
Everyone Else Has a System

“Destiny is a matter of Choice not Chance, It is not a thing to be waited for but a thing to be Achieved” ..................... The story sets in a mana blessed world, Planet Vermillion, where every being possesses a System. At the edge of his life, Zero, a man without a System, finally loses everything and embraces his death with a tired yet relieved expression. As if by fate, the owner of the system approaches Zero through a screen and gives him a chance to connect with the System, however Zero denies it in exchange for a chance to change or undo all the mistakes he has done in his life. The owner of the System accepts Zero’s wishes but at a certain price and sends Zero back into the past. Still without a System, but with the knowledge of the future and various skills honed over the years, Zero begins his new journey to change everything he could. Save everyone who needs to be saved and kill everyone who needs to be killed. However, the more he moves forward, the more he realises that the ‘truths’ which he had known in his previous life are much more complicated than what they seem. Balancing his previous beliefs and the new found mysteries that could shatter his perspective, he still keeps moving forward despite things getting more chaotic with every step. As if fate itself wanted him to fall, an unknown disaster approaches him from behind and a familiar screen comes in front of him [Ummm… Zero. It might be a bit late but… Looks like I have messed up big time] ................. Extra Chapters at the end of the month: 20 Golden Tickets= 1 Extra chapter 50 Golden Tickets= 2 Extra chapters 100 Golden Tickets= 3 Extra chapters 200 Golden Tickets= 4 Extra chapters 300 Golden Tickets= 5 Extra chapters 500 Golden Tickets= 6 Extra chapters Extra Chapters within 12hours: A Magic Castle= 1 Chapter A Spacecraft= 3 Chapters A Golden Gachapon= 5 Chapters .............. Discord: https://discord.gg/NC22pTJvZe Insta: alt_simplistic

Ethel_Imaginations · Fantasy
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314 Chs



Something that existed on this planet since time immemorial.

Nobody knows when and how this system came to be, but for some or many reasons, it has become an essential part of the masses, much more like how an organ is to a body.

Everyone has a system in this world, whether it's the monsters, humans or any other races in question, everyone in this world has a system.

The system itself could differ from person to person based on what attributes one has and no two same systems have been found yet in this world. However, similar systems do exist. A lava based system and fire based system could fulfil the same role despite having their differences.

For convenience's sake, humans divided the system into multiple types with each subtype of its own.

The major two classes are:-

1.Combat Based System which has

-Attack Type

-Defence Type

-Support Type

2. Non-Combat Based System

-Basic Type

-Advanced Type

3. Unclassified System

Though strictly speaking, the boundaries between them are still unclear. What might be a non-combat type for one person might be fighting type for another person and although one's destiny depends upon what system he has, it can change with proper efforts and time.

Like a knife user can choose to become a cook or a close combat knife user.


Zero wakes up in an unfamiliar yet familiar environment. White walls were all around him and him seated on a white chair connected to a machine right beside him. He looks around to see if he is at the same place where he should be and then smiles inwardly in relief as he thinks,

'Phew! Looks like it all worked out. Now, onto the next plan.'


He hears the door open in front of him and three men in white coats move towards him. The middle one was older in comparison, while the other two looked to be in their 20s.

'What was his name again… yeah, Professor Alber,' Zero thinks as his face turns expressionless. Memories of the past swept across his brain as he recalled what had happened last time.

'When I had run away from the frogs, I thought I was lucky that I survived, but then these bastards caught me and brought me here. This was worse than death. The fact that I had no system made things even more worse for me. Mad scientist, Professor Alber, took an interest in me and experimented on me day and night without much breaks. Treating me like an object… Well, he is the first one that I need to pay back. This will be fun.' A smile forms in Zero's mind as he begins to plan his next move.

"Now, let's see if you have anything worth entertaining," Professor Alber says as he looks at Zero and then says," System check."

His face, which had little to no emotions, turned a bit confused as he looked at Zero with a questioning gaze. With his one eye wider than the other, he observes Zero with a little bit of interest as he once again speaks,"System check."

Once again, nothing happens. The other two scientists also look at Zero with slight interest as they too begin checking for Zero's system. Perhaps not finding any system made their inner frenzy tingle, and a smile started creeping up on their face. Zero observes that bright look on their faces.

'Professor Alber

Rank D Biological Manipulation System user.

Combat Level: F

Professor Mark

Rank D Human Enhancer System

Combat Level: D

Professor Richard

Rank E Machine Synchronisation System

Combat Power: E'

Calculating their each and every move, Zero thought of ways he can get out of this situation. He knew he was under surveillance and more people were watching him through the cameras.

"Bring the bread for the boy. He must be hungry," spoke Professor Alber with a 'kind' smile on his face. Professor Richard nodded and then took out a piece of bread from his storage and brought it closer to Zero.

'A bread filled with paralysing drugs, eh? How kind of them,' Zero thought with a creeped out thought before he stood up slowly and began walking closer to Professor Richard. Professor Richard smiled at him and then crouched and got face to face with Zero with a smile on his face.

"You want to eat it, right? Here," he says, bringing the bread closer to Zero.

'These sick bastards. They are enjoying this, aren't they?' Zero thought before clearing his thought out completely and began murmuring in a low voice,

"Shadow Art: One Slash Kill."

Watching him murmuring, Professor Richard got a bit confused as he spoke,"What are you murmuring ki-"


Blood spurted everywhere as Zero's hand pierced through Richard's chest. It happened in a flash and before anyone could realise, Richard was dead. This alarmed Alber and Mark, and they put up their guards to fight against Zero in case he attacked them, too.

However, Zero stood there watching the dead Professor Richard as blood gushed out of his chest. Zero's right hand was crushed in the previous attack and it was hurting like hell, but not a single trace of pain was visible on his face.

Zero has been through thousands of life and death situations, and something like this wasn't even worth mentioning. Knowing his priorities, he slowly began walking towards Professor Richard's dead body and began turning it around slowly.

Professor Alber and Professor Mark watched him curiously as they stood there at a distance, cautiously. Zero searched Richard's lifeless body and then, at the back, he found what he was searching for. A safety handgun.

'It would be odd if a Machine Synchronization System User won't carry any arms around with him. Though I was hoping for a grenade or something but this is even better,' Zero thought as he slowly took the weapon from Richard's body.

"Hahahaha… I was worried for a second. So this was your plan? You probably don't know, but Richard's weapon could only be used by him. So what-" Professor Mark spoke with a slightly mocking tone, but he was cut off by another voice before he could finish his sentence.

-Weapon: Handgun Prototype Ric35 Unlocked

And there was Zero, standing with a smirk on his face as he looked at Professor Mark's horrified face.