
Everyday Life of A Delinquent

A lone High school boy with a troubled past, attempt at a normal life. naturally choosing to be an outcast and wanting to live as peaceful as he can, not for his sake, but his sister's. trouble starts to build on his first day back to school, and learns his past is still following him. even as he left former groups and wishes to not get into altercations. there is no stopping or helping what trouble comes to him. he meets friends, and lovers who see him as he is, but can they handle the harsh truth of the life he had before coming to school. trouble lurks everywhere, home, school and the streets, it's as he can't ever rest. the strain may get to him, or can he overcome the trouble tormenting him? -note: I'm a clutz, I forget set names, I will do my best to not make mistake, but this a hobby, I'll try to still aim to please-

AkaneZero · Realistic
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28 Chs

Ch. 14 - A New Encounter

Everyone heard crying, but because of how loud it was, they must have thought it could only be Drake and Sarah, but no one could picture it being him balling his eyes out loud. So they opened the door. Just slightly Alex and Marlene, peaked and saw the new girl inside who looked like an older Sarah. "The hell?!" They both thought, and soon Jess peaked and pulled them away. "Akane sweetie, can you go inside and check on them, then report back to us"

He was stiff and stood up as a soldier. "Yes ma'am" he wanted to avoid the girls lashing out and did as she asked him too. he walked inside, and saw them all. It was awkward already so he just called Drake. "Hey Drake, we agreed one at a time at least to check in on you…"

Drake looked at him and sighed. "Get a chair, I know Jess sent you to report about what's going on huh"

"On the nail man" he did just that and acted normal. "Okay, so who is this?"

"I'm Annabelle, but call me Anna" she said as she was calmer and holding Sarah against her sitting up next to Drake's leg.

"Nice to meet you, you look just like Sarah. Can I ask what's going on? Is she your sister?" He asked Drake.

"No, I have a different mother and father, my little sister and this girl have the same father but different mother, look it's complicated, we're not at all related, my mother slept around and ended up having another guy's kid. That guy was her father, see where this goes?" He said to him.

"Oh, I get it okay. Anna, you had a different father and mother who made you, the same was for drake, however anna's dad, banged Drake's mother and ended up with sarah, now it makes sense"

"Bless you for being so damn smart, and figuring it out on your own, explain it to the girls when you leave okay, I'm getting a headache and your explanation only made me more irritated" Drake said to him.

"Would that make you two indirect siblings then?" He asked.

"I would rather not go there, I don't know a thing about her, besides how she looks and resembles my sister, she is still a stranger essentially to me… and it's not by blood" he said.

"Hey, I'm right here you know? Also I haven't forgotten how you treated me at the mall" she said to him.

"Sorry… I was way out of line…" he said to her.

"You're forgiven, now… how can I make it up to you… I mean, you saved me from getting kidnapped…  you broke your leg and risked your own life, I can't just leave you now after what you did. And you let me see Sarah. I owe you my life Drake" she said to him.

"I don't need anything from you," he told her. "I… just acted, that's all…"

"So you still don't like me huh?" Anna said sadly.

"Why?!" Sarah panicked. "Why don't you like her…! What did she do?! Can you two make up? Please!" Sarah then grabbed Drake.

"No, I don't hate her… it's just… It's hard to get used to it. How similar you two look" he said to them. "I don't hate you Anna. This is just gonna take a bit getting used to okay."

"I think I get it… fine. I'll stop" she smiled at him. "Thank you for saving me… and I'm grateful to meet you"

"Yeah. Whatever…" he looked away, but Akane saw how happy he was about it.

So he said something. "He's actually happy about you being safe don't mind him"

"Dude!" Drake looked at him.

Anna giggled. "Is he…?" She leaned over kissing him.

He pulled away "Hey! You said you preferred women. What was that!" He said to her.

"Well, I'm not strictly going after woman, I just prefer girls and it's not like we're real siblings or related. Like you said. We're strangers." She told him and smiled.

"Lucky you, getting a third, " Akane said, looking as if his soul had left him.

"Hey, come back to earth you jerk" he grabbed Akane, shaking him.

"But, then… what do I call you?" Sarah said, now very confused. She was even visibly confused.

"Don't worry about it, just call her by her name okay, I'm still your big brother" he told Sarah.

