
Chapter 21 Anomaly

As the family landed, Long Tian had a glint in his eyes. "I have to do something, I hope you won't mind." He said before disappearing in a flash, Long Lei could barely sense his presence as he disappeared.

"Seems that riled him up a bit. Now you Long Lei, want to have a fun day with your mother?" She asked, seemingly want to grab Long Lei right there and then. "No, my time is precious, it can't be wasted on such trivialities." Long Lei replied there and then before hopping off Yun and running into the house.

'That child, it seems I need to beat him up one of these days!' Qin Mei thought irritably before also hopping off Yun. After that, Yun seemingly confused as to what to do, simply flew off, seemingly following the remaining traces of Long Tian's Qi.

Once inside his room, what greeted Long Lei, was 4 clones standing in a T position. "Seems you're all hard at work, no matter, you may dispel!" Long Lei commanded before they all stopped their cultivation and nodded.

They then dispelled in a puff of smoke, and the 5 Titans Battle Qi entered Long Lei's body. The 5 wisps inside Long Lei's chest began to grow brightly before they seemed to reach a breaking point, the energy then began to collapse in on itself and a worried expression soon entered Long Lei's face.

"Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!" He said before 5 clones appeared. 'That should solve the issue.' Long Lei thought with relief, before he realized, the 5 Titans Battle Qi was still acting crazily inside his body.

Due to the sudden surge of energy and his closeness to the Preliminary Stage, the Battle Qi was imploding on itself, needless to say, this wasn't a good outcome. Not only that, but his Battle Qi wouldn't be divided among his clones, so he was out of options. He along with the 5 clones, immediately began to T pose, seemingly Long Lei's last resort.

'In the Initial Stage, one begins to collect 5 Titans Battle Qi and simultaneously enhance their body's strength, in the Preliminary Stage on the other hand, one begins to open up their body's pores so they can passively draw in 5 Titans Battle Qi, but, for this to happen the body must undergo a 5 Titans Purification, and sadly my body isn't at a level to handle that right now!' Long Lei contemplated as he began to gather more Battle Qi.

As Battle Qi entered the body it would simultaneously cleanse it somewhat increasing the body strength of the user. So Long Lei had a very simple plan, increase his body strength as much as possible in the next couple minutes or die.

Soon 5 minutes passed, but the rate of training wasn't fast enough, even with each clone gathering 5 Titans Battle Qi.

'Fuck! What to do what to do?' Long Lei mused as he felt his chest close in on himself. "Tch! This is the only option." Long Lei declared.

"All of you, eat a senzu." Long Lei said hurriedly before handing each of them a senzu bean. Seeing Long Lei's resolve, each of them quickly consumed a senzu bean, and suddenly a surge of energy erupted from each of them.

They had all acquired 5 Titans Battle Qi equivalent to Long Lei. Since they were technically the same entity, and they technically should have 5 Titans Battle Qi, the senzu bean, which could recover stamina and was practically a miracle drug, would recover all of their Battle Qi, that was how the laws of the world worked.

Because of this, Long Lei in one fell swoop had multiplied his 5 Titans Battle Qi, by 5 times. "What now?" A clone asked, as they noticed Long Lei's worsening condition. "If I eat a bean myself I'll only delay the outcome, or make it worse, so, for what comes next, I apologize." He heaved as a kunai entered his hand.

"Wh-?" One of them was about to ask when immediately its throat was slit, and in a flash, it disappeared in a puff of smoke. Again and again, Long Lei killed each of his clones, and the Battle Qi within his room increased drastically.

'If they simply dispelled, then it would just add to the problem, this was I can absorb it and increase my body strength.' He thought before summoning 5 more clones. This time they knew what was going to go down.

"I am sorry." Long Lei said yet again, before slitting all 5 of their throats. Long Lei did this another 2 times before the Battle Qi within his room was so thick it was nearly visible.

It was so strong in fact, Qin Mei could sense it from across the house. 'What is he doing?' She thought in amazement as the Qi within Long Lei's room only seemed to grow stronger.

