
Chapter 3 - Slaughterer's Arrival

"How dare a filthy dragon walk upon my land?" shouted the new being, jerking Vesnic back to the present. "You dragons think I will just allow you to take my land? I have suffered to keep at least this much for my fellow kin; I cannot allow you to defile us anymore!" roared the man.

The man wore a plain white shirt and tattered black trousers. His hair was white and came down to his ears matching his light grey eyes. His face was sharp but dirty with a scar across his mouth and a tear on his right ear.

Mana started to flow rapidly around him as two short swords appeared in each hand. Vesnic could see the man channelling mana into them and the two nine-circle spells he had started to cast. One to buff himself and one to stun his opponent, Vesnic. Recognising both spells, Vesnic merely blinked, and the circle shattered into particles. Using the Draconic Slaughterer's Wish, he absorbed the particles into his core as blood. Shocked by this event, the man simply stood there, unmoving.

"Wha-how?" mumbled the person. Although the man could sense that this dragon had a large mana pool, being able to interrupt another's spell by blinking was physically and theoretically impossible. The only being capable of such a feat was 'that' Garnamian.

Smiling as if what he had done was child's play, Vesnic looked at the individual with fond eyes and said, "So it is you, God of Demons, Lucifer [Former Rank 2]."


Lucifer. The so-called God of Demons was able to cast nine-circle magic even though his mana pool was enough to cast a couple ten-circle magic, but he just did not know the circles for any of them. He had read all the books in the library and experimented himself, but after all that, his only ten-circle spell was unstable and would cause backlash. Out of the Council of Gods, he was ranked second only to the God of Energy. Energy spirits were made of pure mana, so they did not need a mana core to perform spells and only needed knowledge, and by siding with those Garnamians, they were provided with knowledge beyond Lucifer could imagine. However, Lucifer knew that none of that knowledge could help them accomplish what this dragon had done in front of his eyes. The fact that the being knew his name did not come as a shock to him because his name was known across the continent as the God of Demons.

Knowing that he was no match for this dragon, he lowered his head, and the anger in his eyes left. Regaining his sense of calmness and rationality, he asked, "Who are you?"

With his pride as a demon and the last one alive, he could not bear speaking formally to another, and Vesnic understood this. If any other person had spoken to him like this, their bodies would have become fertiliser for the earth already. Lucifer was also one of his friends in his past life, so he would not bear to see him speak formally to him.

Vesnic was not sure how to address the question. Judging by the records in the worn-out book, Vesnic did not exist in this world, so calling himself the Slaughterer or any of his titles would not help Lucifer understand. Nevertheless, Vesnic did not care; his first time introducing himself to this world had to be grand, it had to be overbearing, and the planet had to realise what its fate was.

Smirking, Vesnic did something he did not expect to do so early. Flapping his wings gently, he created a small gust of wind, flew up into the air slowly, and used his life force to fill up his mana core. For a being as perfect as Vesnic, using life force would not decrease his age at all or change his appearance. Life Force was able to replenish all the mana in his core for a short while. Currently, he had seven percent of his maximum capacity, and for one minute, it reached one hundred percent.

Vesnic was a monster who had gone beyond the realms of God and created sixteen-circle magic. Not one but ten spells, and each spell took ten percent of his mana pool. Each of these spells could devastate the continent.

[Sixteen Circle Magic: Absolute Verdure]

Mana from his core started to assemble around him and form sixteen circles with runes within them. Unlike normal magic circles, which were colourless, these were vibrant emerald green.

The capacity of mana used up was so tremendous that it could be seen across the continent. Hundreds of thousands of magicians of different species looked up in awe at this incredulous sight. Lucifer, in particular, who was at the heart of the spells, was stupefied. For there to be a being, no, a deity, with such mana and that spell in his arsenal, even 'he' would have to unleash all his strength.


In a majestic castle, an imposing figure sat on the other side of the continent with his eyes closed. The moment [Absolute Verdure] was activated, its eyes gradually opened. It sat tall and regal, dressed in clothes that seemed to be made of a shimmering fabric that glinted in the light. Its skin was a deep shade of blue, and its eyes were luminescent, gleaming like jewels in the dimly lit room.

It wore a long robe that flowed down, the intricate designs embroidered in gold and silver thread glinting in the light. On his head, it wore a circlet of the same shining material, adorned with glittering gems that seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy.

Despite his alien appearance, there was no denying the sheer handsomeness of this being. Its features were chiselled and perfectly proportioned. Its presence was commanding, exuding a sense of power and authority. He carried himself with the grace of a born leader. Its mouth itched upward as it steadily formed a smirk. Its finger slowly tapped on the armrest until stopping, and once again its eyes closed.

All the guards and servants in the room were left shocked, gaping wide with all their professionalism lost. Their Majesty, who had not moved since conquering half the continent, had finally stirred, even for a moment. A similar-looking creature was on the floor kneeling, and he too had seen what had occurred.



The alien stood at the edge of a rocky outcropping, the jagged peaks of the surrounding mountains jutting up around them like a wall. In its hands, it held a weapon that looked like a spear, with its sleek lines and glowing energy field marking it as a weapon of advanced technology. Despite the rugged terrain and harsh conditions, the alien seemed perfectly at ease, moving with a fluid grace that spoke of long years spent navigating such environments. Its skin was a deep blue, the same shade as the royal alien, and its features were similarly chiselled and handsome.

But where the other alien exuded an air of authority and regal power, this one was all about raw, primal energy. It was a hunter and a predator, and the gryphons it sought were its prey. With fierce intensity, the alien moved through the rocky terrain, its eyes scanning the skies for any sign of its hunt. And then, with a sudden cry of triumph, it spotted its prey—a massive gryphon, soaring high above the mountains, its wings spread wide as it rode the wind.

Without a second thought, the alien leapt into action, its weapon primed and ready. It took aim, leading the griffon's flight path with pinpoint accuracy, and then fired. The spear-like weapon discharged a bolt of energy that streaked through the air, striking the gryphon with a bright burst of light. The creature let out a piercing cry, its wings faltering as it began to plummet towards the earth.

With a fierce grin of satisfaction, the alien watched as the gryphon fell, its body crashing to the earth with a resounding thud. With a sense of triumph and exhilaration, the alien looked up to the sky once more. It was then that it noticed the massive magic circle in the sky several thousand miles away.

"The Land of Demons? And a spell that I have never seen before, how intriguing." Laughing madly, the alien jumped into the air, and the spear it wielded glowed a blue glow, and its markings shined and moved. Using the weapon as a medium, he cast his flight magic and took off in the direction of the magic in the sky.


Back in the Land of Demons, Vesnic's spell had reached completion, causing the circles to dissolve and a green light to surround him. It slowly spread further from him, and the further it went, the more the green colour faded. After a few moments, the continent was covered in green energy, and soon after, flowers bloomed, dead plants were revived, and wounded animals and monsters were rejuvenated. However, what was most affected was the Land of Demons. The previously dry and barren land was restored and renewed. Lush greenery formed across the land. With this, he had made his statement: 'I've arrived.'

bonus chapter as the last one was a bit shorter.

thank you for reading that far and i hope you continue to do so.

see you next time! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

oh yeah, please do leave a review to show your support and feel free to criticise me as any of it is welcomed. ^_^

DateHydecreators' thoughts