
Everyday Life With A Futa

In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 53: Vampire- Curie

() Italics indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

"Ugh…" I groaned rubbing my head.

Oh that's right I totally got kidnapped by that vampire girl

I rubbed my eyes a bit and stood up, there was no one around, not even the vampire girl.

"Coolie?" I heard a voice "Where are you?"

"That voice…" I blinked a bit.

I walked out of the back room and saw Papi talking to the vampire girl.

"Curie is Papi's friend." The Harpy smiled.

"Daww I don't know what's going on but that's so cute." I waved.

"Wifey!" Papi jumped at me.

"Hello." I laughed as she hugged me.

Papi introduced me to her new friend, the vampire Curie.

"I'm…sorry." The vampire sighed.

"Ehh it's fine." I smiled "I've had worse done to me."

"Don't be sad Coolie~" Papi said "Wifey loves everyone."

"I mean I guess." I laughed "I like cute girls like you and Papi."

"C-Cute." The vampire kinda blushed.

"Of course." I smiled "I have a tenancy to make girls feel very…good."

"Hmm." Papi rubbed against me "Papi likes feeling good with Wifey, Coolie should feel good too."

"I mean if she wants too." I said as Papi's butt pushed on my hand.

"HMM!" Papi squirmed more as I held her closer, my hands squeezing her rump as she stood up on her long bird toes to kiss me.

Curie watched up nervously as Papi and I engaged in the early stages of some adult behavior.

"Wifey…" Papi panted a bit pulling her lips back grinding her butt on my crotch.

With no more reason to resist we started getting more serious, my hands working to get Papi's tight shorts off.

"You don't just have to watch." I smirked at Curie as Papi pulled my shirt up and motorboated my tits "Ha! Papi that tickles!"

"I…" Curie simply blushed.

"Oh don't be a baby." I pulled her close "HMM!"

I planted a kiss on her while rubbing her lower hips and ass.

"HAAA!" she gasped a bit "Y-You shouldn't do that if I bit you…"

"Oh don't worry I haven't had a problem with Zombina with that." I smirked smacking her ass and making her yelp again "Now let's get nasty baby."

Like Papi, Curie had no arms only wings, so I was all the hands in this threesome. I happily reached around and squeezed their tight little butts, aside from being about a foot or so taller Curie had similar proportions to Papi, in other words no breasts and a tiny bubble butt.

"D-Does Curie…like it?" Papi blushed and moaned as I leaned down a bit and flicked my tongue on her tiny breasts.

"HMM!" Curie moaned back when I turned my head and kissed her flat chest through her top "Y-Yes."

I used my skilled hands to rapidly disrobe the vampire before moving my hands down and running a finger over her wet hole.

"HAA!" Papi moaned softly as I did the same to her.

With both skinny girls leaning into my curvier body I started rubbing and pressing against their holes, my fingers slowly sliding inside of them.

"YAAA!" Curie yelled leaning into me.

I smiled at her and kissed her again as my fingers began to gradually pump and push deeper into them.

"MHH!" Papi squirmed against me.

With the girls squirming, legs buckling a bit as my fingers hit their pleasure spots, I enjoyed the chance to savor them. With my hands coated in their juices I pulled out and licked them cleaned.

"Sweet." I moaned a bit kissing them both "Now we get to the good part."

I spun Curie around and hugged her from behind, my crotch bulging against her.

"You…" she gulped as I got my pants off.

"This won't be a problem will it?" I asked stroking my dick a bit.

"N-Not at all." She was still a bit nervous.

I had her bend over a bit and slowly pushed my way inside her, her insides were a strange warmth, not cold like Zombina but not warm like most girls, a sort of lukewarm middle ground. I settled to her tightness and started to push my hips forward to go deeper into her before pulling my hips back and then repeating. Curie took a bit to stop groaning at my size and start moaning at my motions, her body bumping back to meet mine. She was trying not to look totally enraptured with pleasure, but the spreading of her wings made it painfully clear that she was turned on.

"Yeah. Oh you're good at this." I laughed "HMMM!"

I suddenly moaned and looked back to see Papi had given herself permission to tongue my pussy while I fucked her friend. Papi was good at sucking and using her mouth, probably cause she had no hands.

"This is…I can't…" Curie moaned flapping her wings and flashing her fangs "You're gonna make me…"

"Yeah let go, I wanna hear you moan." I whispered.

"AAAHHHH!" she squealed as her pussy thightened and Curie finally came.

"UGH!" I groaned letting lose inside her, Papi's tongue wriggling deep into my snatch at the same time.

"Yeah that's the stuff." I sighed pulling out "Good job Papi, you made a great friend."

"HMM!" the bird girl licked her lips "Okay!"

"Hmm still…" I tapped my chin as I gathered my clothes "WE still don't know how Curie and the other danger species got here in the first place, her bloody?"

"Hngh…" the vampire was laid out on the ground, twitching from the pleasure.

"Okay guess we'll have to wait for her to calm down." I laughed.



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Pick up- Chapter 52

I'm gonna be honest, I think Kiira is the only Danger Species girl I like. Curie is alright and Kino is such a nothing character it's hard to like her.

Also yes, I've heard about Riichi (leech girl) being a Herm, that will be a thing in time! I'm looking forward to writing stuff with Black Suu and the Farm.