
Everlasting Magus

Aaron Darcey Hernandez, a boy, which just turned 18, pondered whether to pursue college or not at a lonely part when a nearby BAM echoed through the city. Before he could investigate everything went white and when he opened his eyes he was inside a body that was not his own. As a panel appeared in front of him "Welcome to (Wishful Land) " A popular novel series he had only heard about. But refused to read. He only knew the main characters. (Currently Remaking)

Kexo_Be_Up · Urban
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25 Chs

Some Drafts (4)

A black van stopped screeching as 4-boys emerged from the inside. All looked tired, but they were still itching the excitement to explore with their rumbling bellies. They all synchronized walking from cafe to cafe, trying to discover a cheap jumbo-sized menu.

Every awakened had a big appetite, and their fellow friend Jack was one. And he was a starving one at that. They had experience in business class. Going into Dorimos with Jack was not a cheap job to run.

Finally, they stumbled on a cafe, with a black ecstatic and a giant shining shine saying -Cafe Max- out of options thanks to their rumbling bellies.

As they walked in, Sai backtracked to drag Jack with him. He looked distracted, glaring at an empty alleyway. He snapped out, following the crew, but his senses still perked.

Ding, Ding.

A bell shouts from the top of the door, making the crowded mess of drunken fools divert their attention to their location before clicking their tongue and restarting the conversation. Brett had eyes full of disgust, seeing the bunch.

Snake noticed his aura and tapped him on the head, finding an empty couched table painted in red. They all got comfortable in the seat: Brett had been traumatized seeing the red battery but soon joined the other's chatter.

Finally, a waiter approached their table, and Snake spotted the cheapest combo quicker than Usain bolt.

"Can we get this?" He pointed his hands at a giant plate of french fries, "Can we make it 2? We got awakened."

He winked at Jack and averted his attention back from the window.

"Any drinks?"

Sai immediately said Cola, Brett ordered a milkshake, but Snake just wanted water. Jack had a can of sprite on the way, so he was fine, focusing more on the french fries, which fended an oily and crispy flare to his nose.

The chatter continued, making Brett close his ears to the raking sounds. Finally, everybody went quiet when the humungous plates covered the entire table. Everybody went in for a bite burning their hands, Jack being an exception.

He was demolishing the plate; the heat felt like a warm stone to him, his mouth engulfed with the juiced and crispy fries, the plate emptying down the chute every second.

The people watched in awe seeing the higher figure succeed where they failed. Their jaws dropped when the plate was emptied in under a minute.

'That has to be a world record.'

A guy whispered in the crowd, the whole room falling into silence. Snake scratched his ear before calling one of the staff to ask for the check, stopping the awkward mood.

Brett packed his phone from the charger, Sai and Snake trying their hardest to finish the plate. Jack felt the presence disappear from the dumpsters, his eyes sharpening, searching for a footprint. His interest peaked.

The waiter didn't take much, grabbing the check with a business smile. He handed it out to Jack. Pulling out his wallet, which was quite skinny, he gently placed a 5-dollar bill.

He turned to his friends. They were holding onto their stomachs like they would explode if they let go.