
Everyday Life With A Futa

In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 20: Death for Desirae

() indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

"I think I would know if I was dying." I scoffed.

"Why don't you take a second to remember how many times you've nearly died already." The Reaper told me.

"Well when you put it that way…" I sighed.

"Nothing escape's my unholy eyes.' She said "I the Dullahan, a knight of Hades, have been sent to remove your soul."

Before she could continue Rachnera wrapped her up in a series of tight strings.

"Did you really think this was the place for a speech like that?" the spider asked "Let's get something straight, I'm the only one who lays hands on Honey."

"No string of fate will bind me!" the Dullahan shivered "…be gentle."

"You guys can take Honey.' Rachnera said "Lilith and I will keep her here."

"Right." Cerea nodded grabbing me.

"WHOA!" I yelled as I was yanked away.

"Papi!" Cerea called "Fly Master somewhere safe!"


"Hey!" I yelled as Papi wrapped her legs around my head and took off.

I was face to face with Papi's crotch, now normally I would start licking her, but I didn't want to fall to my death so I held back on that.

"OWW!" I felt my back hit a tree "Papi fly higher!"

"Ohh!" she moaned as my talking vibrated her crotch "Wifey…not there!"

"Just pay attention!" I yelled.

"Oh wait…Papi can't see in the dark." She said as we slammed into a Billboard.

"GAAH!" I groaned as I fell to the ground.

Luckily my fall was broken as Suu slipped under me and used her body as a cushion.

"So soft." I hummed as her breasts lay on top of my head.

"Method aside great job!" Miia smiled.

"Papi that was dangerous, you almost got Madam killed." Kii scolded.

"But Cerea said…"

"I didn't mean like that!"

"Hmm!" Suu started to hug me.

"Suu no, too tight!" I yelled "I'm gonna-GURGLE!"

Suu hugged me so hard I slipped through her membrane and was drowning inside of her. Luckily Kii was paying attention and quickly pulled me out.

"Thanks Kii." I smiled "Huh? AH!"

Kii had grown bigger from drinking the nearby water and now her plants were surrounding me.

"If we warp you tightly in a cocoon there will be nothing to worry about." She said.

"To tight!" I groaned as the braches squeezed me.

"HYA!" Cerea quickly used her sword to cut the branches and drop me on her back.

"Is this a Saddle?" I asked "When did you get this."

"Oh you know…I figured we might need it someday." She shrugged.

"Way too convenient." I sighed.

"You have fun!" Mero waved as Cerea rode off.

"Hang on I didn't put the strap on!" I yelled as Cerea started running off.

(Oh god the Dullahan is write I'm totally gonna bit the dust tonight!")

My cute butt slipped and Cerea ended up dragging me halfway across town, she was so focused on her own daydream she failed to notice the danger I was in.

"HELP ME!" I cried.

"Oh dear!" she snapped awake and grinded to a halt "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine."

"You're on the brink of death." The Dullahan popped up.

"Whoa where'd you come from?!" I yelled jumping back.

"You cannot outrun death, no matter what your speed." She said.

"Escape while you can Mistress." Cerea commanded.

"I'm telling you, you guys are blowing this way out of proportion." I sighed before I felt a hand on my back "Huh?"

"HYUP!" Mero yanked me off the bridge we were on and dropped me into the drink.

I was pulled down the river by Mero.

"Up!" I gasped "I don't have gills dammit!"

Mero dumped me off on the shore and I was finally able to catch my breath.

"I almost drowned…that would have sucked." I smiled.

"I guess you really are fated to die." Mero sighed "If I can't save you from your fate I have but one request."

"Don't talk like I'm dying please."

"Will you create an everlasting bond with me?" Mero asked.


"An Keepsake that I can remember you with forever." She said trying to get my pants off "A child."

"Whoa this just moved way to fast!" I gasped as Mero pushed me down and hugged me, slipping my cock into her "OHH WOW!"

"HMM!" Mero started grinding against me, her tail swinging in the water as she let my cock stir up her insides.

"Look Mero as great as sex with you is I think I'm-OHH-A Little young to be a mother, I mean I'm only twenty." I gasped.

"Please!" Mero begged "Fertilize me and then even when you die you'll live on in our babies."

"Stop talking like I'm-damn you're tight- dead already!"

"No one is coming down here so don't worry about getting caught." Mero smiled "Now let's make babies, fill me to the brim with your seeds."

"I…Mero!" I groaned.

(Shit I'm close…and at this rate if I cum inside her she'll definitely get pregnant.)

"Huh?!" I felt a tail wrap around me and I was yanked out of Mero.

"OHH!" I moaned cumming from the force of being dislodged.

"Baby are you okay?!" Miia asked pulling me onto dry land.


"Oh no you're full of water!" she gasped "You have to spit it out."

"Miia wait I-GAHH!" I groaned as she used her tail to wring me out.

"Oh no I did it too hard!" Miia said "If Baby is going to die I'll defend her with my tail…huh?"

Miia was suddenly wrapped up in binds of string and prevented from moving.

"This is…" Miia gasped "Rachnera!"

I looked over under the bridge and the Dullahan was standing there with Rachnera, Lilith and Draco.

