
Everyday Stresses of Kazuki

Rising from the ashes of Clandestine, an aristocratic merc, social engineer and unrivalled overachiever take on the galaxy's greatest scum - from criminals, contractors, politicians and everything inbetween. Armed with their wits, weapons and a thousand hired guns, they navigate through a twisting web of allegiances, betrayals, conspiracies and plots in the highrise capital of the private sector. From the burning wreckage of the Ptolemy-1 Station to whatever void lay ahead, only one thing is certain: The indifferent galaxy will forever burn once more.

GrumpyBoi · Sci-fi
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59 Chs

XX7: Wide Awake

"Hey…" Victoria uttered as Eliza turned to face her. The elder of the twins was staring off into the vacuum of space, through the massive window. Her hair was beautifully done in a side braid.

Eliza slowly approached her, "Is something the matter?"

"Well… yes, something's been on my mind," said Victoria. She turned towards the rest of the room, blank faces in dresses and suits were all around, talking to each other. Eliza took one glance, they had their eyes on one of the only people here that was the same age as them.

Kazuki, sparkling blue eyes with an emotionless mesh of a face. He was standing by his father, the High Admiral of the Fleet. Both of them had large, extended strands of hair prod off from the top of their heads.

"Him? What's wrong with the birthday boy?" asked Eliza.

"He told me that he's been having headaches recently…" answered Victoria, "You do know what that means, right?"

Eliza scratched her head. How could she ever have known… maybe if she was just a little more observant, a little more clever: she'd still be here with her. Maybe… if they swapped places, Victoria would have solved the case already. Eliza knew that she would never reach the same heights as her sister or mum. But for their sake, she'll keep fighting, until all is done.

Eliza frowned as a snapping sound rang through her ears. And she opened her eyes. She shot up from a hospital bed, her blood-red eyes scanned across the near-empty room. Everything was blurry. Her duffle coat was on a hanger opposite the bed, with her family's rose crest brooch still attached to it.

Medical equipment was strapped to the walls as a neon white hue came from the ceiling. Kazuki looked towards her, seated beside the bed. He was drinking on one of those juice bottles that made a snap sound when you opened it. As he saw her wake up, he immediately downed the drink, before throwing it into the bin with pinpoint accuracy.

"Rise and shine. You've been in a coma for three years," said Kazuki in his emotionless voice. His golden eyes blinked at her, his long cowlick falling just above his eyes.

"That won't work on me a second time, Kaz," said Eliza. Why was she even here to begin with? Then it all came back to her. Her eyes widened. "Wait, where's Arch—"

"Outside," interjected Kazuki, "Smoking, of course. He got discharged before you did."

"Huh? How long was I really out for?" asked Eliza, she sat up as she shuffled herself to the headboard of the bed. "And please don't lie."

"Three days. Dr Sylvia said it was exhaustion. I guess things never change."

And in that very moment, she froze. Whether it was overthinking or not, it stung deeply. She let off a dry laugh, "Yeah…"

Just like back then, she caused him more trouble than good. Though that's always been how their alliance went. She provided information and he provided results… She couldn't bear to look at Kazuki. She presumed just how much of a nuisance she was to him. But he never seemed to care whether she annoyed him or not. She had no idea why he helped her. He'd be better off on his own.

Kazuki didn't seem to understand her response as she paused. He slowly scratched the burn marks on his neck.

"Things never change. I'm always exhausted… and you're always getting shot - because of me."

He slowly shook his head. "True, you're exhausted. Always. But don't blame yourself for me getting shot at. People've wanted my head for years. Nothing changed."

She looked to the side as he rolled his sleeve up, showing old scars spread across his left arm - all healed. Eliza knew of how effective his com-stims were, but this rate of healing was something that surprised even her. He simply stared at her.

"Wounds disappear, Liz. I chose to live this life… don't blame yourself for my actions."


Kazuki cuts her off again, "Eliza, let the defence contractors worry about it. Alright?"

"But… I am the reason you're a contract-breaker…" Eliza trailed off, "If I didn't mess up…"

She made sure not to look him in the eyes. It felt unbearable, his gaze. She had no right to berate him… but here she was. She knew he'd remember everything she'd ever said. Even if he wasn't the emotional type, she didn't want to be baggage for him.

