
Everybody wanted to be a hero so I became the villain

A man covered in blood can be seen kneeling in the middle of a devastated battlefield. "Who would've thought that the brightest hero of humanity is colluding with the devils." Suddenly, the seemingly lifeless body of the man flinched. He laughed hysterically and said. "I get it now... jealousy, envy... humanity will ultimately destroy humanity." The man closed his eyes seemingly ready to accept his fate. But as the darkness started to devour his consciousness. He suddenly heard a faint ethereal whisper. "Embrace the darkness." And when he open his eyes he found himself back in time. Will he stay on the path on becoming a hero to protect humanity or will he be the reason of its destruction.

chateauu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

The pillar is gone

Adrian used the dark night as a cover to avoid the patrolling guards as he moved swiftly and silently through the shadows.

The clouds that temporarily blocked the moon provided him with the perfect opportunity to slip past unnoticed. inching closer to the gates he activated [One with shadows].

Adrian's body seemed to blend seamlessly with the darkness, making him practically invisible. As he approached the gates.

Knowing that he was temporarily invisible to the naked eye, he dashed towards the gate and successfully made his way outside.

Running through the fields, the adrenaline in his body wears off, and he starts to feel the exhaustion and pain of his injuries.

He nearly passed out from the combination of physical exertion and the lingering effects of his injuries, but he pushed himself until he found a safe place to treat his wound.

When Adrian arrived at the forest, he leaned against a tree to catch his breath. 'Damn that bastard, he gave me a potion to soothe my mental problems, but he didn't give me a healing potion.'

As he examined his wound, Adrian realized that it was deeper than he had initially thought. The pain intensified, reminding him of the urgent need for medical attention.

His skin was torn open, revealing a gash with congealing blood. The sight made him nauseous, but he knew he couldn't afford to pass out from the pain.

Adrian tore a large amount of fabric from his shirt and tightly wrapped it around the wound.

'I need to find a plant with medicinal properties.'

He racks his brain to find certain herbs in his memories that could help with wound healing and pain relief.

Determined to find a solution to the pain that he was experiencing, he pushed through the pain and started searching for any signs of these healing plants in the surrounding area.

After an hour of constant searching, Adrian's face is pale and his movement is sluggish.

The pain in his wound has intensified, making it difficult for him to continue his search. And after another hour of searching and taking breaks, he finally spotted a cluster of familiar-looking plants.

He carefully examined the leaves and flowers, trying to recall their properties and potential uses. A surge of happiness arose within him as he recognized them as one of the medicinal herbs he had been searching for. Excitedly, he gathered a handful amount of leaves.

He took it and started chewing the leaves. He chewed a few times before swallowing the plant matter. He repeated the process a few more times before plucking more leaves and putting them into his dimensional ring.

Feeling a bit lightheaded from the aftereffects of the plant, he decided to take a break and sit down to rest.

He opened the vial that Edward gave him and drank the concoction inside. As he sat there, he couldn't help but think about the things that had happened.

He reflected on the actions that he took today and wondered if he had made the right choices. He pondered the potential consequences of his actions and contemplated what he could have done differently.

Thinking about things, He realized that ever since he regressed the previous day, he was not in the right state of mind. Even before he regressed, his mental state was not right. Imagine seeing the whole world turn their backs on you because of false accusations.

But when he heard that voice and opened his eyes after he regressed, Old Vincent had unknowingly become the pillar of support for his crumbling mind.

He found solace in Old Vince's voice and comforting presence, which helped him stop descending into madness. But when he lost that pillar of support, his mind instantly descended into chaos, and he lost his sense of reasoning.

'I wonder what the old man thinks of me now, after the things that I've done.'

Feeling the soothing effect of the potion, he felt tiredness creeping over him and his eyelids growing heavy. As he succumbed to sleep. He couldn't help but wonder if he would hear Old Vince's voice again in his dreams.

Birds chirping in the distance and the blinding rays of sunlight filtering through the trees woke him up from his slumber. As he rubbed his eyes and stretched. Pain shot through his body, reminding him of the physical cost of his actions.

Hungry and weak, he realized that he hadn't eaten anything since the previous day. His stomach growled loudly, urging him to find food to replenish his energy.

Picking fruits from the nearby trees, he managed to satisfy his hunger temporarily.

'After searching the whole town, the baron will probably realize that I already escaped. I need to get moving before the guards come searching through this forest.'

He composed himself and began to navigate through the dense forest, careful to leave no trace of his presence.

He moved stealthily, because he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency, knowing that he had wasted enough time resting in the forest.


A man wearing a high quality leather armor with an Adventurers Association insignia can be seen following a blood trail that leads him to a location deep within the wounds. Arriving at the location, he discovered that the trail of blood had stopped.

He scanned the area, his eyes narrowing as he noticed a patch of fabric caught in the underbrush. He carefully reached down and retrieved the small piece of fabric.

Examining the fabric, the man muttered to himself. "He's been here."

"The baron had put quite a large amount on that boys head. His rank is unknown, and He destroyed the Iron Blood Guild and murdered innocent civilians."

A peak D rank aura spread from the man's body, scanning the area in the hopes that the boy he is tracking is nearby.

"He's good. He intentionally left a trace to throw his potential pursuers off." the man muttered, his eyes darting around for any other signs of the boy's presence.

As he continued to search the forest, a chilling presence emerged from his body, staring at a scene.

Dozens of dead bodies lay on the ground, their lifeless eyes staring back at him. The man's heart sank as he realized the extent of the boy's power and the danger he posed.

"All of them were killed in one swift, calculated attack." the man whispered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and fear. He knew that capturing or stopping the boy would be no easy task.

"It appears that they are the first team assigned to search the forest around morning light."

"May you all find your peace... I pray to the merciful gods to accept these pitiful believers into each of your eternal kingdoms."

The man's words echoed through the somber silence of the forest. 'I need to immediately find that boy before he can continue his villainous spree.'