"What are you three doing!" Miia yelled "Why are you helping her?!"

"Fate is super strong." Lilith said "You can try and help our fuck buddy all you want but I won't change anything."

"Miia just look at tonight." Draco said "You are the problem, in your efforts to help the six of you nearly got Stud killed six different ways."

"We can't help." Rachnera told her "So it would just be better to let her go than make Honey suffer. Go on Dullahan, use your scythe and get this over with."

(Why is she making this choice for me?)

"Wait take me with you!" Miia said "If you're going to kill Baby than kill me too!"

"Jeez enough of this crap." I groaned standing up and tossing my jacket off so I was standing in a tank top and shorts "You guys need to stop making choices for me, besides I told you the scythe…never mind, look I'm going home and taking a nap or something and after that nap we'll all have a huge orgy or something."


"Because me dream…" I smirked "Is to have the ultimate Monster Girl Harem and the lot of you aren't even close to my max, I won't die until my dream comes true!"

"Don't raise a death flag like that!" Miia cried.

"I told you I'm going home and I'm not stopping till I finish." I said walking up the steps "I'm not afraid of anything, my name is Desirae Hanafuda and I'm gonna be Queen of Monster Girl Harems! Ow."

I looked down and saw a little RC car hit my ankle.

"Sorry Pretty lady!" I little boy said picking it up.

"Be more careful, and It's past midnight you should be at home kid." I scolded.

"Look there's no such thing as fate." I told Miia and the others "My life with you guys is fun and exciting, a little dangerous but I love it like I love all of you, so I'm not leaving you guys yet. I live on the edge of death each time I have sex with you guys, Cerea and Miia nearly crush me, Suu and Mero drown me, Rachnera nearly snaps my spine with her strings, but I get up and keep going time and time again, I'm not stopping now."


I headed home and called Smith to tell her I have a rouge Dullahan on my hands.

"Hahaha, she not a God of death." Smith laughed "did you think this was a horror story or something?"

"We got played." Cerea frowned.

"So stupid." Miia pouted.

"No baby…" Mero sighed.

(One of those things was not like the other!)

"Now it's true Dullahan are a difficult species to work with given their theatrics." Smith said pulling off the girls head "and they just look more believable when they pop their heads off."

"She was just playing make-believe, isn't that right Lala-Chan?"

"Do not give out my true name so lightly!" the head groaned.

"Such a scary girl has such a cute name." I smiled.

"How adorable." Draco shivered.

(For someone who likes to act like a man Draco sure likes cute things.)

"I am death incarnate." Lala moaned trying to stop spinning.

"Sure you are." Smith sighed "I've been looking for you since you ran off, but what I want to know is why did you send Desirable a letter?"

"No mortal escapes death." Lala looked away "And it's inconceivable that defied it so frequently, she must have some sort of supernatural power."

"No powers." I shook my head "Unless Futanari are unkillable?"

"I asked why you came here." Smith smiled.

(Oh no Smith is actually doing her job! The End is nigh!)

"Every time I find you a place to stay you leave." Smith sighed.

"Because no one there is close to death." Lala mumbled.

"I'm not gonna let you stay with someone who's dying." Smith growled "Next you'll ask to live with cancer patients."

"That woman form the organization is glaring at me." Lala hid behind me "Place me here so I can observe her power. I can stay right."

"Well you're cute so you pass my test." I smiled.

"Mine too." Smith smiled "it's settles Lala will live here."

The other girls grumbled for a bit but approved of Lala living with us.

"By the way Desirable." Smith said pouring coffee "You knew she was faking from the start, most of the other hosts believed in her power."

"Well it was easy." I shrugged "You would never let someone like that just walk around, not to mention her scythe was plastic and I like to live dangerously. That and…"

I looked over "I was like that in high school, trying to act edge and dark to be cool, she reminds me of myself."

"Oh you have a dark past." Smith smirked.

"You already know a lot about my past." I smirked "Remember, you told me when you dropped Miia off."

"Detentions for truancy, was suspended twice for peeping on the girls locker-room, known around school for embracing casual sex, went through male and female partners on a weekly basis." Smith said "It's odd you seem like a nice girl yet you led such a bad school life."

"Well it's simple." I frowned "I figured maybe if I got in enough trouble my mother would stop going on her business trips and stay home more, needless to say it didn't work."

"So you turned to a life of delinquency out of a desperate need for attention?" Smith asked "Well that's…kind of sad."

"Hmph." I smiled "It's nothing to get worked up over, my past is my past, it's not gonna change so I'm just gonna live with it, I grew up without a father and my mother spends more time at work than with me, you'd be surprised I'm not the only girl like that."

"Well I suppose you're right, that past led to this present, where you have all these friends, and you're not alone anymore."

"You're getting sappy on my Miss Smith." I smirked "Keep this up and I could accidentally fall for you."

"You're a little out of my age range for anything outside of Friends with Benefits." She laughed.

"Really how old are you?"

"I'm…" Smith leaned in and whispered.

"Really…that's not so bad I've heard of worse." I smiled "So…you want some sugar for your coffee?"

Smith looked around before dropping to her knees "Sounds good, some nice hot coffee."