"Hey, no fair, Sarah, you can call me big sister" she said.

Sarah, listened to Drake. "Big brother says your Anna, so your Anna" she hugged Drake and smiled. "When will you get out of bed?" She asked him.

"Not for a while… I'm sorry, I don't think we can visit your friend for a bit, I know you wanted a play date" he patted her head.

"It's okay! Just get better okay, then you can take me to the park or maybe the movies…" she smiled at him so blissfully.

Anna looked to Drake, and could tell he had no money on him.

"I'm gonna talk to the girls, you rest buddy" Akane got up and left.

"Thank you, and Sarah if that's what you want then of course I'll treat you to it when I'm all better" he agreed . Even if he had no money, he would figure out a way. But the problem was the hospital bill and the fee.

"Hey Sarah, you leave both Anna and I alone a little bit? I wanna talk to her in private" he asked Sarah.

"Okay, just yell if you need me, I'll feed you pudding or jello!" She carefully got down. Both watched as she left.

"She loves you a lot…" Anna told him.

"Do you still want to take her away? I'm afraid with this hospital fee, bill and the ambulance I'll be in money trouble. And I can afford any of it…" he said honestly.

"No… I'm not going to persist anymore about it, I'd feel awful taking her away, after you proved and showed how much you cared for her and risked your life for me. Even if your reason for saving me was because I looked like her" Anna said, and looked at her fingers.

"It was partially the reason why I went through the trouble, I just… acted, before I knew what to do I just went to save you, because I wanted to. I did break my leg after all, and did my best to protect you so you weren't even scratched. Sure you looked like Sarah. But I knew I was saving you, Anna, the entire time." He told her.

"You're not very good with words are you?" She noticed, but hearing him say what he did, made her feel a bit better and more grateful.

"Yeah whatever… if you're feeling better, go lay back down, you won't be leaving anytime soon" he told her.

"May I lay right here with you?" She asked

"Tch… you're asking something like that while my girls are right outside the door…" he looked at her.

"I don't mind, I think I get the idea of how they manage to make it work." She blushed looking at him. "I don't hear a no." She went and laid herself down with him.

"I don't have the energy for this crap…" he said and she smiled again.

"Do you know, why I forgive you so fast, when you apologize to me about how you treated me…?" She asked him.

"No, why?" He looked over to her.

"Because… the look you gave me. And how you handled me… I can't lie, I never was handled in such an indecent way, and I gotta say, that was thrilling" she said.

"What the hell…" he looked at her like filth again.

"Oh… that look!" She blushed and panted. "I hated your guts, but after how you saved me, and the way you don't mind mistreating even women… eheh… I think you might be the only guy I ever really want" she straight up confessed to him.

"You… pervert…" he said. 'She is just like another woman I know oh my god' he said and thought about a partner in the past.

She didn't try to deny it and just clinged to his side. "Let me be a part of you! Please!"

"Oh hell no, get your shit together!" He said to her as the door opened with Alex and Marlene. Who both saw how close she was to him.

"What is going on!" Alex yelled.

"It's not like that I swear!" He told them. As they walked to his side of the bed.

"Really?" Alex held a fist and stared at him.

"Yes, now calm down, I am in a hospital bed" he told her.

"Who's fault is that huh?" She seemed more angry.

"You can stop acting Alex. I know you were just as worried" Marlene said to her.

"Hey! You could have waited for him to figure it out Marlene, or explain!" Alex pouted and calmed down.

Marlene went up on the bed and sat beside him. "You were reckless Drake. You could have lost your life out there…" she seemed to scold him.

"Im… sorry, to the both of you" he said and looked away.

Marlene gently hugged his head and held him. "You did something dangerous, but you came back to us alive. And you saved this girl. Don't be sorry." She gently patted his head.

Drake relaxed into her arms and turned to hug her. "I'm sorry, that I made you both feel worried I had to act or the worst could have happened." He looked at Alex.

"We know Drake, just…" Alex was shaking a bit, and went to hug him as well. "We can't lose you so soon. When we promised each other so much. Do you understand?" Alex asked no so good with words herself, but tried.

"She was so worried about you…" Marlene said to him.

"Forgive me, I'll make it up to you okay, but I'll be out of cash for a while… this hospital visit won't be free after all" he explained.

