
Everlasting Magus

Aaron Darcey Hernandez, a boy, which just turned 18, pondered whether to pursue college or not at a lonely part when a nearby BAM echoed through the city. Before he could investigate everything went white and when he opened his eyes he was inside a body that was not his own. As a panel appeared in front of him "Welcome to (Wishful Land) " A popular novel series he had only heard about. But refused to read. He only knew the main characters. (Currently Remaking)

Kexo_Be_Up · Urban
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25 Chs

End Of Introductions

Jack scurried back to the hospital, traversing from empty street to another. He sighed, rethinking the deal he had made. Not sure if it was the correct choice, he stumbled.


The sound whisked in his mind, and when he looked at his pocket, which used to be empty: His phone emerged - he was sure he didn't take it with him, but how could it appear out of thin air?

He stood in the street filled with scratch marks and thrown away candy bars. Checking the notifications, his eyes shook.

'Creatures have started to emerge.'

Once again, the mysterious messenger had risen with a text, but for some reason, he was more horrified by the second one.

'Thank you.'

The simple message was sent anonymously, making Jack's heart beat faster, he did not know why, but the post reeked of hostility: Like a snake had crawled over his body or he was stuck in a cage of quicksand.

He had watched many horror movies, and they gave off that hidden killer vibe.

'What the fuck…?' He muttered to himself, trying to keep his heart intact. His mind visualized the man who offered him a deal if this was the case – Only doom awaited.

He made a mistake, or at least he thought so. Maybe making a deal with a man who looked homeless wasn't a good thing to do.

He was naive, still not shown the harshness of humans and their capacity – a young boy like him hadn't experienced true cruelty like torture, manipulation, control-

And no matter the change, the fact would always remain. But now that people with abilities, the tides will change. Either for good or bad, human nature will always seek praise.

After a minute of stunned silence continued on his way.

Reaching the highway where the hospital was, he covered his ears in response to the loudness of road rage. A car stood with a smashed plate: The owner was shouting at a young boy that seemed new to driving.

While the other cars honked – trying to get through, the police were absent, and a tall and broad guy took advantage by lifting his car and casually walking away from the busy street. The others stood in awe, wishing they had the ability.

Jack couldn't help but click his tongue. He wished to have that kind of control; the average joe would not notice, but he had controlled his strength well enough to keep his car intact.

He walked away after the police came, which finished the charade of people using their abilities.

The path ended with the humungous white building. Walking in from the revolving doors, he quickly noted the sudden increase in the injured.

"I guess it's a busy day. But damn." He blurted out, which attracted the lobby's attention for a while.

After a few glances, he approached Sara at her boot. She looked tired, rolling her head around with her eyes opening wide and closing back down.

"Sara?" Jack tapped on the glass, grabbing her attention.

"Oh, Jack! Your parents are waiting in the next room. You can do that or say goodbye to your friend," she smirked before getting more comfortable. She knew how much of a loner Jack was.

Jack rolled his eyes. "He's not my friend, just a guy I met."

A little smirk showed her face, "Oh come on, you fought a group of thugs together and lived to tell the tale."

Jack stared awkwardly. They had lied, avoiding trouble: Sai and Snake had complied as they were accomplices. So everybody thought a couple of teenagers had fought off a group of thugs.


"I'll take that as a yes. Anyways, I think you should stay out of trouble for a while – The mafia is very active these days, and I heard they started roaming around for fights. A kid came in half-death. It was a brutal scene, I tell you."

She raised her pen, and Jack nodded with a grim face- before departing.

"The rooms are on the right, not the left."


He changed his course. His face flushed out of embarrassment.

She puffed with a smile. "He is a good kid."

Jack slithered his hands around the door. Glancing out the window, he eavesdropped on the conversation.

'Mr/Ms. Breaker, your sons awakened, right? He heals abnormally fast, even with an ability. It should have taken at least a month to recover. Like the kid with him, he healed in less than a week.

The doctor tapped the pen on the blank notebook. He watched his parents, examining their reactions with half-closed eyes.

"But, he can't control his ability, it seems," he added, turning his notebook to a page filled with various notes.

"Yes… He can't, we've been trying, but nobody can help. There is no center to help awakened people, nor does the government think of making one."

Mr.Breaker replied. With sull eyes, Jack could tell by a glance that he was struggling.

"Well, Jack was suspended from school." He scratched his hair and chin before adding, "Thanks to his ability going out of control, he burned most of the paper supply, right? What a silly reason."

The man crossed his legs, slowly breaking down his thoughts.

"Yes. It was a public school, so they were quick to do it. His scores were average, and most teachers hated him, so that might be why."

Jack was reminded how much he was nagged to respect his teachers, no matter how much he told his parents how his teachers hated him. He thought his parents didn't know, but seeing them say it, felt different.

Jack was on the verge of tears, thinking he was a disappointment. A boy without a dream or will, what did he even amount to?

When Jack started sulking, the doctor winked at him from the window.

"We might be able to help you. As the government is opening the first school for people like him, we can get him in with a recommendation."

Jack's parent's eyes shimmered with hope hearing it, immediately accepting the doctor's suggestion. Jack slithered away from the corner, with a gleeful smile.

--End Of Introductions