
Every Atom Of your Flesh

Mariah is a helpless romantic girl struggles with the situation of her and her toxic boyfriend Bernard But then she meets this russian mysterious man that will spend a lot of time with her in the library...

yaxxmiinee · Teen
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5 Chs

Part 4

Nights are so beautiful especially with its shiny stars, waxing moon and some trash indie songs. That April had been so tough on me, complicated and confusing but I managed to stand on my feet and look forward. I was still upset with Bernard, he really fucked up that evening and I kind of exaggerated defending mr Arkhip, but he was so nice to me and he was my professor! Thoughts started hurting my head as always, I overthinked a lot.

My memory flashed to him he was so attractive and the way he dressed was so elegant, he reminded me of fictional characters from novels I used to be obsessed with when I was a highschooler, I remember being bullied by my toxic girl friends about being very stuck with fantasy saying I must concentrate on reality to survrive. They had a point though, but my obsession never stopped and never slowed down, I ignored the world, people and my problems, I lived between four walls that seemed to me an infinite paradise with a bunch of books thrown on my floor.

My thoughts jumped back to him.. Arkhip.. -he is so Interesting...-

The morning and the annoying traffic and my fucking period, I wish I was dead already. It was sunday but I had to return the book to the library -I hate waking up early at a sunday morning- I had no reason to prepare myself properly so I just put on a grey hoodie with grey sweatpants some cheap sport sneakers and a small backpack then ran off to college.

I entered the university's hall and it was compeletly empty -how relaxing-. I loved how my footsteps echoed on the emty floor but for my surprise it wasn't only my footsteps that echoed. I quickly lifted my head up to see who's coming and my eyes catched the illusion of my professor Arkhip -what is he doing here?-, he was coming across me -oh fuck I should hide-,I honeslty cannot face him after what Bernard did to him last time and specially after I forgave him for the billionth time -I'm stupid I know-

As I turned on my heel I heard my name being called -holy universe,his voice is just..!- I slowly turned backwards to face the smiling pretty man infront of me, I felt a beat escaped my heart as I watched his smile turning into a smirk, I felt my knees are about to collapse and I was going to lose balance but he cut me off by his soft but yet deep tone "what are you doing here at a sunday morning miss Mariah?"

I hesitated first to reply but my conscious slapped me hard and I replied with a nervous tone "I- I'm here to return a book to the library mister" -Damn it I'm already being a loser- No one had that effect on me before, this man made my knees feel weak and my inner thighs melted like butter. "Oh I see, I am here too to work on some papers. My house is too noisy so I prefer coming here to concentrate." I felt my heart aching by the realisation -He have kids? is that why his house is noisy?- "Oh is it because of your kids? I know right! kids can be annoying sometimes!" I finished my sentence with a short laughter -I'm a loser I swear- "Well true kids can be very annoying but I don't have kids Miss Mariah" I felt a rush of happiness through my spine as he said that, Let's not gonna lie I like the man but he is still my teacher, the only man that I'm in love with is Bernard!

As I was deep in my thoughts again Mr Arkhip cut me off "If you are heading to the library I can walk you there, I'm taking off there too." he asked me smiling again but his smile got some weird expression that I couldn't study but yet it gave me a warm feeling in my stomach. "Yes sure Thank you professor" He mumbled a Welcome and mentioned me to go first with his hand.

Once we entered the library I felt a rush of comfort through my body. It was completely empty and I was able to hear our footsteps very loud, it was so relaxing..

A throat clearing distracted me from my fading, I looked up to him; Mr Arkhip was tall not very but absolutely tall compared to me, he had dark blue eyes that had a mysterious look that I wasn't even able to stare at them...

He stared at me for a while and then smiled -Stop smiling already!!- then he sighed and turned to continue walking "What kind of literature are you interested in Miss mariah" The question confused me a little because why would he even care and then realisation hit me as I remembered that he asked me to join a club of his so I answered "Well I love classics of both novels and poetry and I love fiction the most, I love stories that take place in fictional worlds you know the type of royal stories and historical imaginary events."

He seemed imperessed -good- and then he started talking again "That is so interesting miss I like your taste" -Stop calling me miss ugh- I mumbled a thank you and then turned to the classics depart as we reached it and placed the book -I already asked the librarian if I can return the book at sunday even if she wasn't there and she was okay with that-

As I was going to thank my professor for accompanying me and leave he talked first "Are you free for lunch miss Mariah?"