"Don't worry about that, my dad said he would cover it…" Marlene said and smiled.

"Are you serious!" He asked. "That solves my problem then… hehe" he was relieved. He let go of them, but did hold their hands one in each hand.

"Can you introduce us now to your friend Drake?" Marlene asked for them both.

"Sure, but I hope Akane explained the relationship thing. She is Anna, and Anna, these two ladies are both my future wives" Drake said and looked at Anna. "The red head is Marlene, and the other girl with short hair. And looks like she has a temper is actually a sweetheart and her name is Alexandria, but likes to be called Alex."

"What sort of introduction are those!?" Alex said and sighed. "I'm Alex, this guy's best and childhood friend…"

Marlene then spoke up. "It's nice to see you look well, I'm Marlene as my… husband told you" she was blushing liking to say that.

Anna scooted away from him and saw how lovely they both looked. "I'm so sorry!" She told them. "I… got him into so much trouble! And put him in danger… and… i took a kiss just now… I'm sorry!" She said, telling them everything.

"We're not gonna hold anything against you, so relax, Drake has that right, and if he isn't then we're all good" Alex said to her and looked at Drake.

"I'm not holding a grudge. Or care, we're all good" he confirmed.

"See, no problem with him, so we're fine," Marlene agreed. "I mean… yeah, we didn't know he was going to meet up with you. But who would guess things turned out like this… we can't exactly blame you for anything, Drake was aware of his actions"

"There right Anna, you don't need to be sorry or feel bad…" he told her.

"Well, maybe the kiss but fine if we're sweeping that too it doesn't matter" Alex said being possessive.

Anna teared up. "Why are you being nice to me? This wouldn't have happened…"

"If my sister wasn't born?" Drake said. "Because that's what it sounds like. We wouldn't have met if she wasn't. so stop it Anna" he said coldly to her. "Just be glad, you're safe. Okay?" He reached and touched her shoulder. "We both are, so no more blaming yourself okay or feeling sorry or bad, like this is somehow your fault"

"Drake…" she hugged him and cried softly. "Thank you…. I'm so sorry!"

He sighed and gently patted her head. "Yeah yeah…" 

"Do you have to coddle her?" Alex asked him

"Let him," Marlene said and smiled at them.

"Come on… stop crying already you damn rich girl…" Drake said but didn't stop patting her head and rubbing her back.

"Alex… what are we gonna do?" Marlene whispered to her.

"I… don't know, I'd feel bad taking her away… Drake saved her and all… I don't know what to do" Alex whispered back.

Marlene spoke up to her. "So Anna, how will you make it up to Drake?"

She took a deep breath. And lifted her head. "I…" she saw how he already had to girlfriend, but then saw his leg. "Ill… be his slave!" She said without thinking.

"Oh… my" Alex froze up.

Marlene was just as stunned.

Drake, just lost at what just happened. "What?" He asked her.

"I mean! His maid! I can be his maid! I'll serve him… I mean… it's only fair, since he saved me, I might as well work for him. I'll do anything to repay what he did for me!" Anna said to them in confidence.

"What do you make of this Drake, you saved her, you do what you want with her" Alex said.

"Don't make me pick, and the way you make it sound in fact makes it seem like she's just a pet or something" he said. And looked at Marlene.

"Oh I'm not worried, do whatever you want with her my love" Marlene said to him.

"Are you kidding?" He wondered if she was.

"I'll be a good girl for all of you if you'll have me!" Anna said to all of them.

Marlene and Alex looked to Drake, it was his choice now.

"Ah… hold on…" he wasn't sure if this was a test or not from them. "I… can't decide for you something this crazy" he was feeling frustrated and stressed.

"Just decide already you moron" Alex said to him.

"I agree with Alex here Drake, just make up your mind already. We'll accept it whatever you say together" Marlene said, but her tone was making it seem misleading.

"Screw it, fine. She can be a maid dammit happy now?" He asked them and looked at Anna.

"I promise to make you all happy and serve you all well!" Anna said.

"Looks like we have another one dammit…" Alex said to Marlene.

"It seems so…" Marlene agreed and sighed. "Well, it's fine… or do you think he can't handle it?"

"No, he can, if you're cool with it, so am i… its impossible saying no to him" Alex let it go and hugged Marlene.

