
Chapter 69

There is no suspense, it is indeed a spirit master!

[Yellow Dragon Helmet (Legend·Knight)]

[Defense: +5200]

[Physique: +8000]

[Usage Level: Level 45]

Skill: When attacked, it immediately causes 30% of the counter-injury effect to the enemy. The set skill attributes are optional. Upper limit stacking.

[Yellow Dragon Breastplate (Legend·Knight)]

[Defense: +5200]

[Physique: +8000]

[Usage Level: Level 45]

Skill: When attacked, it immediately causes a 30% counterattack effect on the enemy…

Huanglong suit in total There are six sets, namely: helmet, breastplate, wrist guards, leg guards, boots, and rings.

The six sets of equipment add up to a total of more than 30,000 defense and more than 40,000 HP.

There was a hint of joy in Su Luo's eyes.

With the Yellow Dragon Suit, you no longer have to worry about being plotted by others, plus the bonus of the Black Water Turtle.

The defense can reach at least 50,000, which is better than a knight!

"Our Young Master Long specially prepared a small gift for Mr. Su. I hope Mr. Su won't dislike it."

Seeing that Su Luo had no objection to the equipment, the man pushed another card from the table.

The amount can be seen on bank cards in this world.

Su Luo could easily see the number of 100 million dragon coins on the card.

"I don't want this. I won't be rewarded for no merit."

"This is just a little thought from Mr. Long. He hopes Mr. Su will go to Longdu when he is free. He needs your help with something."

The man said expressionlessly. , conveying words like a machine without emotion.

Su Luo touched his nose, and then put the card into his pocket without hesitation.

"Then thank Mr. Long for my kindness."


After the man left, Zhou Tiesheng and others immediately surrounded him.

It is no longer a secret that Su Luo refining the medicine god shows mercy. Zhou Tiesheng said with admiration:

"Brother Luo, you are the first one in the entire Dragon Kingdom who dares to make conditions with the Long family!"

"Not even the Ye family. If you dare to fart in front of the Long family, Su Luo will be famous throughout the country this time."

Ye Lingyue also agreed, and then she pursed her lips and laughed.

Su Luo touched his nose, his expression slightly embarrassed.

If he had known Long Shaohui's identity at that time, he would not have made any conditions.

Thank you for your self-cultivation and not caring about yourself. Otherwise, even Old Man Wu would be afraid of his existence, and the consequences would be serious.

Now a big mistake has been made, and everyone in Yan knows about it…

"Okay, you guys have fun, I'm going to do something."

After giving the explanation, Su Luo walked towards the Alchemist Association.

in a large and luxurious office.

The moment Jiang Xinghe saw Su Luo entering the door, he immediately stood up, his face full of respect.

"Master Su, why didn't you say hello in advance when you came?"

"I just came to see the situation."

Su Luo sat down on the office chair unceremoniously, while Jiang Xinghe immediately stood aside and waited for arrangements, with a look in his eyes. No complaints at all.

Seeing this scene, Su Luo secretly admired him.

This guy seems to be really convinced.

Of course, Su Luo didn't think it was because of his charisma. The old guy probably wanted to give him time to teach him a few tricks.

"Are the people down there busy lately?" Su Luo asked lightly.

"I'm not busy. Do you have any plans?"

"If you're not busy, help me refine 50,000 sets of intermediate advanced potions." "

How soon do you want it?"

"As soon as possible."

"I can definitely refine it within two days!"

Jiang Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Su Luo had arranged work for him.

After a brief chat, Su Luo directly took fifty thousand sets of medicinal materials for intermediate advanced potions from the Medicine God Realm and gave them to Jiang Xinghe.

Although there are more than a thousand skeleton alchemists in the magical medicine world.

But during the recent period, I have to refine animal elixirs and advanced potions, and I am simply too busy.

Su Luo wanted to improve the quality of the four pets as soon as possible.

Only in this way can sufficient strength be ensured…

the next day.

On the job transfer table at Yandu University, there are a few people who have reached level 40 waiting to transfer.

But they are all sophomores who have been in school for one year.

When they saw that Su Luo had reached level 40, several people looked at Su Luo as if they were looking at a monster.

How many months have it been since freshman registration?

Reaching level 40 so soon, what do these old brothers who have been in school for more than a year think?

But soon they were relieved again.

After all, Su Luo changed his profession to the beast master profession. Although everyone knew that Su Luo had his own secrets, other beast masters could only stay at level 20 forever.

So Su Luo is worthy of envy, but not enviable either.

Not every beast master can have such a trump card as him.

After the job transfer platform started running, the first swordsman in line immediately stood up.

He touched the stone tablet on the job transfer platform with both hands, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped in a milky white light.

After a moment, the light disappeared, and the title on his body also changed [Level 40 Demonic Swordsman].

Any profession will face a huge watershed when changing jobs for the second time.

For example, among swordsmen, the second job change will include Holy Swordsman, Demon Swordsman, Phantom Swordsman…

and Demon Swordsman is the profession with the highest attack power.

Several people waiting for job transfer were full of envy.

"The Demon Swordsman can continue to consume spiritual points to increase a huge amount of attack power, which is good!"

"It would be great if I could also switch to the Demon Swordsman class. Once the skills are activated, I can chase others and slash wildly. It would be so cool!"

Very cool ! The second knight is about to appear. The one he transferred to is the [Dragon Knight]. Among all the knights, he has the thickest health bar.

The Dragon Knight is the most popular human shield for all team members to farm monsters, because of its high health value…

The third place is a fire mage. She changed her profession to become a [Pyroblast Mage], and all her skills increase explosion, splash, etc. Shooting damage.

Those who have transferred jobs are not in a hurry to leave, but choose to stay and wait and see who will follow.

After all, there aren't many people, so you can quickly see other people's careers.

And they were also very curious about what career Su Luo, the number one beast master in the Dragon Kingdom, would change into.

The Dragon Knight job changer smiled and urged Su Luo: "Junior Su Luo, it's your turn."

"Yes, let's see what job you changed to."

The Pyroblast Mage She also looked at him expectantly.

Su Luo looked at the profession of Spirit Tamer with 100% on his attributes page, and boarded the job transfer table with a depressed look on his face.

For others, changing jobs is like opening a lottery and getting surprises.

And now that his answer has been revealed, what kind of surprise can there be?

The only thing he looked forward to was what was different about the Spirit Controller.

"Just touch the stone tablet with both hands."

The instructor in charge of job transfer reminded Su Luo.


As Su Luo placed his hands on the stone tablet, a pale golden light suddenly filled the stone tablet and enveloped Su Luo.

[Congratulations on your successful job transfer and becoming a spirit master! ]

Sure enough, there is no suspense.

Su Luo touched his nose awkwardly, then walked aside and started to check his attributes page.