

''Oh brother'' I muttered. Zack looked ready to strangle him.

Oh. If only he knew.

''Why, excu-'' I placed my palm on top of Zack's to calm him down.

I shot him a pleading look.

I turned to the waiter why looking him square in the eye I muttered,

''Resero te zsack''.

His irises flashed purple but turned back to normal quickly.

''Oh, am terriby sorry young sir and miss. Yout orders will be here shortly'' With a bow he left.

''Well that was cool'' Zack said.

''I was planning on leaving him with a broken nose''

I just smiled.

''I've been meaning to ask you, what are you to Tasha and Xavier? like some personal guard or something? Though I doubt it''.

He leaned back on his seat with a smirk.

''Well, am Xavier's oldest friend, best friend actually. We've known each other since we were kids. My parents are the Duke and Duchess of the country's capital, Bostonia. So, one day, we met, and we've been inseparable since then. Don't really know about Tasha, she always annoyed me, but I learnt to bear with her. They are twins after all''

Our food appeared then and I thanked the waiter and he left.

''Speaking of Xavier he left earlier today, haven't seen him since. Huh. Whatever'' He said with a shrug.

He uncorked the wine and poured it in the two glasses.

''Cheers to a new relationship. I hope'' He said with his signature smirk.

''Cheers'' We clinked galsses and took sips of the wine.