"Treat us both well okay, and if you're gonna do this maid thing. You need to say master and Mistress from now okay" Marlene said, being slightly ruthless herself. And getting into this.

Drake remained silent.

Anna flustered a bit. But nodded. "Understood!"

"Okay, enough, can you two go step outside now… I still want to recover. And I can't exactly sleep if I'm not conformable…" he asked them. "You can both come back tomorrow…"

"Are you gonna kick us out already to fool around with the maid?" Alex teased. And Marlene played along. "I see… we shall go then."

"You two, were messing with me!" he knew it and both left giggling.

"They sure do love you a lot don't they, and trust you so much" Anna said.

"Yeah, and I'm lucky to have them… and I guess, you now too I should say. You better take care of me" he told her. Easing his attitude towards her a bit.

"I will, don't you worry, let me get off from here too, I think you'll have more visitors coming to see you than me" she thought to herself that she was bothering him.

"No stay, I know what it's like to be alone, so you don't need to go anywhere, beside everyone who has visited me, has also come for you, or did you not notice how worried they are about you?" He told her.

She didn't notice, in fact she thought they were saying it just because he was around. "Were they really?"

"They asked how you were and where you were first thing they came in while you slept. so yes, they were worried, I had to mention what I was doing, since the news caught everything but the part of me catching you" he explained to her.

"I see…" she put herself back in his bed. "Okay, I'll be a good pet and stay"

"Please, don't word it like that… are you really a perv?" He was concerned.

"I… never experienced this kind of stuff… and… I think it's only natural you know… so… maybe?" She was blushing.

"Ah…" he let it go, not wanting to say much further. "I have no room to talk"

"Huh?" She didn't hear what, he said.

"Nothing, look just let me get some sleep now…" he said and laid himself down, and couldn't rest.

The door opened and it was Maria, the one who set them up on this day in the first place. She was panicked and Jess with her as they came inside.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Maria asked them both and went to Drake after learning of his broken leg and felt on him.

"Yeah we're fine… can you not get all grab hands while other people are in here" he said embarrassed by her groping.

"If she wasn't, I would have, '' Jess said, standing by Anna's side of the bed.

"Your one popular guy… it makes me sick thinking about it…" Anna said to him.

"Oh shut it…" he told her and felt Maria hug him.

"I'm so sorry, I should have just waited! I did this to you! Drake I'm sorry…" Maria whimpered.

"Can everyone stop blaming themselves!" He yelled at her. "Mom! I did it to myself! Stop it!" He grabbed her shoulder. "Stop crying. Please… you did nothing wrong okay. Who would've guessed something like this happening. No one! Okay. Just say 'I'm happy you're safe' or something…" he told her. And hugged her tightly.

"But…" she grabbed his clothes and laid against his chest. "I'm happy that your safe… thank god" she rubbed her face into his chest.

"I'm happy you came…" he said softly to her. "Come on… get it together… you have to scold me now you know…" he chuckled.

And so did she. "Hehe… you smart ass…" she smiled and sat up by him, hugging him more.

"Let me spoil the boy after you Maria." Jess told her.

"No way, this is my kid" Maria smiled and held onto him tightly.

Drake leaned into Maria enjoying this motherly affection.

"How are you feeling dear?" Jess asked Anna.

"Oh me!?. I'm doing fine, thanks to him. I'm not even injured, I owe him!" She explained.

"Relax, im sure he doesnt want you to do anything, youll need stay here in the hospital for another day okay, just be safe" Jess told her.

"Oh, okay… and of course ma'am." Anna agreed.

"If your wondering who we are, you could say where the young man's mother's… Well, I'm Marlene's mother, so he is my son in law. The woman coddling him is the school principal of your school. They aren't related, but they know each other a lot longer. So don't be alarmed okay" Jess expained to her.

"Oh okay! Now it makes a bit more sense" Anna said and began to feel even more bad.

"Are your parents coming to see you?" Jess asked.

"No… my mother knows I ran away. And she's far too busy, my dad is a dead beat, and died just a few weeks ago, I don't have anyone coming for me." She said.

"Oh that's no good, do you live alone?" Jess asked her.

"Yeah, I do." Anna felt sad. She didn't have anyone who would worry about her like Drake has with everyone.

