
everyone is a traverser

Our mc becomes the great ancestor but there are a lot of problems in this world what should he do to solve them

The_supreme_One · Fantasy
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6 Chs

I am Hongjun

"Daoist Friend, Daoist Friend?!"

In a daze, it seemed that someone was calling him.

Hongjun slowly opened his eyes.

Wait, Hongjun?

Why do I feel that I am Hongjun, I am...

Someone wants to recall who he is, but he can't think clearly.

It's just that I probably remember that I seem to be from the earth, and I am a person from the earth.

"I'm Hongjun?"

Hongjun woke up suddenly.

"Daoist Friend, but what Heaven's Secrets did you predict?"

At this time, there were still several Great Primordial ancestors sitting beside Hongjun.

They were Great Immortal Yang Mei, Old Ancestor Yin-Yang, and Old Ancestor Qiankun, but these four Great Primordial ancestors were sitting and discussing Dao.

However, while the four of them were discussing the Dao, they suddenly talked about Heaven's Secrets.

The three of them saw Patriarch Hongjun's mind wandering suddenly, guessing that he had some insight and got some Heaven's Secrets, so they waited quietly for him to come back to his senses.

Hongjun regained his sobriety, looked at the three Daoist Friends beside him, and said with a smile:

"I made all of you Daoist Friends laugh, the poor Daoist lost his composure."

He was still Hongjun now, and he didn't know for a while, but he felt that he seemed to be a different person, a person from the earth.

What's more, whether it's xinxing or mind, they are no longer the same person as Hongjun before.

It's just that when he was asked to recall his identity on Earth, he couldn't remember it.

Who was he? !

Hehe, Hongjun Daoist Friend, looking at your calm face, it seems that you have gained something. Why don't you tell us what you have learned about Heaven's Secrets?"

Patriarch Yang Mei asked with a smile.

At this moment, in front of the three of them, at a speed visible to the naked eye, Patriarch Hongjun's hair is turning black, black hair is growing on the bald skin, and the old body is gradually regaining its youth...

The so-called appearance is born from the heart, if Hongjun hadn't gained something, how could his appearance have changed so quickly?

After all, Hongjun is also a Great Primordial ancestor, of course he knows the changes that are taking place in him.

Faced with Yang Mei's question and the curious eyes of Yin Yang and Qian Kun, Hongjun thought for a while and shook his head with a smile.

At this moment, he was sure that he was not Hongjun, but because he couldn't remember who he was, he still regarded himself as Hongjun.

However, he still needs a while to sort out his thoughts.

"I didn't get any Heaven's Secrets."


Ancestor Yang Mei had a strange look on his face. Looking at the black-haired young man Hongjun, he couldn't help but sneer.

I'm afraid it's not possible——!

Hongjun counted everything in Heaven's Secrets, if his body suddenly changed like this, if he didn't get any benefits, his ancestor Yang Mei would be the first to not believe it.

In fact, Patriarch Yang Mei is not from this world, he is from the earth.

Not long after traveling, he has already determined that the world he is in is the Great Primordial World, and the time is the time when the three innate dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns first stood up.

This time was exactly when Luo Hu was still developing insignificantly.

If Luo Hu is dealt with at this time, then there will be no such battle between demons, and they, the innate demon gods, will not die.

Therefore, he deliberately summoned Old Ancestor Yin-Yang, Old Ancestor Qiankun, and Hongjun to discuss the Tao together.

He knew that the current Hongjun had already obtained the Jade Plate of Good Fortune, so Hongjun knew everything about Heaven's Secrets.

Hongjun clearly knew that Luo Hu was doing things in secret, but he deliberately indulged Luo Hu's arrogance. After Luo Hu became completely strong, he asked himself and others to act as dead ghosts for him and block robbery for him...

With the help of Heavenly Dao, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu was eliminated, and Hongjun became the only remaining innate demon god in the Great Primordial World.

It can be said that Hongjun calculated his old friends to death

Even until his death, the ancestor Yang Mei and others in the original book didn't know Hongjun's sinister intentions.

But now, he is not the ancestor of Yang Mei before, Hongjun wants to plot against them, dreaming——!

Therefore, Patriarch Yang Mei said:

"Actually, just now, I got Heaven's Secrets."

"Oh? Yang Mei Daoist Friend, I wonder what kind of Heaven's Secrets you got?"

Old Ancestor Yin-Yang asked Yang Mei:

"Come on, wait and listen with me."

Hongjun and Old Ancestor Qiankun also looked at him curiously, wanting to hear what kind of Heaven's Secrets he would say.

"In the Heaven's Secrets I got, Rahu committed crimes and wanted to use the aura of the Great Primordial land in the west and the blood and blood resentment produced by the battle between the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn to break the Pangu seal and prove the Dao Sanctified."

Patriarch Yang Mei said:

"Luo Hu originally established the Demon Sect orthodoxy, and got the Immortal Executing Sword Array. He wants to prove the Dao with the way of killing. If he succeeds, I am afraid that the Great Primordial World will fall into a bloody storm."


Hearing this, the three Great Primordial ancestors, Hongjun, Old Ancestor Yin-Yang, and Old Ancestor Qiankun could not help but turn pale with shock.

But Hongjun's expression was even weirder.

Because of this kind of thing, how could Patriarch Yang Mei know...

Impossible, how strange.

He wondered secretly, logically speaking, according to the setting of the Great Primordial World, at this time, no one knew about Luo Hu's plan.

If Patriarch Yang Mei had known earlier, the battle between Dao and Demon would not have started after the battle between the three clans.

Strange, how did Patriarch Yang Mei know?

And Yang Mei Patriarch secretly noticed Hongjun's expression, and couldn't help sneering.

Unexpectedly, what you know about Heaven's Secrets, I also know about it.

I will never let you entrap me again——!

Hongjun, your plot has been exposed——! ! !

"There is such a thing?!!!"

Ancestor Yang Mei was the one with the highest cultivation level among the four, so Old Ancestor Qiankun and Old Ancestor Yin-Yang believed his words without hesitation.

Compared to Hongjun's tangled, they are tense.

Although they don't know what the Immortal Executing Sword Array is, they were lucky enough to have seen the power of the Immortal Executing Four Swords during the last fierce beast battle.

Come to think of it, if such a rampant figure like Luo Hu became a saint, wouldn't this world be refined by him?

Moxiu is not afraid to be entangled in cause and effect.


Patriarch Yang Mei nodded, and while paying attention to Hongjun's expression, he said to the three with certainty:

"Furthermore, the Immortal Executing Sword Array has a very powerful power... Luo Hu alone, with this strange formation, is already able to defeat the four of us. If he succeeds in proving the Holy Spirit, then this world, I am afraid, will never One can stop him."

"It's really unreasonable, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, to have such ambitions."

"I must not let him succeed, otherwise, the Great Primordial World will be in danger."


After hearing the words of Patriarch Yang Mei, both patriarchs felt the need to stop Luo Hu.

Hongjun's expression became even weirder.

Is this Yang Mei patriarch, just like himself, also a time traveler?

He looked suspiciously at Patriarch Yang Mei.

This guy, can't he really be a time traveler, otherwise, what is he doing staring at himself? !

There are no flowers on my face...