

Feng Li, Zhou Tiesheng, Ye Lingyue, Zhou Lan, Wang Mang…

including the backbones of the Medicine God Gang and Jiang Xinghe from the Alchemist Association were all standing there.

Their eyes were more or less filled with parting melancholy.

After all, after this departure, the next time we see each other may be in a month or two, or maybe in a year or two.

"Go back, everyone, and work hard."

Su Luo waved to everyone, and then silently stepped into the teleportation array.

As the white light enveloped him, Su Luo officially embarked on the road to freedom…

He had explained all the big and small things in Yandu.

The advanced potions that Jiang Xinghe was previously responsible for refining were all included in the magical medicine world.

at this time.

Su Luo began to look forward to this trip to Mobei.

He has the War Zone Guardian Medal and can go to the battlefield to fight wild monsters at any time, or he can choose another way of life.

Su Luo's purpose is also very simple, with only three main purposes.

Become stronger, plants, godhead fragments.

this moment.

Su Luo is like a seed in the soil, it can grow freely or wildly!

After Su Luo left, everyone around the teleportation array gradually dispersed.

The Zhou brother and sister walked slowly on the road, not in a hurry.

"Brother, Su Luo is indeed very powerful, but have you thought about it clearly?"

"The Long family has already taken action. I'm sure they won't be on the wrong team. Don't worry, I have thought clearly."

Zhou Tiesheng showed a confident smile on his face.

At this moment, his face did not have the naive aura before, but seemed to be full of endless wisdom.

There was a hint of worry in Zhou Lan's eyes, and she whispered: "A message has been sent to my family. That incident will happen in two years at most. You have to practice hard." "

Brother, I have always remembered the mission of the Holy Soul Knight. It's in my heart, don't worry."

A smile appeared on Zhou Tiesheng's face, and he returned to his old silly look…

from this day on.

Zhou Tiesheng, the deputy leader of the Yaoshen Gang, disappeared from everyone's sight and began to appear frequently in major dungeons, riding an iron-skinned steel-haired pig to level up crazily…


Crow City is near the edge of the Thirty-Six Iron Locks City in the Mobei War Zone. of a city.

Su Luo slowly walked out of the teleportation array.

Smelling the air full of blood, a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

Su Luo has great ambitions.

Searching thirty-six cities one by one, you can always find the missing fragments of the godhead!

As long as he finds a fragment of his godhead, his strength will almost double!


The person outside the teleportation array was still Shen Gang.

After receiving Su Luo's request to come to Black Crow City, he came here early to wait.

Due to Su Bingxue, Shen Gang didn't know whether to call him Mr. Su or Xiao Su, so he just stopped calling him…

"Elder Shen, I'm troubling you again."

Su Luo greeted him humbly, and then Then he followed Shen Gang.

But as he walked, he discovered that the route was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Su Luo suddenly stop walking, Shen Gang looked confused.

"Elder Shen, isn't this the route to the passage?"

"I plan to arrange a place for you to stay for a while."

"I'll just stay there last time."

"The environment there is worse… but You can live there if you want."

Shen Gang smiled awkwardly, and then took Su Luo to the abandoned residential building used in the previous bloody trial.

After settling everything in Su Luo, Shen just reluctantly left.

In fact, he wanted to find out some gossip about Lord Ciyue being dissatisfied with him, but Su Luo kept silent and consciously didn't ask… It was

still the same building, and the room was still the same room.

Simple cleaning.

After taking out the bedding from the backpack and setting it up, a temporary stronghold was settled.

At this time, the sky gradually became dark. After closing the door, Su Luo directly entered the magical medicine world.

At this time, the storage of advanced potions is already very abundant, and the stack is as high as a floor.

The Golden Scale Flame Dragon, Black Water Turtle, Phantom Tiger and Three-Legged Golden Crow are all desperately taking advanced potions.

[The ghost tiger consumes advanced potions. ]

[Advanced failed! ]

[Three-legged Golden Crow edible advanced potion. ]

[Advanced failed! ]

[Advanced failed! ]

A series of prompts sounded, and Su Luo felt no emotion at all.

It is difficult to improve the pet level. Failure is normal, but not failure is abnormal.

These advanced potions Suluo do not expect all pets to be upgraded. It would be nice to have one pet upgrade.

Of course, this also depends on Su Luo's wealth.

The cultivation area of Chinese medicinal materials in the magical medicine world is huge, and it is easy to be self-sufficient, so Su Luo was not distressed at all when he saw the notification that he had failed to advance.

At this moment.

A mountain peak in the magical medicine world suddenly began to shake slightly.

Su Luo frowned immediately.

In the Palace of Bones, the Necromancer immediately floated out and stared at the constantly shaking mountain peak.

"What's going on?"

"I don't even know if I'm riding a horse."

As a world spirit in this world, the necromancer was also confused and felt his head was buzzing.

The mountain is about thirty meters high, and the mountain is so huge that it looks like an inverted pyramid.

All the medicinal herbs planted on the surface of the mountain were shaken off, and even the soil was constantly sliding.

But the entire mountain is constantly expanding, like a small bag bulging on the horizon.

Su Luo and the Necromancer flew directly to the top of the mountain and looked at it vigilantly.

If the space were not very stable, they all suspected that the magic medicine world would collapse…

"Master, I have a bold guess!"

The undead wizard seemed to be suppressing extreme excitement in his tone, and he said slowly: "I feel that the magic medicine The world is undergoing subtle changes."

There seems to be more oxygen.

Blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters, winding rivers flowing through medicinal fields.

Seems full of life.

The peak stopped moving and turned into a small package from its original appearance, with a small dent in the middle, like a volcano.

In the sunken place, nine pieces of land of even size appeared, as neat as a nine-square grid.

Seeing this scene, the undead wizard suddenly let out a strange scream, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

I can't tell which muscle is going crazy.

Su Luo glanced at it but did not disturb it from going crazy.


"Master, a miracle has finally appeared in our magical medicine world!"

"What is a miracle?"

Su Luo frowned with confusion on his face. These two words seemed unfamiliar to him, but they sounded… …Looks like it's very powerful.

"You know about the Eye of the Earth Spirit…forget it, you don't know either."

" You can think of this world as a huge piece of land, and these small fields are the most fertile places and have different functions."

The necromancer took out a medicinal seed and planted it on a piece of ground.

In the blink of an eye the seeds begin to take root and sprout.

In just a few seconds, the seeds have blossomed and bear fruit, and are still growing and evolving…