"Then, how about you let us show some hospitality… We were shocked to hear Drake saved someone… he asked everyone to leave to let you rest, he's a nice boy, anyways, why not stay with us a while… until your feeling absolutely better, or have you made up your mind on going home?" Jess asked and acted like a wing man for Drake for some reason.

"Ah, if it's not trouble, then please I'd like to know more about my master!" She suddenly said thank to her agreement to them earlier.

Maria and Jess were surprised. "What the hell did you say?" Maria asked.

Jess amused she chuckled. "Haha, okay fine…"

"Hold on! What's been going on behind my back Drake!" Maria asked him.

"Oh crap! I never told you huh!" He said to her,

"Tell me what? What have you been doing behind my back! Hold on… what have you two already done!" She yelled at him.

"Well, he saw me in my underwear after the meeting. And he was rough when he pinned me" Anna said, twisting the truth.

Jess and Maria looked at him with glares.

"No, it's not like that! Hey, clear things up! I swear I didn't lay a f-" he was gonna lie, since he did pull her hair.

"Why did you stop…?" Jess asked with malicious eyes.

"What did you boy?" Maria asked him.

"I swear she is twisting the truth… and hey. I'm in a hospital bed. You two wouldn't" he was a bit Helpless.

"He also… took my first" she was meaning her kiss. Both Jess and Maria then got up.

"No. Wait! Please, she is lying!" He leaned against the bed frame as they both looked over him.

"Is that right?" Maria asked him.

"You better explain yourself? What happened to both Alex and my daughter huh?" Jess asked.

"I took my joke too far, I'm sorry" Anna did get between them. "He didn't hurt me or do anything like that, but he's right, I twisted the truth…"

"Oh thank God you said something" Drake was relieved.

Maria and Jess kiss his head. Maria spoke first. "That's for saving her…" then Jess. "And for being a brave man, for also coming home safe…" they smiled at him.

He smiled sincerely at them. "I have… the best moms in the world…" he told them and smiled at them.

"And we couldn't ask for a better boy to call our son" Maria said, and both were happy with him.

Part of Drake felt filled again. He wasn't taking lives, he was able to save one. And it felt rewarding, it made him feel human. "I love you both" he told them and gave them a real smile.

They smiled at him and stepped away. "Okay, we'll leave you alone to rest," Maria said. "I'm gonna also call Marry, Sarah's teacher to come by"

"I have my phone I can do it…" Drake said, and tried to find it. "Never mind… i may have dropped it for the catch I did too save Anna, so it's probably destroyed" he said.

"I'll buy you a new one then" Maria said to him.

"I'll let my husband know to visit you okay" Jess said and left patting his head.

"See you two… be careful" he told them as they left.

"I'm so jealous…" Anna told him. "You're loved so much… I have no one to care about me back home"

"You're my maid as you said. So you might as well get used to it… I'm gonna basically give you it… and so are they, love i mean" he told her.

"Are you for real? I've always wanted… affection… I may have been spoiled, but I never got this treatment… being your pet slave is the best choice for me!" She admitted.

"How can you say that so proudly?" Drake sighed. "Fine whatever… I just have to get use to it… but you need to dye your hair" he told her.

"Do you not like my blonde hair?" She asked him.

"It's just weird, you calling me master and crap like that, while you look like Sarah, at least let me get use to you around first. You're welcome to keep it blonde you don't have too, but for me… it's awkward" he said honestly.

"Hehe… you're silly. We're not related so what's the problem? But okay I get it… what color would you like me to change it too?" She asked sitting up.

"Whatever you want is fine" he didn't want to make it a problem.

"No, it has to be what the master wants!" She said it again.

"Dammit! Fine… how about black! Like my hair!" He said to her.

"Okay sure! Would you like it if I had highlights? I'll Dress up to your liking!" Anna was persistent.

"That's for you to decide to make me like you, not the other way around" he told her.

"You want me to seduce you? Then okay I'll serve you well master!" She said not dropping it.

"This was a damn mistake! I'm getting sleep!" He said and finally laid himself down covering himself to get a nap in.

Anna chuckled and smiled at him. "He is a nice man after all, '' she said only to herself. She laid down. And cuddled his back. Leaning against him "Thank you so much drake…"

Drake managed to get some sleep. When he woke up, it was the sight of Trey and Triston sitting by the bed.

