
Everyone Has Four Skills

Spiritual auras rejuvenated in the world, and everyone awakened four skills. What would happen if everyone possessed skills similar to that in games? Would there be one-on-one fights between people? Would there be battles of wits among teams? Would there be close-quarter combat with savage beasts? However, Mo Xiu wondered, “Isn’t everyone supposed to only have four skills? Why do I have so many?”

Li Xinsui · Urban
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615 Chs

Xiao Family, Imperial Family!_1

After the morning training ended, Mo Xiu called Liu Ziyang to the dormitory at noon.

"Boss!" Liu Ziyang asked as soon as he entered. What's wrong? Why are you looking for me?"

Mo Xiu brought Liu Ziyang to his bedroom and pointed at the Heart Cleansing Wood."This is the reward for our department's champion!"

Liu Ziyang looked left and right and said," Boss, I knew you won last night. I just didn't have time to call you. Is this what you get for the championship?""

"Uh... That's right!"

"I thought it was something good. I sleep with this thing every night!"

Mo Xiu had almost forgotten that Liu Ziyang had grown up with a golden spoon in his mouth and had endless resources since he was a child.

However, it was also difficult for Liu Ziyang to have such a high IQ. He had grown up with the Heart Cleansing Wood as his pillow.

"Oh right, since your family is so powerful, why is your skill only at Level 2?" Moxiu asked curiously."