He gave a simple reply. "I was already going to kill him. He ordered me to bring you to him in binds. Stop thinking that you're responsible for what happened…"

"But what about the assassins?" asked Eliza.

"A lapse of judgement. I let my guard down. And I paid the price. Don't worry, I learn from my mistakes." Kazuki stated clearly, "Each lapse costs lives."

"Perfect memory's a bitch sometimes, then?" Eliza mumbled under her breath, But Kazuki caught it.

"Very much. Embarrassing things I'll never forget plague me every day. Every contract… every death."

Reaching to the drawers, he took something out. Leaning over, he gently placed her glasses on her face. She could see her pale, freckled face within the brief moments of reflection. Slowly looking up at him, she saw that he had the same, unchanging, dull expression that hid underneath a cold, cool glare. Golden eyes, burnt cheek and an aura of both an air-head and lethality. Even after everything he's been through, after all the troubles she wrought, he's still him. She couldn't help but smile slightly at the warm feeling, she was right after all: Kaz is still Kaz. And nothing will waver.

"Alright." she said, "Well then, on things about the past, would it be possible for us to continue our investigation? I know, it's been a while… But I still want to bring justice."

"Can't you just… accept the Republic's official statement?" asked Kazuki. 

Eliza's face slowly dropped as she looked downwards. "You know I can't do that… pirates… just some pirates? No. No. No. No. That can't be it!"

Kazuki didn't respond.

∗ ∗ ∗

Now why would she ask that of him, Kazuki asked himself. The first time they tried she nearly died and he was shot at. But… with the war over, it must be… possible, right?

It uneased him for a bit. He felt an aching emptiness in his chest. But… he owed her this. Her sister, at the very least. He maintained a steady face as he gave a slow nod. "Mayb—"

The door to the room slid open as Sato stormed in. She was wearing her typical suit and armoured under-vest; same blue eyes and same beige hair, tied up in a long ponytail as the first time they met, though back then she was on the opposite end of a barrel. She started grumbling immediately, "Kazuki, why haven't you been answering your uplink? I've been trying to contact you for a whole fucking day."

"Because Archius kept annoying me."

"Ugh… touché," said Sato. Eliza and Sato exchanged glances. Sato's voice was always dull and tired, even before the rebellion. She muttered under her breath, "So this was what he meant…"

Kazuki ignored the comment, instead focusing directly on the point. "Why are you here?"

Eliza remained silent as his straightforward attitude kicked in. Sato responded in turn, "The attackers. We've hunted as many as we could, they're slippery and it took Martinez a while to eliminate them. We've captured one, as well. Our control freak is already preparing them for interrogation."

"Good. Pry as much information out of them as possible. Is that it?"

"No, these aren't just assassins like you originally predicted, Kazuki…" Sato trailed off, taking a holographic visualiser out and showing an insignia on its projection, "Clandestine. We don't know who's leading them, but they're Clandestine."

"Just what I needed." Kazuki realised that he might not be able to uphold his word with Eliza. This problem might spiral out of control, especially if outside forces are involved. "Is the Mischief Board or BCA involved with them?"

"Probably not. The Board's never been keen on Clandestine. And the BCA's written Clandestine as officially defunct, so we're officially the new top dogs in the private sector."

Kazuki nodded.

"Now that that's outta the way… time to get some shut-eye… you're killing Rivera and me with all this bureaucracy," said Sato, turning and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Eliza remained silent as she turned to look at Kazuki. They both understood what this meant. The face of optimism that she held faltered for a moment, "I guess you'll be delayed…"

"No, not really. I can just load more work onto Sato and Rivera, they'll definitely handle it," remarked Kazuki, sarcastically. She wasn't surprised at him ordering the torture of someone, Kazuki noticed. But torture was fair game in the industry, and everyone's so used to violence that apathy is the norm - at least to the notions of it.

"Kaz…" The remark didn't hit Eliza as well as he hoped it would. She placed the docu-pad back on the stand as she shuffled forward towards Kazuki.

He sighed. "You're right. It might take a week. Weeks. Or months. Depends on how deep the infection goes."