"Oh you're up! Hey kid, how are you feeling?" Trey asked.

"For a boy going to marry my daughter, you're awfully close to this one aren't you" Tristan said.

"What are you talking about?" he wanted to sit up, but felt heavy. He then saw who was on chest, Anna, asleep and tighkt hugging him. "Oh my god!" He felt restless and when he moved he just felt dizzy. "I don't have it in me to move… I'm sorry sir"

"I'm kidding son, you did save her, so I'm just guessing it's that, so how are you feeling?" Tristan asked him.

"Just about better… don't worry about me… how about you two? Work has been hard?" He asked them.

"Kid, work is nothing compared to what we saw, get some more rest. I'll treat you to dinner when you're out okay" Trey said. Ruffling his hair. "I'm really glad you're safe… I couldn't bare losing you"

Drake smiled at him. "I'm sorry I made you worry… the both of you"

"We're just glad all you left with was scratches and a broken leg son" Tristan said and got up. "I have to get back to work, but I'm glad your safe, the doctor said you should be allowed leave in a week, and I'll be paying for your bills here, so relax and recover kid"

"Let me pay half, since you're letting him date your daughter, he's my boy too you know" Trey said. And both agreed to split the cost.

"I gotta go too kid, you got two more visitors, take a guess" Trey said getting up.

"Hehe… yeah, Marry and my boss right? Okay… you two be safe" he said to them.

"Would you call us dads?" Trey asked him.

"Fine… thank you for seeing me… dads!" He smiled at them, too happy they did come along.

"That's better" both left together, proud to be called fathers by him.

Then came Marry and her brother. Spencer, his work boss. "Yo little bro, how are you doing you crazy little bastard" he came in loud and proud as he walked over.

"Spencer have some manners, but he is right, how are you feeling Drake?" Marry in a kind and softer tone asked him. "Oh my. Did you get a third girl?"

"A third? Hey man, what haven't you been telling your big bro?" He messed with Drake. He was much quieter though now.

"Hehe… it's good to see you two… sorry to make you worry, and it's not exactly like that between us, just save it, I've been mocked endless all day since I got here" he chuckled.

"I bet, but kid are you alright? You haven't exactly been keeping up with these past few days, we have been concerned and you end up on the news, my staff was worried and my sister was panicking" Spencer told him.

Marry spoke up. "I was kinda scared… and he has a point, you usually talk with us every other day, but lately you haven't been doing that. Do you think you can spare the time now, little brother?" She asked him. And scooted closer to pat his head.

"It's only fair. Sorry." He agreed to tell them everything. How he moved, who he was dating. What happened at the accident. All of it the past few days.

It took about an hour to catch them up. So after hearing it all. Marry spoke up "I'm glad you're doing so much better and living so happily. Your one lucky boy you know"

"Well you knew half of what he said already. He drops off his sister at your school, I'm left to the side, and find all this out now" Spencer said and chuckled. "Hey, don't worry about work, okay. If anything I want you fully recovered, but swing by for a bite okay, maybe when you're able to move come by with your girls, it'll be our treat…" he said to him and Drake nodded.

"You're just the Best Spencer, for real!" Drake was damn lucky for sure. He knew he wouldn't have had this if he was still in the past. So moving like this into the future on his new path made him feel fulfilled.

"We'll see you tomorrow okay. You get some rest, and be gentle with the ladies" Spencer teased him as they both got up and left. Marry kissed him on his head leaving. "See you"

He was alone and felt Anna waking up. She grinned her hips on his lap as well wiggled as she sat up. "Oh… master your awake…" she mumbled having her hair in her mouth.

"You're up…  would you mind not moving so much like that" he said and looked up to her. He raised his hand to take away her hair. "You're such a sloppy sleeper" he gently laid her at his side.

She blushed and cuddled him more. "Sorry..  I just got comfortable with you…"

"It's fine…" he didn't care about it anymore. "Do you have to be by me?"

"I can leave if you want me too… just say the word" she said, but really didn't want to.

"Look, I get I saved you, but don't feel like you owe me anything… please just be yourself… I can't ask you to serve me and junk like that"

"But I want to sir…" she told him.

"Fine… but just don't stress okay" he just let her be, since it wasn't changing her mind.

