
Chapter 2 - Help Him...

Yeri's POV

I saw a cute looking boy being kicked by three girls. I immediately jumped in to the boy.

"Stop! What are you doing!? You're hurting him!" The three girls looked at me and scoffed. "So? As if it's your business. Just move aside before I hurt your pretty face."

I had enough of bullies. "I have a black belt in taekwondo and I won't hesitate to punch you if you don't leave him alone." I flexed my muscles (Yes muscles).

They finally looked afraid as the leader said, "Whatever. Girls let's go." They walked off. I immediately went to check on that guy.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I asked. He just groaned. I looked at him worriedly. "I'll take that as a no."

I stood up and said, "It's time to test my strength." He looked up at me. "Wait, wha-" I carried him bridal style as I headed towards the stairs. "Hey! Don't carry me like that! It's embarrassing!"

I put him down. "But you're injured. You have to go to the nurse's office." He replied, "Just help me walk there."

I rolled my eyes. "Haish~ Fine." I put his hand on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around his waist to help him to get to the nurse's office.

There was just one problem. I didn't know where was the nurse's office. "Urm...."


"Jeongguk, I don't know where's the nurse's office. I'm new here."

"Oh. You go straight and then turn left."


I could feel things getting weird and awkward.