Seeing that he had enough Battle Qi to work with, Long Lei stood in a T pose and began to collect the 5 Titans Battle Qi. Immediately like a wave washing over him, the Battle Qi strengthened his body.

This was a happy moment for Long Lei but also one of extreme dread. He had not only the fear of dying, but he had the mental exhaustion of not only dying once, but 20 times, to top it all off, he just spent 200k Rage Points worth of Senzu Beans because he was a bit over eager.

The Battle Qi raged within Long Lei's body, cleaning it of impurities, and burying itself within him to increase his overall strength, each nook and cranny of his body was overflowing with Battle Qi and his strength had at least double from what it previously was.

Not only that, but there was still much more Battle Qi left in the room. The orb of energy within Long Lei's chest began to convulse as it seemed to have reached a tipping point, but Long Lei still wasn't ready.

"Fuck it! Poseidon of Water, Helios of Fire, Midas of Gold, Gaia of Earth, Hashirama of Wood, 5 in 1, 1 in 5, 5 Titans Battle Qi Convergence!" Long Lei chanted as suddenly all the Battle Qi surged towards him, immediately a tornado of Battle Qi surrounded Long Lei and his body began to rip itself apart, before the orb could kill him, he would end up killing himself. (Ya ya I know, Hashirama, but believe me, there are like no gods of Forests or Wood in general, I looked for a good 10 minutes but no dice so deal with it.)

Luckily for Long Lei, he had hax. So as his body began rip itself apart and grow to new heights, he quickly grabbed a senzu bean and chucked it inside his mouth, healing his body.

For a good 10 minutes, the Battle Qi continued to rip at his body but Long Lei just kept healing himself, finally when it subsided, Long Lei came out multiple times stronger than he was prior, at least 10 times.

That wasn't the end though, the core within his body had compressed so much due to all the chaos, it was smaller than a pin head, but that just meant when it would exploded, it would be that much more powerful.

Finally as Long Lei braced himself for the explosion, he put up his defenses, ready for any impact. As the time ticked by Long Lei got more and more nervous till, he realized, it wasn't going to explode.

"What the fuck?" Long Lei said to himself as he probed the orb. It seemed extremely stable currently and it shone in all 5 colors, Long Lei was confused though. 'I was going to use this power to break into the Preliminary Stage, but it seems it won't set off unless I will it too.' Long Lei thought as he sighed in some anger and some relief.

He wasn't sure if it would have exploded, if not for what he just did, but simultaneously he felt if he just left it alone it would have all worked out. 'What could this be though?' Long Lei mused as he began to examine the detail of the 5 Titans Technique.

Finally he read up to the Advanced section. 'This, this is op.' He thought in wonder as he read what it could he do eventually.

Once a practitioner reached the Advanced Stage, they could compress the 5 Titans Battle Qi extremely finely, to the point where it would form a small orb, once formed they'd have to stabilize it with immense force, once one did so they would have an attack of immense power to use against the enemy.

While inside the body it would gather more and more 5 Titans Battle Qi, continually increasing in strength till the user set it off. This ability was normally unlocked in the Advanced Stage but somehow Long Lei had managed to attain it beforehand.

'Still although its strong, its only 1 time use, at best I could use it save my ass, but lets be honest I am pretty much unbeatable around these parts.' He thought to himself when suddenly he heard a knock at the door.

As he tried to move to go open it, he realized he could barely move his body, and suddenly he fell and banged his chin onto the floor, knocking himself out.

Hearing the loud sound, the door opened immediately revealing Qin Mei. As she gazed at his room she realized it was in tatters. "Long Lei! What happened? Are you okay?" She said worriedly as she rushed towards him.

She soon realized he was knocked out and quickly brought out some healing elixirs to treat him. Qin Mei then looked around to see any oddities but all she could find was an odd green bean on the ground.

'What is- no! I don't have time for this, I have to go call a doctor, we'll discuss all this with him after Long Tian gets back home.' Qin Mei thought before immediately screaming for a doctor to come help.

A longer chapter, hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if there are some logical inconsistencies, I tried to make everything as clear and as makes sensey as possible.

Well till next time, cya guys!

AntiSimpcreators' thoughts