"Thank you…" she held onto him and both just relaxed in bed.

"Can I ask you something?" Drake asked her.

"What is it?"

"Well, how do you feel about me? To make you want to serve me? Is it just because I saved you? Or something more." He asked her.

"It's more… at least I think it is… if I had to be honest, I guess, it's because I love this place more than my own home. Like, how you are so loved and the people you're surrounded with… they are warm and welcoming. I want to be a part of it. A part of you. To experience this stuff. So I'm happy to give you my life. If it means. You will care for me like you do with your girlfriends." She spoke what she believed and what she was feeling.

"I didn't just have these people you know. In truth, I was a low life up until a while ago. I mean, I have known the principal for a while. Her husband is longer. Thanks to his work. I was helped by him to get clean work, I earned their love and trust over time. So, if you want that same treatment. It'll take time" he told her.

"So. You don't mind. Having me along as well?" She was a bit surprised. 

"Well… no not really. I guess"

"Okay" she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah. Just let your slave indulge herself please."

He sighed. "Go ahead, I don't care… but let's clear things up..." He closed his eyes, getting more rest in.

"About what?" She asked.

"Look, I don't want you to say I'm your master, or your my pet… please that'll look bad in public, so just say I'm your boyfriend or something, and because of how things went with Alex and Marlene, we don't have to act,  like we did when I showed you around… can we agree?" He asked her.

"I guess that'll be fine… but, so your girls don't get confused, how about we just make it seem I am just another girlfriend, but really I know I'll just be your loyal dog" she teased him.

"Oh come on…" he looked at her.

"Hehe fine fine… I guess I'll just be considered another girlfriend… I don't want to leave you" she held onto him harder. "May I ask you something now, it's been on my mind"

"Go ahead and ask, I'm not going anywhere" Drake said.

"Well, what do you think of me? And just who are you? I'm curious. Because you seem like a nice guy. But you look so mean, and if I'm gonna be with someone like you, I want to know all about you! I wouldn't judge someone who saved my life" she told him out of nowhere.

"Well, first off, that's two questions. And I might as well tell you, since I'm planning on telling Marlene some day, Alex knows already, but I am a troublemaker. I was once part of a gang, and I'm not exactly nice to anyone or everyone, just those I care for. Look I saved you, but you should know I've also killed people before" he said also suddenly.

"You've taken a life before" that part stuck to her. "Did you enjoy… whatever you were doing? And are you still doing it?" She was worried.

"No. I could never enjoy what I did. I did it to survive in these streets. At least in my area and the places I had to visit for jobs. I had no choice. I killed because, I had to go home to Sarah, but I never once killed because I enjoyed it. I just wanted to live for my sister's sake, and to answer the second part. No, It's been nine months, and I'm no longer with them. I knew Alex because she worked with me. I met Marlene just this week on the first day of the school year." He explained.

"I see… I think I can still like you then" she said.

"It doesn't bother you? That I'm overall a brute?" He asked her.

"Not really, you did rough me up remember, so I kinda like it that you are, sorry…. It's just. I've been raised a proper girl, this new stuff you did to me has been enjoyable" she said shyly. "Please don't judge"

"I'm not one to judge, and if I'm honest… I was… groomed, too have a variety of tastes in bed. So, I can't judge you, I'm just as much as a pervert" he admit.

"No way! So have you been restraining yourself around those woman?" She asked. "And wait, you were groomed! Are you alright?" She was a bit scared for him.

"Relax, I was, and the woman who taught me, is… well, not anyone you met today, she and I no longer talk, and yes I've been holding back a lot. It would be wrong of me to make advances like that. At least to Marlene. Alex, on the other hand, that's private…" he stopped.

"Wow… I think I learned a lot about you in just a short amount of time" Anna said.

"Look, don't freak out, I'm not a monster, I have self control and discipline. In fact I try to be modest and humble any time I can. I wouldn't do anything anyone would hate me for if it wasn't by their consent" he told her.

"I don't think you're lying to me, but alright… I'll just have to believe you. Anyways, I think that answers what I wanted. Wait, what do you think of me!" She said, hopping onto his lap.

"You're cute, I guess… look. It's strange seeing you ask for something like that when you look like sarah." He said to her.