"They killed so many people… You have a contract, right… you'll bring justice to them, I'm guessing." Even when inquiring, she always wanted to seem polite, probably got that from her mum before she died.

But her eccentricism and determination are commendable, Kazuki thought. Though Archius refused to admit it, she saved him. One of the few unconscious people they found was stunned. Archius never uses Tasers, not his style. Blades were his favourite, probably because they felt more personal… and people called him a sociopath.

"Yes. The attackers, Loyalists, criminals, contractors; call them whatever you like, they are a threat. A threat to everything. Hence they must be removed like an infection." Kazuki stretched out in his chair. Justice was a secondary concern to him now. This was personal. "They're willing to do anything to win. So we must do the same, no matter how brutal it is."

"But there must be…" Eliza trailed off, probably realising that Kazuki was right. Even the shrouded know the depths of violence.

"This isn't the silver screen, we're not all noble mercs from the Crusades. There's little rules of conduct in this industry. Simply one directive: fulfil the contract. It's a good thing the AGENCY knows precision and extreme violence."

"I guess that's why this planet has such a problem with crime," pondered Eliza, "Though I thought my dad was more of a boot on the neck type of person…"

Kazuki scoffed, "Your father is one of the few fools left that can't be bought with credits. Fame is what he wants. And fame is not what he gets."

"My dad is…" Eliza trailed off. He strangely understood the look on her face. It was the same one that he wore many times. Conflict.

"Let me rephrase it. He's unbending" said Kazuki. "Crime is flexible. He is not. But as long as the status quo persists, crime will flourish. In fact, some of my best men were hired from criminal groups. That flexibility allows us to deal with them."

"I know… but…" she sighed, "But will you really take that long to finish it? It just feels like we could have met later if something like this happened."

She looked at him with an exhausted look, as if she was on the verge of being lit alight with an objective. He nodded.

"The AGENCY's going through hell right now. Logistics are a nightmare. Republic Hinterland Security Contracts are trying to gouge us. And now the Anagoran Judiciary needs us to fix their Loyalist problem."

"Then let me help," demanded Eliza.

Kazuki paused, he refused to have heard that from her. But rewinding his mind showed exactly that.

"I'm no contractor…"

"Precisely," snapped Kazuki.

"Which is why I'm asking to be your aide," said Eliza, her blood-red eyes gleaming slightly. Why was she doing this, he asked himself, she's always willing to help - but to go to these lengths? He has no doubts about her abilities as an aide. Her stint as student president reassured him of her competence.

He gave a simple nod. "Unpaid intern it is."

She let off a small laugh at the joke as her face gleamed. The closer she is to him the better he can complete his original contract. A contract written in blood. From her twin sister, right before her death. His internal face soured at the thought. Helping solve the P-1 Incident and her sister's death went hand in hand.

Whilst the former might give her a measure of pride… the latter will never bring her the justice she wished. It never will. The galaxy will never conform to that, because in a galaxy of corruption and death: secrets, money and connections are worth their weight in mountains of steel and blood. They all had something to fight for.

And he's running out of everything.

"And uh, mind if me and Archius bunk at your place?" asked Kazuki, feeling a small sense of embarrassment. Luckily, he wasn't wearing the flaming phoenix-leviathan brooch of his family. "I don't think my old key to the dorms works anymore."

Eliza gave an absent expression as she continued to smile. She looked warm. "Sure! It's not too impressive, just a cosy middling abode."

He wasn't entirely sure she even knew what she signed up for. Archius will probably raid her fridge at least seven times. He simply nodded, "Alright then."

He extended his right hand towards her. She took it as he helped her up. This… might be a bad idea. Eliza within his own ranks, but this wasn't Clandestine. She'll be surrounded by mercs, yes, but mercs loyal to him - steadfast to his objectives. All he has to do is keep the credits flowing with contracts.

But she kept grinning at him. He felt like replicating it, but his muscles fell short. So instead, he placed his index fingers in the corners of his mouth, raising them slightly to form a mimicry of a smile. Eliza found it entertaining and laughed. But just as they were sharing a moment, Archius barged into the room.

"HEY! WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" he shouted. Eliza immediately placed her hands over her ears in discomfort. Annoyed, Kazuki threw the water canister on his belt at him. It bounced off his head with a distinctive bonk noise.