-Oh dear god is he asking me out?- My brows narrowed for a second at his question but my conscious quickly slapped me hard so I gave him a smile and answered "Yes mister I am free" my heart was beating uncontrollably and my hands felt sweaty "I was wondering if you would like to join me for lunch, you know I like being friends with my students specially those who are smart like you Mariah" -Did he just call me Mariah?- I was so confused at his words but I kept the smile on my face and I already looked like a fool "Um sure Mr I'd love to but I really need to change" I answered him while looking at my miserable state he mumbled a sure and told me that he will be waiting here so I waved him goodbye and quickly headed to my house.

I wanted to slap my face hard while looking at the mirror because honestly I couldn't believe what happened, I was so confused but my conscious looked at me in disgust and my inner goddess was jumping all over the room -I really need a shower- and as I was heading to the bathroom my mother stopped me "Good morning sweetheart, isn't it too early for a lazy ass like you to wake up at sunday?" -Yes my mom..- "I had to return a book to the faculty's library" she mumbled "I see" and then headed to the kitchen; it is true that my mom is alcoholic but she works very hard to provide us necessities we fight a lot but then we ran back to each other quickly I have no one left from my family but her that's why I cannot assume leaving her alone.

I entered the bathroom and got undressed and slid under the warm water, I stopped for a while enjoying the warmth filling my body's cells and then started washing myself.

It was 11:30am and I was already dressed into a casual but an appropriate outfit and got my hair into a ponytail while letting my bangs hang perfectly on my forehead with some nude make-up because my face looked so miserable from the lack of sleep and then headed to the front door but my mother stopped me "How lucky is that asshole though!" I rolled my eyes because I knew she meant Bernand -mom hates him so much, she even doesn't allow me to bring him here- "Mom I'm not going to meet Bernard" I replied to her with a bored tone, "Then where the fuck are you going, it's almost lunch time since when you go out at sunday!" She almost screamed at my face and I swallowed as I got nervous again -oh fuck what do I tell her..- "My friend Naomi wanted to meet me and I'm going to have lunch with her"I answered her with a nervous tone, "Sweetheart you know damn well that if Naomi wanted to meet you she can come here right?" -I hate my mother- "Mom she just want us to have some fun!" she studied me a little and then nodded and went to her room -mission passed!-

I was already at the faculty, I headed to the library but no one was there!

-oh god this is embarassing- I didnt think he went home but I got the feeling for a second but I quickly pushed it away and ran to his office. I knocked on the door and a male voice answered me "Come in" I opened the door carefully but he didn't lift his head from the papers he was checking, he looked cold and pissed at the same time. I cleared my throat to catch his attention and it took him a while to lift his head but as soon as we made eye contact he smiled and all the coldness and anger on his face vanished and I felt a rush of comfort through my body so I smiled back to him.

"I see that you are already here miss Mariah. Please take a seat, Pardon me but I have some papers I have to finish before we have to go if you don't mind" He said to me with a harsh forgein accent -I wonder where is he from..- I nodded and then started looking around his office and it was normal just like the other offices nothing special then I looked back at him and he was focused again, I studied his face and expressions but I was horrified by his voice speaking again "Do you need something Mariah?" -Jesus christ! how did he know I was staring- "Um..actually I was wondering where are you from sir" I asked him nervously. "I'm russian" he simply replied.

"Oh i see.. I'm not from here too." he lifted his head to look at me and raised his eyebrow in question, he looked creepy concentrating but yet hot. "My father is french and my mother is a north african" I simply replied. "Oh I see, I thought you were american from your fluent accent." He answered me and came back to his papers.

I felt bored so I started talking again "Yes, but I was born here so I have the american nationality." He nodded in response and that pissed me off but then he asked me "You have lived in Florida?" -he seems interested good- "No I lived in California and moved here this year" he nodded again and silence drowned the place.

After what felt like ages but it was only a few minutes, He raised his head from what was bothering him and looked me in the eyes while he gave me a sweet smile and I swear I felt my heart in my throat and heat on my cheeks. -I bet that I look like a fool- I quickly gave him a smile as well and he offered me his hand -Should I take it or what?-, -Of course you stupid bitch!- my conscious yelled at me so I quickly put my hand in his and he asked "Shall we? I'm starving!" he finished with a chuckle and I let a soft laugh that made his smile even wider and I followed him out of his office.

-Honeslty.. No one ever made me feel nervous, delighted, confused and warm at the same fucking time and this shit is starting to scare me-