

''That hat looks creepy'' I said to Evie.

''The girl herself is creepy so... what ya expect'' she said with a matter-of-fact tone.

''Clearly stated'' I said.

Classes were over and I was heading straight to dorm.

''Where'd ya think ya goin'?'' Evie asked me with a brow raised.

''Umm, to my room?''

''Remember the extra class thing?''

''Shit'' I groaned and walked with her to my next class. ''What're we even having?''

''Well luckily it isn't science''

We both shivered at the memory. Buh at least we were banned from the science lab!.

''We're having a 'special' agricultural science class and an astrological shit''.

''Yah. Sounds fun'' I said sarcastically.

Evie just chuckled.

''Well come on''.