She then covered his eyes. "Then touch me! You know I'm about your age, and I'm not Sarah, so touch my body, and then say how you feel"

"You're nuts if you think I'm gonna molest you" he said and grabbed her arm.

"Just do it, I'm fine with it. I just want to make sure I'm to your liking" she said to him.

"You're fine! Just stop doing this, it's making me weird and uncomfortable" he said and grabbed her hands.

"You said it yourself earlier, we aren't in any way related by blood, we come from different parents, different families, we only share Sarah, so please tell me, what do you think of me?" she told him.

"Why does this matter all of a sudden?  Because you said you'd be my girlfriend too?" He wondered.

"Yes! But It's more… I don't want to say it's because you saved my life I give myself to you, but I'm sure, I've fallen for you!"

"That's illogical!" He told her. And stared at her.

"It's not! You were mean because you were just cautious, and even though you say you hate someone or may not like them, you try to look out for them, how you helped me, and that boy Akane, he looks like a whimp, but he can talk with you so casually, you don't characters. Then Marlene, she's so gentle and understanding, and your so patient with her"

"What nonsense are you going on about?" He asked her.

"Your also so friendly with Alex, and so many adults who seem responsible, your… incredible! And I can't help but want to be with someone like that! I want to be apart of what you have, I want to know what it's like to be loved and cared for, and when I think about it, you just don't escape my mind, I'm obsessed." She spoke from her heart.

He looked at her and sighed. "I already agreed to make you mine remember, and my ladies both were fine with you too… so I'm guessing you don't believe it?" He said.

"Yeah. So touch me, as mich as you please, do anything to me that can make you like me more" she said blushing but kept staring at him.

"Fine…" he let go of her, and hugged her. His hands around her waist. "I'm glad your safe and sound Anna" he told her. "What am I gonna do with such a naughty girl like you"

She hugged him back tightly. "You could punish me… however you like master" she said softly.

"Stop the master crap… use my name. That's an order" he said against her ear.

She shuddered a bit and clinged to him. "Okay. Thank you drake…" she hugged him tightly. "Can you really love three girls at once?"

"As long as you three don't fight. And love one another, just as much. Yeah, I can love all of you, equally" he gently brushed her hair. "Don't dye your hair. Sorry I made such a request."

"It's okay,.." she stayed laid on top of him. And it made her happy she can stay a natural blonde.

Drake looked at his leg. 'A small price to pay i guess'' he leaned on her and cuddled her. "Don't give my girls trouble okay. And if your in trouble come to me, do you understand"

"Yes Drake. I'll be a good girl" she smiled and held him more she grabbed his blanket and put over them. "Can I sleep with you like this again?"

"Yeah its fine…" he agreed and closed his eyes again getting some more sleep with her.

Outside the hospital at midnight, A tall woman, with a busty and curvy figuer, wore a purple luxurious revealing dress, she stood with other woman who wore male butler uniforms. And had one young girl beside her. Her daughter. as they followed her inside. She wore gloves and a veil hiding her eyes like a mask. Walking to the receptionist she spoke with the nurse. "I'm looking for a boy under the name Drake, he has piercings and a tattoo. He's also tan and fairly handsome. Can you tell me where he is dear?" She asked her, and her alluring tone and pose allured both men and woman. So she was obedient for her. The woman and her servents followed going up to Drakes floor. "Non of you may enter, just don't let anyone else in understood ladies. But you my love, come with me, your going to see our man all grown up" she ordered them and her daughter. She was nervous the whole time.

Drake opened his eyes hearing the door open, and saw them by his bed. "Queen! And Rose?!"

The queen hushed him and looked down at him. "Your little play thing is a asleep dear…" she whispered to him. "So how are you, my little man?" She asked grinning at him with a seducing look on her. Her body hung for him attempting to attract him. Rose, daughter to the queen walked around the opposite of the bed, and sat up. Leaning down to kiss him and deeply after her mother took her hand away. Salive between her lips and his. "Hi drake…" she shyly covered her lips.

Drake laid there, unable to move, or so much resist them. He looked at the view before him. The queen, a dark skined woman with such silky lovely hair and body that puts others to shame, and her daughter, a girl no older than him dark skin and a body much like her mothers. He was wondering why did they want to meet with him in secret. It so late. "What do you two want with me?"